How much of a priority is a Freddy re-work to you?

On a scale of 1-10 how much of a priority is a Freddy re-work to you?
That's why I'm here. If it will give me the killer I loved back, there is no greater priority.
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I would have been surprised if you weren’t the first comment on this thread.
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I love you ❤️
Thank you so much, it means a lot to me!
Haha, and I used to say that there is no Freddy thread without me. That will always be true.
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getting old freddy back is always a top priority.
right after trapper buffs
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Yes, my friend, it sure is.
I know you didn't like how he was replaced by something else entirely, and it is a feeling most of us share. It has been a long dance since July of 2019, and we need that killer back.
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I 💜you too 🥰
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Freddy almost doesn't exist for me, i play him maybe once a month or two because of daily. I will be glad to see his rework/buff, but there are enough interesting killers in the game not to remember about him. 3/10
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His add-ons sincerely need to change. They do almost nothing for him, I literally play him with none in the hopes they will change them and then my inventory will be full.
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Imagine a Hall of Fame Horror Game ... and then the 2 goats (Myers, Freddy) are treated like the unwanted stepchildren 😥
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Sadako's dework with a few tweaks proves it can be done. Dont see why the same can't be said for Freddy.
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In all honesty, Freddy could never be as cool as Trapper. I mean, his name is Fred. Know any cool Freds? Well, aside from Drop Dead Fred.
Freddy does deserve a rework though. One of the more iconic killers, he should be much better. Better than even @GeneralV could imagine. Its true!
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I honestly don't need anything too fancy, my friend. I just want my killer back.
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I’d say it’s a 10 for me. After he got reworked he shouldn’t have ever been touched imo. They hit him with some unnecessary nerfs and it really sticks out especially in the current meta. I mean look at the licensed killers we have now. Look at Xenomorph, Wesker, and Chucky for example. At the very least Freddy needs to get some of his nerfs reverted. I think we’d be just fine if Freddy wasn’t slowed while placing dream snares at the very least lol.
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it should be at the very top. nothing more nothing less.
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10. Absolute 10.
Now that Billy has been fixed, Freddy needs complete priority. He is in such an awful spot and needs another full rework closer to his older version (pre-rework). I would gladly trade all killers' changes in the killer tweaks dropdown in the roadmap except for Pig, for a full killer update for The Nightmare.
There's such huge demand on a rework for Freddy that I'm surprised BHVR hasn't stated anything about potential changes for him. Here's hoping for the second half of 2024.
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Anything that brings old freddy back is already sitting at the lowest of the lowest on the priority list for me, however he does get something, i hope bhvr actually comes up with an entirely new iteration of his power rather than reverting stuff back.
Edit: Also the fact that it's remake/flop version of freddy and not the real freddy makes it even less of a priority for me.
Post edited by Smoe on2 -
Right after Twins changes
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It a 9/10 cause he need to be able to make the survivors never wake up again.
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Full 10 should be absolute top priority.
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im still a coping old freddy enjoyer
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Been on that Old Freddy copium since 2019, my friend, I know how that is.
But please, never lose hope. The right thing was done to Sadako, it can be extended to Freddy.
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Never been a fan of playing or playing against Freddy. But just like Myers they are well known classic characters so of course Freddy needs justice.
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Hopefully it is okay, but I would like to leave a little note on this thread.
I would like to thank you, OP for creating it and thank everyone who, be it here or anywhere else, supports Old Freddy's return to the game.
This is a topic I feel strongly about, it is the one thing that matters most to me in this game, and it warms my heart to see the support this campaign has received.
Know that I appreciate each and every one of you, and I hope you will all be as happy as I will be when I finally say: mission accomplished.
So, from the bottom of my heart:
Thank you <3
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That’s very kind of you. I know I’m a huge fan of horror and DBD attracts many of us for different reasons. I believe that most of us want it to be the best game it can be. This game inspires a lot of passion from our love of the game to the intensity of the matches.
I love this game and really don’t want to see Freddy being left behind.
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It is the least I can do, my friend.
July of 2019 was a long time ago, and I've wanted my killer back ever since. Every support is extremely appreciated <3
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He was enjoyable killer and he was my first killer main. It makes me upset to see how garbage Freddy is right now. Freddy is one of the best slashers but he is so garbage and boring in DbD.
