MMR can be wacky

So... apparently the MMR thinks my P2 Nemi is pretty OP, lol.
Don't know if I should be flattered that the MMR thinks so highly of my skills or what.
Someone's playing in the big boy leagues. 👍️
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I took a year long break not long after Dredge. I barely played Sadako, pretty much just enough to get her achievements. Now when I go for a daily on her I get P100s. I'm still skeptical that MMR has any sort of impact on lobbies.
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I recently played spirit for the first time in like 3 years and got a p100 lobby lol
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Something tells me THIS was the result of backfilling. Someone b4 me noped out of this lobby, so they tossed in ANYONE without caring about MMR.
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At that point, I feel like the REAL game is just to see if you can make a P100 ragequit as a P0 character.
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I really don't understand this system. I play Freddy pretty much exclusively, and whatever is going on with my MMR level with him creates some... interesting scenarios.
And that ranges from survivors that are clearly better than I am to a Jill who I grabbed off a dull totem without her being asleep.
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Prestige levels still dont relate with skill level.
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Aaaahhhhh the prestige 100 lobby. I see that a lot on piggy. All equipped with flashlights. I love these games.
Don't fret, these guys are mostly all bark and no bite. Being at p100 does not = high mmr. Just that these people play a lot.
Due to their load out, I expect them to be a 4man or 3man at least (just prediction, could be wrong). Playing together with friends over a long period of time is probably the best way to farm your way to p100 (all players bring party streamers or cake every game, games usually go acceptionally ok because of swf communication (don't hate me) and flashlights give a lot of points if used correctly.).
This does not mean, that they are the best of the best. I would even assume that they lose a lot. 4 flashlights = mostly a lot of altruism. So much altruism that throws the game.
I'd be more scared of a p100 squad with 4 med kits or 3 med kits with one toolbox.
I like playing against these types of groups because they play mostly for fun.
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I don't think making people rage quit should ever be the goal.
It's still hilarious if it happens without the other side doing anything though.
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MMR isn't real, it's just a slot machine that gaslights the playerbase into thinking they suck, The reason I know this is because I somehow got paired up with Lilith ######### Omen of all people not too long ago
I sincerely wish I was kidding
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They usually do though, at least in my experience. p100s or really anyone p70+ is almost always a really good survivor. That's why I'll usually dodge them because anytime I do decide to give it a go I always end up in a miserable game where I'm lucky to get a single hook.
Obviously low prestige levels can still be really amazing but it's super rare for me to find a high prestige survivor who isn't really good.
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To be fair Lilith is not the best survivor in the world. I watch him die a lot on stream, so I think his survivor MMR is probably around that of an average survivor player. If you got paired up against his Blight though that is a different story.
MMR does suck though.
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P100 Survivors are fairly average 90% of the time, hovering around the 1-2k hour mark.
Just play normally, no reason to sweat and stress yourself about it
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I'm just talking about when ppl DC because you down them too quickly, not because you stood on top of them for 4 minutes as they bled out. I had someone instantly DC against my P0 Trapper yesterday because The chase ended too quickly for their liking.
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The backfilling is real. How unfortunate the person meant to match with this group dodger.
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Yeah, thats mostly hilarious
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It gives you zero information on how skilled a player is. Its just the level of dedication on spending bloodpoints for a single character. Like, if i spend all my bloodpoints on Dwight for p100 or distributing them even among ten characters doesnt change anything about my skill level. Even playtime doesnt necessarily corelate with skill. Ive seen players with double digit thousand hours being super useless or streamer in that range talking total nonsense about the game. Stop assuming anything like prestige or hours played gives you a hint on how bad theyre.
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Well, it could mean two things really:
- That you are above the 1600 MMR with another killer, so when you start playing with a new one his MMR would be higher (1200 MMR, iirc) and you are already on the top bracket of the MMR again with Nemesis.
- That those P100 have a lot of hours played (as that's really what prestige marks), but not that much skill (something more common that you could think) so they are low MMR.
Either way, this is one of the reasons why they should start showing our MMRs in game, to have a better idea of how this things could happen.
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I don't even have any characters past P3 yet, lol. This is due to playing on different platforms with long breaks in between. Atm I'm sitting pretty at 215 hours so yeah... when I get a lobby with 10+ times that, I'm scratching my head.