We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

why are all these new systems so bad?

the anti tunnel system only brought in MORE tunneling, the anti-camp system brought in MORE camping, im worried that the 3 gen "solution" isn't gonna fix anything and only make things worse. i guess it depends on how the system would work out, but if basekit borrowed time is only bringing in more tunneling, then how do we know the 3 gen solution will ACTUALLY fix the 3 gen problem?

survivors shouldn't be punished into a position like that all because they literally did their objective, its stupid. i really hope the solution doesn't make M1 killers even worse



  • DarrellM74
    DarrellM74 Member Posts: 64

    How did it remove what they intended to remove? I have played 8 chuckys out of every 10 games and he just stands there and the meter never moves, is he stealth, nope cause wraith worked fine but chucky is able to do it every time? Am I playing the same cheater every game?

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,973

    I will absolutely laugh if this 3 Gen system somehow makes it easier to do

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 4

    Yep the best way to punish people for that would have been if they didn‘t know that it was there.

    For example with perks that have something to do with hooks and those get the anti face camp status effect.

    Reassurance, Ace in the hole, Camaraderie, Deliverance, …..

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    Anti tunneling system? Did I miss something?

  • CLHL
    CLHL Member Posts: 164

    Because all of these systems were forced into the game while completely ignoring the effect they had on the balance. The only thing that is achieved is to increase these behaviors among those who did not engage in them. An absolute failure.

  • FilthyLegionRevival
    FilthyLegionRevival Member Posts: 313

    Nah but seriously, when I see someone do that to me and then they get downed promptly after, it is SO funny seeing them shake and go like "NONONONONO WAITWAITWAITWAIT-"

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,015

    I have to disagree with you on that one. I get facecamped way more than I did before the "anti-facecamp" update.

    Killers start by hard camping right outside the radius, even that happens more often than before. Then, as soon as another Survivor moves in they, the killer goes to the hook to deny the save. Or even better, they wait outside the hook radius until just long enough so that even if they do just face-camp the bar will never fill in time. I'd say it's impressive how many seem to know how exactly how far to stand or exactly how long to wait to make a complete joke of the system, but it's probably more that the system is just that easy to gimmick.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,793

    The way I see it, these new systems are problematic because they were introduced to help fight against strategies that are valid. Sure, no one likes to be camped or tunneled, but every killer is allowed to do it. Therefore, a basekit mechanic introduced into the game to fight against those strategies cannot be too strong.

    Seriously, has anyone felt protected by the basekit endurance? Or jumped off the hook because the killer was nearby?

    These systems will never work the way people think they will. I believe it is best we use perks, instead of basekit mechanics because perks can reach the required level of strength.

    And this isn't a flaw in design, because these perks aren't being used to handle a problem. They are being used to handle a valid strategy, that just happens to be frowned upon. So we buff DS, buff BT, make them disable at the end game if we must.

    It would be better than anything these systems have to offer.

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 504

    I just have to mention this real quick- It isn't a Anti-Camp system, it's an Anti-FACE CAMP system- It's not designed to stop camping in general, but rather the most egregious face camping such as a Bubba pitching a tent DIRECTLY in front of your hook so you can't get saved by anyone. So the system is working exactly as intended, but some of y'all are treating it as a complete failure on BHVR's part because it doesn't stop proxy camping and such.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I didn't call it anything except ineffective at making the experience any better.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    it actually is way better than nothing, bar fills up in situations where teammates contest both sides and killer has to shoo them both. i got to self unhook 2 or 3 times already like that and once got it 90% because a teammate didn't keep their distance. not to mention killers need to be more careful with camping and give more opportunities to rescuers than times where they could just kiss me on the hook.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,738

    I never said you did. I was talking about the perception that people (like OP) have about it, and how they're setting themselves up for disappointment.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    The more you restrict gameplay elements, the sweatier it's going to make players. Eventually, all matches are going to be the same gameplay loop. I mean, we've been seeing that for a long time now, with only three or four killers being chosen time and time again, and the same builds being used.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I haven't seen it proc once, even when I thought it should've.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,129

    Honestly, I think it is worse than nothing.

