SWF with "Anti-Hook" tactics - might be the best counter for tunneling



  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,367

    lot of people saying "but then the killer will sweat next game" as if the entire point was not that the killer was already sweating

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,468

    It's kind of sad that people take it that way. Hook denial is no less a tactic than tunnelling. Both are implemented as a means of disadvantaging your opponent/s.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,176
    edited January 30

    Its wild to me that out of everyone who replied to this thread, only a few really grasped this thread and what OP's intentions are. Its not bullying & its not his job to worry about the next group of players. This mentality isn't only unrealistic but its disingenuous b/c most people do not care. People are strangers, they aren't friends & this is a selfish world we live in. Playing a video game doesn't make you a bad person, unless you decide to make it personal and hurl horrible insults or death threats, etc. The same way its not bullying, he isn't actively trying to taunt the killer into a playstyle and make it unbearable for them. This guy is just playing the game with his friends and trying to win. Ridiculous to even have to say this.

    And he's playing to win with his SWF. If you don't like it, too bad. The same ones complaining about 'well you just turned a non sweat into a sweat who is going to start tunneling at 5 gens' are the ones who ignore the killers who 5 or 4 gen tunnel and create these SWFs. Its a revolving door. Y'all want to paint it like he's this toxic villain spreading more hate. Throw the first punch, don't be surprised the opponent punches back.

    @OP Just ignore all the people who are trying to bring you down, man. No need to go on the defense when people don't even understand what you're doing or want to point fingers at you with 'how dare you' attitudes.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,737

    Did you change the title? I'm pretty sure you used the word 'bully' instead of 'anti-hook'.

  • MatchLily
    MatchLily Member Posts: 3

    Honestly I'd be careful doing that. I'm normally a chill killer when I'm not playing as survivor but when people pull the flashbang and flashlight on me in a bully fashion and I'm literally just vibing as ghostface or legion I will aggressively go after them. I personally hope if your using bully tactics against bully tactics that you end up against a killer with lightborne.

  • RavensAZ
    RavensAZ Member Posts: 6

    Play customs if you want to dictate killer action. Play bully if you want to. If it makes you feel better, more power to you.

  • In my experience, swf are already everywhere. The exact style of gameplay you're describing has caused me to take more than a few breaks from this game. Tunneling as a strategy only became WIDELY popular after swf started dominating lobbies. I don't mind dealing with a sabotage and a couple flashbangs, but 4 people with builds specifically designed to deny hooks is horrible.

    Edit: spelling

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,315
    edited January 30

    As a former killer main, i do agree, but

    im mainly survivor now and lateley we are getting tunnled like crazy, even by nurses, blights and billys.

    I see no other solution to this.

  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 333

    i think youre doing the right thing. honestly it's nonsense that you should hold yourself weak assuming that the opponent is gonna do the same. if that was the mindset this game had then 7 blink nurse would exist today and i dont think anyone wants that even if its 1 in 15 games. besides that, if you're trying to win, then you should use the best loadout that you think is available anyways

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,315

    How am I supposed to pre-plan my perks on the screen where I choose them, in relation to how the killer will play?

    How does using the in-game perks make me a bully?

    Do you also consider people with flashlights to be bullies?

    It sounds to me like you are too thin-skinned if this makes me a bully in your eyes.

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    When your swf dedicates itself to bei g a sabo squad and doing everything it can to make it impossible for the killer to get even a single hook, you are bullying.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904

    Have you ever heard of the saying I'd rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it?

    If a killer plays normally then wonderful. You can have a normal match. If they don't then you are prepared for them playing ruthlessly. But you're the one who made this topic deciding to tell everyone that you and your pals have had enough and are going to retaliate. What are you looking for a pat on the back?

    As for me being thin skinned, that's funny considering you're the one who made this topic complaining about the killers tunneling you and your swf that you labeled them a bully;

    They're not bullies. Are they playing mean and ruthless? Sure. But they're allowed to. If they were bullies they would be banned because this game has zero tolerance for the bullying of players.

    But would I be far off the truth in calling you a bully if you and your buddies went in with the intention to make a match as miserable as possible for some killer who had every intention of playing nice with you? That's why I suggested you react to how the killer plays because that's only fair. Treat others the way you would like to be treated unless they give you reason to do otherwise.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,315
    edited January 31

    So, can you make a list of perks that we can't use unless we get tunneled or camped, please? Excuse me, but I think it's BS that you claim we can't use certain perks unless the killer plays in a certain way. Of course, we can use the perks when we want to. Where did you find those strange rules? They surely don't apply to Dead by Daylight.

    What part of this do you see as a complaint??

    - If you read the topic again, it's not a complaint but a possible solution, that people like your self complained about.

    I never do anything with the intention to make other people miserable, why would I?

    Do you?

    Post edited by Unknown2765 on
  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,315
    edited January 31

    So when the killer does everything they can to kill all the survivors before any gens are done, what are they?

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    Depends really. If they're slugging and bleeding everyone out they're being bullies. I'd probably lean towards saying it's even bullying to slug everyone before you ever start trying to hook anyone, with few exceptions.

    Consider, I was talking about sabo squads specifically, not the act of sabotaging by itself. Like when a 3 man swf coordinates to always run to hook dead zones so it's easy to sabo anything nearby, abuse boil over and breakout, abuse FtP and Buckle-up, coordinate bodyblocks and flash bangs so the killer can evade it, etc.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited January 31

    So I think a lot of the issues in the thread are due to the poor word choice and composure of the first post.

    You called these killers "bully killers" for using a certain tactic, then said you decided to "give back" and even made some of them "quit the game".

    So the way this reads is "these killers are being bullies, so we decided to bully back so hard some of them quit. It also helped against tunneling. What do you think?"

    Intentional or not.

    Also, the mindset and reasoning to "give back to these bullies" is the majority of the post, and the supposed actual focus of your post is just 1 sentence near the end, "I still think this might be the meta to counter the tunneling now" and maybe the title.

    tl;dr: This could have been written a lot better

  • The_Yosh
    The_Yosh Member Posts: 150

    Hell yeah dude! I main Bubba and the most annoying thing is people slamming gens, pre-running, and pre-dropping pallets before running to the next safe loop. I love chasing, and I love interacting with survivors. More interaction is more fun for me!

    When I get bully squads like this, and I down three of them, I let the other come and get one back up so I can start all over again.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904
    edited February 1

    Why do you want me to list your perks for you? Where did I say you can't use any specific perks? Show me the quote.

    You're not proposing any solution. You declare you and your swf are tired of bully killers (they're not bullies just because they tunnel you btw) and you think the answer is to hit back and be a sabo squad. My response, still there unedited in its original form, was to react accordingly to the killer. Only be a sabo squad if the killer is being ruthless first. Your reply was "How am I supposed to pre-plan my perks on the screen where I choose them, in relation to how the killer will play?".

    So you see the confusing contradiction here. You're either going into games with your sabo build or you're not. Which is it since you said this is what you're doing in your games now. You've either poorly worded your posts or you're contradicting yourself.

    You're accusing players of behavior that isn't true, you're accusing me of saying things I never said, and your sabo squad idea doesn't solve a thing.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,307

    Yes, this is what you’re supposed to do. Survivors are supposed to come together and work as a team to beat the Killer. They’re not supposed to last long 1vs1 and the team should fall apart when they don’t work together.

    It can be done even outside of SWF, the problem is matchmaking and players having no accountability and playing selfishly.

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    My feeling is they're a sabo bully squad to all killers and every game they find some justification for it.