Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

How many players have to quit playing before BHVR fixes solo queue? Huge drop in players...



  • mecca
    mecca Member Posts: 369

    Why is it so bad for a well equipped SWF noobstomping a killer with help of a perk, however it remains unaddressed for a well equipped killer to noobstomp survivors?

    Both is considered bullying in your description.

    A killer that camps and guarantees a kill in endgame with or without assistance of perks could be considered bullying to the one survivor since it is uncounterable.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,750

    There's information still being denied to solo Q such as "What perks do my teammates have". If I KNOW my teammates have deliverance for example, I know it's completely unnecessary to go get a save and possibly put myself in danger. SoloQ teammates though DONT know that and might cost them.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845
    edited January 2024

    Nobody said it wasn't an issue, the problem was it was a MASSIVE issue before the nerf and didn't really fix the intended flaw to begin with. In fact, I remember back then most killers just committed to getting DS'd because swapping targets risked even more active DS strikes. So why not tunnel the one and get the 1k at the very least?

    The problem is DBD, whether we like it or not, has these design flaws by the nature of the game itself. Throwing overpowered perks, combinations and broken strategies isn't going to solve it across the board on either side.

  • mecca
    mecca Member Posts: 369

    Again, you can argue killers using slow down perks is "abuse".

    Slugging could even be considered abuse.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    Mostly BHVR's development time. If you look at everything else that hasn't been addressed or touched, it takes them a massive amount of time.

    It's not entirely on them being lazy or whatever either, if you think about it they have to constantly deal with changes people want with killer kits, behind the scenes bug fixes and counter-cheating, coming up with new content to keep themselves afloat and other development responsibilities. I'm not sure how many people at BHVR are on-board with DBD itself either, the manpower could also be a problem.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,242

    The vast majority of the playerbase is on all of the consoles, and it's not really that close, with most of them on the PlayStations. We get to see Steam numbers, and probably can find those for Epic, but unfortunately we cannot ever see the numbers for the consoles.

    All we can do is assume the patterns are similar for the number of players across all platforms, and that isn't too unreasonable, but it really is a guess.

  • mecca
    mecca Member Posts: 369

    It is just a massive pet peave for me there is double standards to balance. In almost every case, the feelings of the killer is always the most important.

    A survivor hung by a NOED totem is no less of a problem than a survivor using their one time perk to escape at the end of the match. It is simply wrong to nerf one for reason X without looking at similar situations for the other side.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,947

    That is all true but we know that when it comes to big changes, they can and will make these in due time. Slog Merchant for example got 2 reworks since her release. The upcoming changes are all very ambitious too. So, if they were to push this (especially since it doesn't take up as many resources as reworking a killer for example), they could definitely do it in a reasonable amount of time.

    I fully understand that they only have so much bandwidth but increasing the priority on this change would be reasonable and shouldn't delay other adjustments too much. The visual implementation of such a chat wheel is about the hardest thing to do. The rest is very basic, once you know exactly how you want to do it. And that also is a thing of maybe 3 days to figure out (and that's generous). So I trust, it wouldn't take them longer than 3 weeks to design something like this and have it in a decent state. Among other things.

    In DBD mobile they have such a thing just with emotes. If they were to do that without emotes, it would save them the time of creating new animations. This really isn't the most complex thing to do. It's just very low on the list of priorities. Which is a shame as far as I am concerned. I would like to see some discussions other than how solo queue is unbearable for a change and this would pretty much allow them to do everything they claim SWFs have as an advantage.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    It's not a conclusion, moreover an assumption that can be made. The reason one system may experience a drop whilst another doesn't can be anything from system issues, new games and so on. Comparing the Steam Chart alongside Nightlight shows some clear descrepencies where both shows player counts going opposite ways.

    Besides that, even if there are drops it's impossible to blame it on a single aspect. Things are more complicated than that.

  • PogbertChamperson
    PogbertChamperson Member Posts: 141

    Players pick up and drop games. New players are not going to play DBD on PC exclusively through Steam. The new players that would normally replace outgoing steam users would now have another option to choose from. That is how it takes away from the steam user base. Live service games will pick up and drop players constantly.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,052

    Their reply to solo queue issues in the last Reddit AMA indicates they don't see any way to help improve that experience. Or at the very least it's not of concern to them. Simply put, this game is viable for swfs. Solo queue, you simply get what you get.

    I theorise that the reason matchmaking is so bad in solo queue is because long term survivors are leaving, but they're quickly replaced by newer survivors. So there's a larger pool of newer/inexperienced players, which is why the still hanging on long term survivors with like 3k hours are getting paired with survivors with like 30 hours. They have more than enough new survivors joining every day to make up for the ones that leave, so that's not a priority to them. The ones that want to stick around will eventually join a swf, while the rest are just kill rate fodder until they're over it.

  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303

    The real question is what can they add to the solo qs to improve? What's left? The only thing anyone can think of is an emote saying "I'm going for hook." They have that info in the portrait messages. You see who gets off gen. The information is there, solo q just don't have the "this is my friend" drive swf do to play around the info

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,003

    BHVR could give soloQ superpowers and they'd still find ways to lose. There's little more they can do other than try to instill more basic skills and game sense into the average player, and that is very difficult. Better tutorials and tips would be a good start though.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,019

    Less challenges that basically encourage throwing the game would also be a plus

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,052

    Probably not much, hence why I said the game is really only viable for swfs. Unless you get lucky with matchmaking, but if my theory is correct then there's probably very little they can do about that either.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,712
    edited January 2024

    I personally don't buy into the idea that players would leave Steam to play on other systems.

