Was the MMR change reverted?

I_CAME Member Posts: 1,382
edited December 2023 in General Discussions

It seemed a lot better for awhile. Recently it has been a completely different story. I want to make it clear that I do NOT have a high escape rate in solo queue. There is no conceivable way that I could be in "High MMR" as survivor. These are my last 10 games in solo queue.

Blight (P100) - 4K

Nurse (P100) (Yes these were back to back games) - 4K

Blight (P63) - 4K

Clown (P100) - 3K

Blight (P45) - 4K

Oni (P100) - 4K

Freddy (P4) - 1K

Doctor (P72) - 4K

Bubba (P65) - 3K

Nurse (P46) - 4K)

Edit :

Game 11 : P89 Wraith - 4K

Game 12 : P53 Cenobite with 9,447 hours. Claims in his steam profile to have the longest Wesker winstreak of any player in DBD (640 wins in a row) - 4K

All running the typical meta builds of three slowdowns and an aura perk. This in spite of me getting destroyed in game after game. In addition I am getting teammates who are running meme builds and are clearly inexperienced players. It feels like the matchmaking is back to being completely random to non existent. Is this how the matchmaking is supposed to work? On the other hand my killer games are a complete joke again. I have never experienced more one sided matches on both sides than I have the past few weeks. This could just be an extreme case of bad luck but it feels like something more.

Post edited by I_CAME on


  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600
    edited December 2023

    Maybe? It definitely feels like a wild change occurred once Chucky released. Solo games changed overnight. They were fantastic for weeks leading up to Chucky's release, and then went back to being awful overnight. It's not like I suddenly dropped MMR brackets either. I was escaping multiple games in a row for every death for 2 or 3 weeks leading up to the Chucky release. And then boom, back to complete free-for-all matchmaking. It's insanely frustrating, both the matchmaking itself and the lack of transparency about what is happening with it behind the scenes. I will never understand why they can't be upfront about this stuff. It's so weirdly arrogant and protective of a system so many players are unhappy with.

    Also, I've won 20+ games in a row on Skull Merchant. It's not just solo survivor that is feeling this.

    Edit 1 day later after playing some more: I'm experiencing the worst solo queue matchmaking I've experienced since they turned MMR on. Teammates have never been this bad. What in the world did you guys do?

    Post edited by edgarpoop on
  • skylerbound
    skylerbound Member Posts: 754

    Today was a really chill day on survivor for me, lots of inexperienced killers(felt like killers doing dailies or the winter challenges) . However, the last several days I’ve gotten a significant high hour killers with … very new survivor teammates(>1000 hours). This may have been the case today but the killers seemed to over commit to someone really good in chase.

    on the killer side, I rarely play(only for challenges and dailies) and I seem to get the teammates I want on soloQ… I had a Chucky challenge(second time playing him with 1 perk) and I was against a 13k hour lobby. I was able to get the daily done tho so that’s good.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,146

    It's felt kinda strange to me since Chucky. I've had a 100% Survivor bonus almost all of the time since he was released. This is unusual because around 6 PM it would normally switch over to Killer for me, but that isn't happening until much later at night now. I've also encountered the same Killers and Survivors more often, sometimes even twice in a row. That almost never happened to me before either. My teammates have been pretty variable, too. Sometimes pretty decent, sometimes totally clueless. Same goes for the Killers.

    More likely, I think maybe there's an imbalance in Survivor / Killer numbers that's broken the MMR system in some way. This is all just a gut feeling, though. I really have no idea.

  • BubbaxBilly
    BubbaxBilly Member Posts: 14

    I can say that Killer has been free for a while honestly. Most people just have no idea what is going on.

  • lifestylee
    lifestylee Member Posts: 263

    What is your ingame name? Or who were you playing/what was the map on the pinhead game?

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,127
    edited December 2023

    The thing that makes me suspect they've reverted it, is that alot of the content creators have stopped complaining. They were really loudly unhappy when the cap was increased. They seem to have gotten over that quickly...