    Because the time the Killer actually facecamped was almost non-existent in my game. And since the feature exists, I have seen it prog two times - one time where a hooked Survivor could have gotten off the Hook, but decided not to because Myers was standing in front of the Hook with Tombstone ready. And the second time when a Billy decided to "facecamp" a Meg, because he wanted to kill Ace instead, who did not contribute to the game at all.

    And thats about it. And the thing what makes it worse is just that you get camped as Survivor, you see the Killer basically at the "line" around the Hook and you see your stupid bar and it does nothing. Which really makes it more frustrating.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,862
    edited January 4
  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    the only "downside" is just it teaches killers to proxy instead which is a better play in most cases. myers tombstone and self rescue needs work, and the other scenario can easily happen where killers let the person wiggle and they rat the other person out, that's not an anti facecamp thing.

    obviously it's nowhere near sufficient and can be played around, but at least there is some thinking into it instead of just sitting there. my biggest argument with it is it makes killers leave enough room for a safer rescue in comparison to a full on facecamp.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,427
    edited January 4

    I agree they need to redo the generator placements a bit better. Hopefully that's their "solution" and not some faster generator progress based on proximity to other generators but I honestly am afraid that's what they are going to do.

    Call me a pessimist, but I really think that this "Solution" is only going to end up punishing those killers who do not try to force a 3-gen situation from the start for survivors mistakes. Unless you are in a cracked Voice-coms S.E.A.L team SWF, you have no idea what your other teammates are doing for the most part still, so you can usually say "oh the killer forced a 3-gen!" but odds are unless it's one of a small handful of killers, no... just your teammates screwed up.

    That's why I always bring Deja Vu now, to break up 3-gens, but even then I've had times where I've ended up 3-genned because the other solo survivors were doing all generators on one side of the map.

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578

    Basekit endurance was a success. It was needed. It only punishes killers who actively tunnel off hook. Does it prevent tunneling completely? No.

    To stop tunneling you need to give killers something to do that provides more value than tunneling. Tunneling a survivor out effectively reduces all pressure from survivors by 25% permanently. If there was something killers could do to get that much value instead of tunneling, they would be doing it. If you prevent tunneling completely but don’t give killers some other way to get that value, people will just stop playing killer.

    The anti camping system, in my mind, was not as much of a success. Not because it encourages camping, like you say. But because people still camp in spite of the system. I’ve seen it myself on Cenobite and Bubba. It doesn’t prevent much on some killers. It does prevent outright face-camping so it’s not a complete failure.

    Again, I think the correct solution for anti camping would be to give killers something to do other than camping that has much more value. Why chase survivors when you can just wait for them to come and give you another free hook? At lower skill levels where it may take someone much longer to secure a down, camping makes a lot more sense.

    What is that thing that killers could be doing? The possibilities are endless. But the solutions we received are unimaginative and ham handed. Unfortunately.

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578
    edited January 4

    What happens if gen 1 is complete while gen 2 and 3 each have 50% progress?

    I think this would incentivize dog piling gens. And certain perks which enable that would become meta. You would see survivors piling a gen while a killer can’t really do anything to stop them on the last gen. The killer may get a few free hits but they are getting that gen done. So your solution would be extremely “gameable”.

    Additionally, the easiest way to win as killer under those rules is to prevent the first gen from being completed. So perks like corrupt intervention would almost be required. Ruin would become meta again because its regression at 5 gens would be huge.

    I don’t think these are problems that can be solved by tweaking numbers on existing systems.

    However, if your goal is to make killers care less about the early game then you’d want to flip those numbers. So that as more gens are completed, the remaining gens take longer. Of course, I’m aware of how bad that would be for the game. That too would have even more problems. So I’ll say again, these are not problems that can be fixed by tweaking numbers.

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578
    edited January 4

    The thing that you give killers to do has to be basekit and in opposition to tunneling.

    For example, if you only want to play the math game and not come up with something interesting, you could do something like;

    Fear: Every hook state on a living survivor gives a token which reduces survivor’s healing and repair speed by 10%. This effect cannot exceed 50% healing and repair speed reduction. When a survivor dies all tokens are lost.

    If you had three hook states on three different survivors, that’s 30%. That’s more value than hooking the same survivor 3 times by 5%. Congratulations, no one is going to tunnel. There’s no reason to.