    I'm not saying it can't happen, but there is no significant driving force that should be causing Steam players to move platforms by the thousands. So while everyone is free to draw their own conclusions, I suspect console's YTD data looks very similar, albeit at a much larger scale.

    Below is Steam Chart's player count data since the release of Nemesis (arguably the peak of DBD). Unless the game was to be a meteoric hit following Nemi's release, some fallout was expected after that time. However, it is interesting to note that the numbers just keep falling.

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,307

    And now with the new boring, dull meta of gen blocking and regression BHVR just created, we'll see a lot less players playing including myself.

  • mustdogen
    mustdogen Member Posts: 373

    But it just truth ,if you go to see the patch note date and the player count.

    Every time a killer buff, killer rework ,new killer, new events update the number go up.

    And every time a killer nerf update the number went down,remember last year we had 3 big update nerfing killer back to back and the player number reached the lowest number in 3 years.

    And then the new event come out saving the world.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    My thought on the problems dbd faces:

    I think the biggest problem is matchmaking, and it is intentionally (for whatever reason).

    The devs said, the mmr algorithym can very accuratly predict the outcome of a match.

    the most balanced outcome of a match, in my opionion, would be a draw, a 2 kill and 2 escape scenario.

    However, most matches i get are very one sided, either the killer steamrolling the team, or the team leaving without the killer having much of a chance.

    Those binary outcomes are much easier to predict, anyway, and since the mostly used metric for the game health and balance by the devs is kill/escape average, the devs can argue with those.

    But that these come from matches that are mostly stale and unfun is found in no statistic.

  • WolfyWood
    WolfyWood Member Posts: 491
    edited January 2024

    I'm glad you enjoy losing so much. The game must be a lot more fun for you.

    The game does disagree with what you've outlined though considering the heavy punishments to ranking and BP gains for survivors as a result of dying. It's very clear that you're not supposed to die often.

    The problem with modern DBD is that people are too hung up on the asymmetrical aspect of the game and mistakenly want to balance the game around the story.

    Whether or not you play killer or survivor you are still a full person. Not 1/4th of a person.

    Survivor is far too reliant on teammates in a game that does nothing to enforce team play aside from maybe having an increased chance of escaping, which is lessened by the ability to take perks and offerings for hatch or exit gates.

    If the game actively punished players for playing selfishly and removed selfish aspects of the game then it would make sense for individual survivor power to be weak.

    Solo Queue is not a gordion knot; it just requires hard stances and intervention from BHVR rather than inconsequential incentives to maybe get players to consider playing differently.

    If we're going to keep balancing the game as is, then scoring needs to be rebalanced around hooks/chases rather than kills/escapes. If killer is going to continue being """Power Role""'" and have the ability to tunnel and camp all they want; Then survivors should be able to solo queue, run the killer for multiple chases, die, and still double pip and get tons of BP.

    As long as the above continues to not be true the game will continue to feel terrible for survivors imo.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,577
    edited January 2024

    Emotes won't solve the issue of relative skill differences between teammates. There's more than one problem in solo queue. But the biggest problem is one or two teammates usually being significantly worse than the other two to the point that games aren't winnable if the killer focuses on the weaker players and ignores the better ones.

    Emotes don't fix that. They'd be good for 4 players on equal footing who are more or less on the same page. But solo queue lobbies often have 1 or 2 players who understand pre-positioning/spacing/etc and 1 player Urban Evading around a rock in a dead zone. Vastly different skill levels and approaches to the game. It would be like calling a play in a basketball game with one teammate who doesn't know what a pick and roll is.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,052

    To killers, every game is a 1v4. In reality, a true 1v4 is when they're playing against a 4-man swf. A solo team game is 1v1v1v1v1. People will tell solo players to be happy if they die but their team mates survived, yet it doesn't feel good when those team mates did nothing to help or were actively detrimental to the team. I'd rather die and be rewarded for my contributions to the team, I agree.

  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303

    I bring up emotes as that's a change a lot of solo q ask for. If you kept reading, you'll notice I say it's a stupid idea

  • Rage_In_The_Cage
    Rage_In_The_Cage Member Posts: 39
    1. what buffs would you give solo players and what buffs would you give killers to compensate?
    2. you do realize this is BHVR, which means these changes might take four years to implement.
    3. how do you buff solo to compensate for players who are just bad, or immersed? I just had a match against an infinite tier 3 Myers, it was a lobby of four solo queue Xbox users. Two of the survivors did nothing all game. They weren’t chased, they weren’t playing stealthy, they were literally doing nothing. Me and one other survivor did four gens and I got the last gen like 80% done.

    This is the main problem with the idea that solo queue needs buffs. In the end it won’t really matter. There’s no buff that can make a random not bring the killer to your 97% done gen. No buff can make a random not instant throw a god pallet without looping. No buff can make a random not crouch walk to you when you’re hooked and you go second stage because they take forever.

    Bad players are bad. You can’t buff bad players without breaking the game for everyone else.

  • So_Saucee
    So_Saucee Member Posts: 21

    The devs don't want to fix the game and that's fine. I just won't play it anymore and I'm a day oner. Been playing since 2016.