Xenomorph is fun to play against

But to play as? Pffft hahahaha absolutely not. Where are the facehuggers? Where is the ability to wallclimb? Where is the real ambush aspect of his ability? His tail whip is the most boring power in the world no wonder nobody is playing Xenomorph. The only fun time I have is when I crawl in the tunnels... how sad is that? I don't feel like a menace when I'm bipedal. I have no control over my abilities. Crawler mode feels like a joke. Not only do you have to deal with a power that is smoked by flamethrower turrets, they can detect you from thousands of miles away from you, alerting any and all survivors of your presence.
But man is it fun to place flame turrets and see him burn especially if I strategically placed them at the right locations. It feels amazing.
Yeah, even though the visual part of this killer is great I don't think BHVR nailed the gameplay part
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He is not fun to play against though
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My feeling is that xenomorph doesn't that have many iconic stuff in his kit. He doesn't have acid blood if whenever he gets stunned, the pallet gets burned by xeno's acid blood and within time, it gets destroyed. I know he has acid blood as iridescent addon that injure the survivor but it's.. I don't know. Ehh.. and if I remember correctly from his movies, he doesn't use his tail all that much?
Xenomorph could had so much more but I guess this is what they give us. Oh well at least he looks like Xenomorph, I guess?
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He is annoying to play (especially on controller) and he isn‘t strong enough to have counterplay like turrets, which slow you down or kick you out of your ability.
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He's really not :D his tail hitbox is so stupid and random, too forgiving after missing attacks aswell. Also flame turrets don't do anything, or don't work. Maybe he went against a bad xeno once and had fun with it idk
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Hear hear. Xenomorphs feel nothing like Xenomorph when I'm playing this killer.
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They said that, during development, Facehuggers were immediately not in discussion for the kit because there would be no proper way to make them work, besides traps.
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Some do find him fun to go against. It's subjective.
Personally also find him fun to play as though.
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He's more fun to play as than against to me, which is why i've been maining him in recent time, hitting Survivors with the tail feels satisfying, especially when it's a corner hit.
Also Wall Climbing would make Xeno's power really map dependant and facehugger would not have a proper way to be implemented, unless of course you just want a recycling of pig's reverse beartrap mechanic.
I'd rather have acid blood pallet breaking be part of the iri addon than basekit.
Also the queen uses her tail in Aliens, not to mention that if the AVP game (which many say actually feels like you playing as a Xenomorph) can have Xeno use it's tail as part of it's attacks, then there's no reason why dbd can't as well.
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Yeah idk I feel like I'm forcing myself to like Xeno lately after the nerf because I feel like I should since I've always wanted them in the game and the Queen skin is extremely cool.
In reality though they are extremely frustrating to play. It feels like you're fighting turrets more than the survivors just to keep your power and if you miss you DS yourself so you're really only encouraged to go for easiest shots. The low PoV is annoying cuz you can't see over loops well where your power might actually be useful, if you're not in your power you are literally worse than Trapper and Freddy meaning anytime a turret does happen to work the chase just instantly ends. So the only consistent part of the power is the tunnels which are really cool but let's be honest Freddy can do something similar and you don't see anyone singing their praises lol.
As many of the problems I'm listing don't get me wrong I don't think Xeno is a weak killer, when things do go your way they're still strong but I feel like Xeno has far more frustrations to deal with than your average killer, you could say there's a much higher barrier to entry with Xeno before they're actually fun and that's unfortunate because I don't think you should have to work to have fun in a video game.
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Xeno isn't really fun to go against.
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He has problems for sure but id much rather play AS him than against
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While I agree that Alien's kit is underwhelming, you have to reign in your expectations when it comes to DbD. Most of the abilities are simple and derivative of one another. Many of them are some sort of dash or ranged hit. They gave freaking Nemesis a whip. Expect simple, limited ability kits because BHVR is not able to program anything more sophisticated, at least not with the 3-months chapter cycle. Something like a wall-climbing ability is so far out of the realm of possibilities it's comical (much as I wish it wasn't ... although I suppose Singularity's biopods actually do kind of set a technical precedent or fundament upon which such a climbing ability could function).
I disagree with the idea that Xeno is fun to play against. A competent Xeno will basically never get pulled out of power by a turret. With the resistance add-on, not even by two turrets. That isn't fun, it's frustrating that turrets don't do anything but briefly slow Xeno down. Particularly because the tail attack is oppressive and all but guarantees hits at most of any tile.
Playing as Xeno isn't as satisfying as it could be because slapping turrets is a chore and the tail attack is not very intuitive at all. Better visual feedback as to what actually happens with the attack would be nice, for one thing. But Xeno is still a very lethal killer, get good at using the tail attack and you will wipe up most groups you get. You can also get ambush hits on surivors when you come out of tunnels, plus with the 24m terror radius in crawling stance and custom terror radius audio, you can definitely get the jump on people, particularly if you use Monitor & Abuse. The map traversal and tracking potential also isn't bad.
My wish for a rebalancing approach to the killer would be to buff turrets and Xeno at the same time. Make the crawling stance even more menacing (such as by increasing the range of the tail attack, or being able to destroy pallets and walls with it) and/or make the bipedal stance less unmenacing (such as by increasing its movement speed), but also make turrets more impactful and harder to play around (such as by making it so you can't destroy them with your tail, and the fire actively slows you down, multiple turrets should stack again, nerf the resistance add-on). An Alien gameplay loop more revolving around placing and playing around turrets and retreating into tunnels to recharge ability after having been forced to destroy a turret seems much more unique and fitting.
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atleast from my personal experience hes okay to play as , not exactly really fun but i dont mind playing xeno.
However as survivors hes insanely boring to play against unless the guy that is playing xeno is doing it pretty poorly and actually allowing you to get easier and predictable dodges. since turrets require solo Q players to actually set them up for you otherwise u just die 24/7.
he just zones people with the tail if played correctly and there is a flick trick that basically makes crouching almost useless on some tiles.
not to mention that against SWF hes just bad for the most part , and it feels like singularity with the EMPs