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General Discussions

Killers, how do you deal with these Survivors?

I had two matches last night when one Survivor would constantly vault windows to distract me. That is literally all they do, just try to get you to chase them.

I couldn't catch Feng Min and lost because of it.

The David messed up in chase and I downed him and threw him in the basement where he killed himself in hook.

Should I engage with these people?

The constant explosion sounds really are so annoying.

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  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Ignore them

    chances are the person won’t do gens trying that and the match is basically a 3v1 for you

  • Member Posts: 972
    edited January 2024

    I ignore these survivors until they either 2nd to last or last alive. These are pro loopers who do nothing all day but play this game. They'll just waste their time following you around, thus not doing gens and hurting their team. Best thing for you to do is go after the weaker players who are doing gens, then when the pro looper is the only one left, you'll eventually be able to catch them (assuming you find hatch and close it first)

  • Member Posts: 405

    I’ve seen that before. Usually they’re ignored by the experienced killer, until the time is right, usually they’re caught later lol

  • Member Posts: 675

    That is 1 less survivor doing gens, so 100% ignore them and just chase another guy who could be doing gens instead and if it keeps up you get a free win.

  • Member Posts: 754
  • Member Posts: 295

    I had a flashlight clicker following me around click click clicking in an effort to get me to chase them.

    Sad thing for them was I was running lightborn so flashlight was useless to them but they clicked and clicked and clicked some more.

    Waited around corner and got a lovely free hit sending them running.

    Always ignore them.

    Like the posts said before they are only hurting their team mates.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    If they are baiting, they are not doing gens. That's free slowdown, take it and don't chase them. Let them bait you harder.

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    Also, at least this kind stops being an annoyance sooner as even the shortest click means -1 sec usage. Remember the old days when it was just a split second and people could spam it for eternity?

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    General rule is if a survivor deliberately wants your attention do not give it to them. They want to be chased because they're either very competent loopers or they're trying to distract you away from something.

    Either way ignore them.

  • Member Posts: 303

    Nah, I run into a survivor asking for chase I ignore them. They'll keep trying all game, and will bring their team down doing it. If it's a full team doing it, then you might as well look up and jiggle your stick from time to time. It's not going to be a fun game, why even bother?

  • Member Posts: 496

    Just ignore em, if you don't pay attention to the obvious bait they'll eventually get bored and stop.

  • Member Posts: 496

    Just ignore em, if you don't pay attention to the obvious bait they'll eventually get bored and stop.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    The above answers have mentioned the main way to deal with this. Also, this dkes have other benefits besides free slowdown: often those Survivors get frustrated and ultimately may come to find you, whereby they are more prone to make mistakes because they're annoyed.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    As the text at the bottom of the screen says "Survivors tend to run with a plan"

    If survivors want you do something, don't.

  • Member Posts: 4,655

    You should engage then if you are certain that you can.

    Either because:

    - you play to chase.

    - you know that they are all bark and no bite.

    - you play a really strong chase killer.

    Otherwise your ears have to simple endure it.

    Survivor spamming stuff is nothing that can be interrupted. It's annoying but you have to deal with it. As bad as it sounds.

  • Member Posts: 2,113

    A survivor vault spamming for attention is a survivor not doing gens, rescues, or healing. That's a GREAT "problem" to have as a killer.

  • Member Posts: 603

    As everyone else has said, ignoring them is always the move. I'm not sure when this was implemented, but there is actually a system that prevents spam vault notifications from being heard/displayed on your screen if you are far away enough from them. Maybe they could add something for more than 3 consecutive "fast" interactions with a pallet/window/locker as well.

  • Member Posts: 368

    Gonna upvote 'ignore 'em'.

    As annoying as the constant notifications are, just think of it as metronome that is ticking off the seconds that they aren't doing something productive. Generally, if you ignore them, they will eventually try to find you. Ignore them harder (unless they screw up and give you a free hit/down). I find that most survivors who do this (or teabag for attention) end up getting way too aggressive when ignored and I get a down on the surv I was chasing and the attention hog. Even if you just get a free hit off of them, they will typically go pester their teammates to get healed so they can do it again, which gives you more slow down.

    Sometimes, it will be a surv who wants to DC-by-Killer and then I just leave them slugged and go find someone else. I will even let their teammates get them up for 'free' at that point because I figure if someone is trying to throw the game, I can at least let their poor team get some extra points in.

    *Unless, as radiant said, you are confident in downing them quickly. Also, still free slow down as someone will come to rescue them and they will probably hound their teammates for a heal.

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