Map Check-in: Disturbed Ward



  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 1,502

    Love hate relationship with this map for sure. Main building is an issue. Way too safe for survivors. Too many safe pallets in main, can be easily chained to nearby loops then relooped.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,354

    One of the Swamps used to be even bigger than Mother's Dwelling, back in the day.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,354

    Yeah it had that angled double tile thingy, with a couple of the docks on it. Several gens would spawn on the map's edges consistently. Now it's kinda rare to see one there.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,296

    Every map being the same size absolutely feels repetitive. It's playing the same map with variations of lighting and textures. For a game that still has ONE game mode after 7 years, this is one of the few things that still makes matches feel different.

    3 gens are inherently more of a problem the fewer tiles there are. The maps where they are the most common are the smallest maps (Dead Dog, Coal Tower, Rancid, etc). There just isn't enough area to properly space them out.

    Disturbed Ward is not as big as Mothers Dwelling was. It doesn't need more parts of it chopped away.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 3,951

    I know, I have seen pictures of it and have no clue why they made a map that big to begin with...

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 3,951

    I think it is more about the tiles being different than the size of the map?

    Do you mean tiles in the sense of loop able tiles or just map size?

    I think even maps the size of coal tower offer enough space to not have gens that close together, but since they apparently found a solution for 3 gens I don't think it is a counter argument anymore when that solution is in the game (and working properly).

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,693

    Disturbed Ward is one of my least favorite maps in the game. A large size with sections that jut out making patrolling as a killer difficult. The main building having strong pallets, windows, and being in a central locations makes sure that any given survivor is never too far from safety.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 647

    The main building is far too strong for survivors. There are two strong window loops there that makes any killer rage.

  • Luv2NotHateDBD
    Luv2NotHateDBD Member Posts: 37

    The maps are fine, both buildings were fixed when breakable walls were added to the game removing the infinites. The only people who complain are newer killers learning the game.

  • Orochi
    Orochi Member Posts: 183

    It doesn't work the same way for Killers as it does Survivors. Killers usually bring offerings if the map is specifically good for who they are playing, like Scratched Mirror Myers on Lery's or Skull Merchant on Midwich. Survivors usually bring strongly Survivor-sided maps like Ormond and Garden of Joy.

    I tend to see Survivors bring seemingly random offerings much more than Killer though, maps that are good for both sides. Maybe they just wanted variety or hadn't played the map for a while, but Killers tend to only pick ones that fit their playstyles.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 881

    The main building on Disturbed Ward is certainly too strong for survivors (and although there is outplay potential for killers that many players are neglecting or oblivious to, attempts to outplay can be fairly risky because it is easy to lose a survivor in there), but it is a bit of a saving grace because the map spawns few filler pallets, leading to many deadzones with playable tiles being in isolation. I think the gameplay of survivors having to try to outplay the killer at isolated outskirt tiles such that they can make enough distance to not "die at sea and instead make it to the isle of safety that is the main building", as it were, is fairly interesting. And qualities like this that distinguish the gameplay on different maps are arguably just as important as their balancing.

    But if some rebalancing is in order, the obvious adjustment is to spawn more fillers and nerf the main. Hell, you could remove the pallets from inside of main completely (perhaps replacing them with unsafe windows instead) and spawn 3 more fillers instead. Or give the map more of a Nostromo layout, with the main occupying one corner, i. e. not being central and therefore not as accessible and chainable.

    Something that could help with the "filler" issue both in terms of there just being more stuff to play and some of the weaker filler pallets offering more outplay potential is to spawn some of the edge map window tiles around the map as well. This is something that would benefit various maps. A weak filler pallet chaining into a Z-wall window is still weak, but it's something, it still yields more creative/interactive play potential.

    In general I find the map one of the more difficult ones to orientate oneself in, as much of it looks the same, with few identifiable landmarks, and even the main building being difficult to use as orientation at a glance. This however too plays into the map's uniqueness and isn't something I would necessarily want changed, not least because that sense of being a bit lost and confused is rather apt for a map revolving around an insane asylum. Although I suppose it could perhaps be neat to make the moon much larger on this map, serving as a point of orientation while further distinguishing the map visually.

    Ward can spawn some problematic 3-gen setups, especially with the gens in and right around main, as well as with those located deep in the two "pockets" of the map. But I suppose this will be less of a map balancing issue in the future, with whatever it is you're cooking up to combat incessant 3-genning.

    Some of the collisions not only on main but on various filler tiles can be frustrating, particularly for killer abilities. Could clean those up (even if even this could be argued as part of the unique "insane asylum" experience, ha).

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 343

    For how safe the main building is, the size of the map is unquestionably too big. There's zero reason why there are multiple extended areas that lead typically to a dead zone and a gen that shouldn't bother with defending and usually contain a very strong tile like a jungle gym.

    If the map was shrunk and had a Wreckers Yard size to it (maybe slightly smaller) and also gave the illusion of a circle shape then that would be great. Rotating around the main building with the generic tiles like gyms and T/Ls on the edges of the map with filler pallets/vault locations scattered around in the in-between parts. Then that would be a very fun map for both sides, I think.

  • OtakaChan
    OtakaChan Member Posts: 181

    The new version reminds me of unseasoned chicken...needs more umph .-.