God forbid your the first or last survivor seen in a match

Because the killer will do everything in their power to tunnel you out, or camp you on hook in end game.

Just played a game against Freddy with 3 other randoms. I ran him for gens but he finally caught me on the last one. My first hook turned into my last one, because he was hard proxy camping me and all of my teammates weren’t sure how to get the save.

I did all the work but was the one who died in the end.

Tunneling and Camping suck so much man.


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,610

    First of all, I agree that tunneling and camping is really high at the moment. And this is most likely also the reason you see more stealth nowadays, because Survivors dont want to be the first person found.

    However, if you ran him for 4 Gens, he is in need of a Kill. At this point it would not really make sense to leave you, because he needs a person dead. Sure, the Freddy-player could also try to play better, but it is not the case that they were really tunneling from the start. Tunnelvisioning, yes, but not tunneling off hook.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    First Hook, last Hook.

    I am playing solo survivor a lot, so this is basically my relgion. Or my curse.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,042
    edited January 2024

    I mean, there *should* be a point where the killer at least considered switching targets, especially if a chase lasts 4 gens. If 3 survivors finish 4 gens, that chase is lasting several minutes and the killer is getting drastically outplayed in chase by their current target or they're making a large number of mistakes themselves.

    The problem here is that nearly all roads lead to tunneling:

    • Is the first chase short? Well, guess we've found an easy target, and the answer is tunneling.
    • It's the first chase long? Well, the killer invested too much time and had to guarantee a kill this game, and the answer is tunneling.

    So if you're saying there's actually no point where the killer would ever consider switching targets if a chase is taking too long (which is honestly just good game sense) then quite literally tunneling is always the only play.

    Gee, I wonder why this is such a common way to play the game.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    the killer probably should have. and it's possible they had good times to switch targets during the chase, and just leave op for last.

    but like I said, at that point they were in too deep. Realizing when to give up a bad chase is a learned skill.

    also, disagree on the first one. short first chase means you have the time to engage in a different chase with another survivor.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,697

    the word you are looking for is "want," not "need," my friend. at the point after first chase lasts 4 gens, the killer has resigned themselves to a consolation prize of a kill.

    to be snarky about it, we're talking about a video game, nobody needs anything.l

    but to be serious about it, with 1 gen left and 1 hook to their name, the killer is unlikely to get anything more than a 0-1 k even with tunneling - especially with tunneling, actually. going for a snowball via slugging is more likely to be effective

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,042

    But you understand that's not how everyone sees it, right?

    Personally, I prefer to apply pressure to the survivors and go chase someone else after a hook. Having one on hook, one going for rescue, and one in chase is 75% of survivors off gens.

    Tunneling is so strong, that having one survivor out early enough will just flat out win the killer the game. And if the option is 'basically just always tunnel, it's always the correct move' that seems like a problem in a PvP game.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    But you both asked and answered your own conundrum.

    Don't get found first, play smart at game start. Getting found early leaves you open to getting eliminated early.

    1. you got found first and failed to evade the killer
    2. Your team mates failed to make a good rescue and take hits for you.

    Furthermore what you describe about the game, it appears you ran the killer for at least 4 gens and then died which is a pretty full game of DBD.

    I get it you died and are here to complain about it, but take a retrospective, you got to play a full game of DBD if you ran that killer as described.

    "I did all the work" No your team mates clearly repaired gens which is part of the work you just got stuck in chase, kudos for being able to run a killer for as long as you claim.

    Counter to the opinions being offered by others here... "tunneling" was not OP in this case because doing so appears to have lost almost all the gens in exchange for 1 kill. There is nothing OP about that.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Realizing when to give up a bad chase is a learned skill.

    Especially since the killer was a Freddy. Knowing when to drop a chase is a must for playing Freddy properly, it always has been.

  • AnxiousGummy
    AnxiousGummy Member Posts: 123

    Distortion and Adrenaline, my friend. Distortion hides your aura from Lethal Pursuer at the start of the match (and throughout the match if the killer is running aura-reading perks/add ons). If you're in chase at the end of the game and Adrenaline activates, I've noticed most killers just drop chase and go for someone else.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,042
    edited January 2024

    Well, let's do a thought experiment here.

    If someone decides that tunneling is always the correct play, then two things happen:

    • They will completely stomp similarly skilled teams due to the fact that tunneling is easy, efficient, and difficult to counter.
    • They won't learn as much about the game, like how to play macro, when and where to actually drop chase, which chases are worth taking, just as examples.

    So this killer player will win a large number of games against similarly skilled survivors. Then, as the game determines that they're winning so much they must be better than the game thinks they are, their MMR increases to give more difficult opponents.

    This continues until, inevitably, they hit a ceiling, where the survivors they are matched with are so much better at chase that chases take longer, and/or survivor teams are so much better coordinated that purely tunneling becomes a strategy that no longer guarantees a win. The killer will stabilize at around a 50% win rate and stay there.

    At that point, they're up against way better opponents, and their game sense and skill is not good enough for them to feel capable of competing.