Big L.
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Never, my friend!
I remember everyone who fights for Freddy <3
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Well he been heavily change twice so I'm going with a 5 out of 10. He definitely deserve some buffs but there so many characters who never been touch once. I don't think freddy should keep skipping the line. There 3 to 4 killers who should be buff way before him. shout out the sleepy boi tho
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Freddy is an icon of horror, one of the absolute big shots and his DBD incarnation is so sad and uncreative. There are a numerous threads and posts about how to improve him without really reworking his power and coding new assets, but if you were really determined to throw in some effort, he could be extremely awesome and creative. The dreamworld offers so many possibilities, that are just utterly untapped and left to fester. Like Freddy as a whole.
So for me a Freddy rework would be an 8 or 9, the only thing the game needs more is an add-on pass for Pyramid Head, because he is my main <3
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That depends on what kind of re-work we're talking about.
A proper Robert Englund with voice lines and proper power re-work? 10 of 10. He'd be the most fun killer in the game.
But anything short of that is just re-arranging the deck chairs on Titanic.
Post edited by Thusly_Boned on2 -
I don’t think a 10 is even enough for me.
At this point I don’t even care if he is weak I just want him to be fun again.
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I'd love it if they gave him something to be his power a bit more fun for both sides.
ie. not current Freddy and certainly not old Freddy.
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Out of all the killers specifically? I'd say 10. Obviously, Freddy really needs a rework again, but I really want Myers to be reworked. He feels so outdated. The only reason I wouldn't say Myers NEEDS a rework right now is because people actually like Myers while Freddy... there are some Freddy Enjoyers but the vast majority of people don't like him, both playing against and as the The Nightmare.
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8 or 9
I guess it more depends on what new things are coming out (sorry to say)
I haven't played Freddie since his re-work so I'm at a loss on what could change other then saying to revert him back to his old self
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I haven't played Freddie since his re-work so I'm at a loss on what could change other then saying to revert him back to his old self
But you got it right, my friend, because that is exactly what should be done.
Preferably with QoL improvements, because that is what the majority wants. Though I can tell ya that if he were to come back exactly as he was I would still love him.
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Freddy is iconic when it comes to horror. He deserves better.
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Too bad it's not the actual iconic version of Freddy.
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Problem is even if his power is improved, he's still the lame version of Freddy. I don't think there's any way to get the Freddy people would actually care about.
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Unless you prefer the remake, like I do. It is an unpopular opinion, of course, but I know some Freddy players agree.
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I want his power to be just like the movies again, and I want him to actually pull people into nightmares beyond just dream world. Bring back dream pull, trash the TP and the pools/pallets, put them in an addon and actually design him faithfully like Pinhead.
Old Freddy had a really unique foundation for a killer and with modernization and visual flair, he could be sweet.
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Old Freddy had a really unique foundation for a killer and with modernization and visual flair, he could be sweet.
It is good to see you here, my friend. I remember your comments on older threads about Freddy, you've been watching this struggle happening for quite some time.
I will tell ya, this time I am feeling hopeful. Billy's and Onryo's recent changes were massive jumps in the right direction and if they extend that treatment to Freddy... the mere thought already makes me happy.
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I was definitely happy to hear that he is being considered for a rework, but when it was revealed that he wasn't listed within the upcoming road map, it definitely was sad to see. At this rate he might be late into the year at the earliest.
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Probably an 8. Aside from Twins, who seem to alternate between clunky and objectively broken, Freddy should be the biggest priority for a rework. He's in the "Iconic" tier of killers, with Myers and the Xenomorph, so there's no reason for him to be at the bottom of every tier list. I understand that, at the end of the day, some killers are just going to be weaker, but that's what we have Legion for. The only "Iconic" killers who are considered A-tier are Wesker, Xeno, Chucky, and Pyramid Head (not necessarily in that order). Sadako's currently A-tier, but from the patch notes, she won't be in a week and a half. IMO, Freddy needs a rework badly, followed by a Myers rework, and finally buffs to Ghostface and Nemesis.
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Freddy is just such a nothing killer right now, literally anything would be preferable over what we have now.
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10, he needs a rework so bad.
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10/10. I love him and I need him reworked... right... now!