    How do you counter it? Don’t get hooked.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,002

    And that had to go?

    Did they say that they where trying to change this?

    Not that I'm aware of.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,002

    If nobody face camped, then I agree with you. It's was a waste of time.

    But they wanted to get rid of facecamping. That was absolutely achieved.

    Don't talk about an anti-camp mechanic if there isn't one.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    You cannot make something to encourage Killers to not tunnel because unless it's blatantly OP, TUNNELING WILL ALWAYS BE STRONGER.

    Your suggestion falls into the former category.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    The primary idea was to make lose-lose scenarios where players had no agency less common.

    That has been unsuccessful.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,448
    edited January 4

    That's simple, you make the total charges be removed be charges that have already been done first. So for example.

    1st gen has 130 charges

    2 gens are being worked on right now. One gen is at 120 charges, the other is at 110 charges.

    10 second later the first gen pops at 130 charges, the other i at 120 charges. Now it gets knocked down 20 charges because it is the second gen. So instead of removing the charges at the uncompleted end, which would immediately complete the generator, you remove it at the completed end. So now it goes down to 100 charges, but it still needs 10 more charges to get finished. This prevents gens from popping one after the other.

    It also encourages survivors to work on 1 or 2 gens at a time instead of splitting up creating more pressure earlier. Additionally it creates a cool effect that gen regression perks are stronger earlier. I.E. Pain res killing 25% of 130 charges is far stronger than it killing 25% of 50 charges. This also makes 3 genning even weaker because all the gen defense perks are naturally weaker later on.

    Also, the answer to your "dog piling at the end" i think is not how it would work, but i'm not sure, let me do some math.

    Imagine all 4 survivors hop the last gen, that needs 50 charges. In total, these 4 survivors repair at 2.2 charges per second. Meaning that the gen would take ~23 seconds to complete. The hit cooldown on a killer attack is 2.7 seconds. So if all survivors are healthy, and the killer hits these survivors lets think about it.

    1 survivor: 1 c/s

    2 survivors: 1.7 c/s

    3 survivors: 2.1 c/s

    4 survivors: 2.2 c/s

    Gen at 0 charges:

    Killer hits a survivor.

    Gen at 5.94 charges.

    Killer hits same survivor downing them.

    Gen at 11.61 charges

    Killer hits another survivor

    Gen at 17.28 charges

    Killer downs that survivor

    Gen at 21.87 charges

    Killer hits 3rd survvior

    Gen at 26.46 charges

    Killer downs 3rd survivor

    Gen at 29.16 charges

    Killer hits 4th survivor

    Gen at 31.86 charges

    Killer downs 4th survivor.

    Gen would be at about 65% complete in this case. Now lets say they have prove thyself which adds 10% speed per survivor repairing, changing the penalty 15% to 5% per survivor

    1 survivor: 1 c/s

    2 survivors: 1.9 c/s

    3 survivors: 2.7 c/s

    4 survivors: 3.4 c/s

    Gen at 0 charges:

    Killer hits a survivor.

    Gen at 9.18 charges.

    Killer hits same survivor downing them.

    Gen at 16.47 charges

    Killer hits another survivor

    Gen at 23.76 charges

    Killer downs that survivor

    Gen at 28.89 charges

    Killer hits 3rd survvior

    Gen at 34.02 charges

    Killer downs 3rd survivor

    Gen at 36.72 charges

    Killer hits 4th survivor

    Gen at 39.42 charges

    Killer downs 4th survivor.

    So this makes the gen be at ~80%.

    In this case dog piling probably isn't a good strategy. Also, because the early game has taken longer, it is more likely that 1 survivor has been removed from the game already.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,303

    That's not enough though.

    Regular game progression after the first hook is to have one person in chase, one on hook, one on rescue, one on gen.

    If one survivor dies, it goes down to none on gen. So a 30% reduction is still 70% short. Killers would still tunnel with your suggestion, survivors would just be 10% slower after the first hook and 20% slower after the second.

    You just buffed tunnelling.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,494

    Worse than before but the way you described it is that survivors are the ones making mistakes while killers have already adapted. The solution is survivors need to be smarter and adapt as well. Its still better than straight up face camping because its a free buff.