    This is the exact thing that nearly all killer players on this forum describe. And typically the biggest complaints are that they 'have to tunnel', and 'have to sweat' every game. Also accompanied by cries to nerf things like coordination (SWF), looping (Dead Hard, MfT, WoO), or strategies that specifically target their only strategy of tunneling (BU + FtP nerf coming soon) because they can't accept that they aren't literally the best in the game or could learn something. Or if not nerfs, just complaining about MMR 'not working' because they didn't learn anything other than 'chase the first guy until he dies'.

    It's a prison of their own making, and it's all because tunneling is truly brain dead simple, and it's apparently the only way some people know how to play the game. Considering any other option is completely out of the question.

  • TSQuint
    TSQuint Member Posts: 88

    If there's only two left, the killer has no choice. Any more than that and they're pissing in the wind. Camping for one kill at any point in the match is like scoring a touchdown with no time on the clock when you're losing 42-0. Now it's 42-7. Good for you :)

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    so, no. it did not matter that everyone agreed. even in your scenario.

    in fact if everyone disagreed the results would be the same. as long as the player plays that way.

    has nothing to do with general agreement.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,038

    This always happens when I equip gen challenges

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,042

    I'm not even sure what point you're trying to make here. Tunneling is by far the preferred method of gameplay by most killers.

    I've been very specifically using language to that effect. You saying 'but one person does it slightly differently in one of those situations' doesn't in any way make what I'm saying wrong.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    it does not matter if everyone agrees.

    what I'm saying, is that is does not matter if everyone agrees. I don't see where the confusion is coming from.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    what are you doing in that lobby of survivors that can't save against a freddy and a killer you looped all match (since you said you did all the work)? just unfortunate, at least sounds like a fun match for you.

    yes camping is a no-brainer play but is counterable, and tunneling needs addressing. don't worry ds buff is coming as the bandaid fix to the issue.

  • BlightedTrapper
    BlightedTrapper Member Posts: 361

    Unless they have a challenge to get sacrifices, what's the point of camping for a 1k? What does that prove, that they can stare at a hooked survivor for 2 minutes? Gee, that sure is a huge outplay. Sounds to me that it's just saving the player's fragile ego, cause after all, they "beat" at least one survivor.

  • baharuto48
    baharuto48 Member Posts: 135

    Yeah. The game became so easy for new killer players and as soon as the difficulty comes in it's either tunnel and camp or go AFK a lot to try to lower your MMR. Shame, that. Chase them, hit them, kick gens, interrupt healing, sacrifice when necessary, but in the end let them go. Raise your blood points not your MMR. And don't watch DBD. Play DBD.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862

    Imagine tunneling the whole match then camping for a 1k at the end with so few bloodpoints in the results. That's how you know killers don't care about bloodpoints anymore. They just want kills which means nothing because you don't even see your mmr anyways. That's so sad

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I mean you could switch off your first target, but that would make you a *****. Doesn't matter if it's throwing, I'm commiting to 95% of the chases I start.

    The freddy probably should have left way earlier but why? There wasn't any tunneling done in ops match either. Tbf I stopped caring about macro a couple years ago in order to preserve tension.

    Let the freddy player commit so he can feel he learned something and then camp. Far better than killers who hit you, drop chase and kick a gen. That's a real brain dead play style. Not that I endorse proxy camping at all, but far better than the alternative.

    Ideally mmr and maps should allow for an equilibrium for chase times in-between survivors, but I expect mmr to be fixed much sooner than maps. Most of the maps nerfed because they were too strong for survivor side have become bad/unskillful for survivors.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    So if the match reaches endgame with no kills, what else should the killer do? Sit in the corner and let the survivors conga line out the exit gates with no resistance?

  • BlightedTrapper
    BlightedTrapper Member Posts: 361

    Practice chases, do something fun. Staring at a survivor on the hook sure isn't why I queue for killer.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245
    edited January 2024

    I run literally ZERO gen slowdown and as a result gens FLY. The amount of times I down a survivor after the last gen pops and that 1k ends up being a 4k because survivors don't know when to quit is staggering. You aren't entitled to an escape and mi not entitled to a kill but you can bet mi going to try and get at least one kill.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    That is not idealistic in a public lobby.

    You have an endgame timer at that point (if the gates are open) and if someone is unhooked they're going STRAIGHT to that gate. Next to nobody is practicing loops, doing something 'fun' or anything else at endgame except escaping. In fact, some of the time survivors will mock you for not defending your kills and letting them go scott free.

    You're playing as a killer, your job is to kill. If you personally don't want to, that's your own objective.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658

    You beat tunneling by learning how to outsmart the killer. If you hate tunneling, and gen rushing simply play another game.

    You cannot “fix” how long a killer decides to chase a survivor. In the same sense killers can’t dictate what all the survivors should do. If they want to slam gens they can. If they hide in the bushes they can. That’s why solo is a coin flip.

    I also devised somewhat of an anti-tunnel build. It ultimately forces the killer to give up you once you performed the method correctly. If someone is always there to support you then you really can’t get caught.