The death of this game will be the learning curve that BHVR continues to make worse for new players.

It won't be a broken killer, it won't be busted perks, it won't be unbalanced sides or will be the inability of new players to learn how to play the game.

Most people can argue this wasn't much of an issue 3-4 years ago. The perks were very straightforward, and there was a pretty decent balance between new content and learning curve requirements.

Looking at the game today, that balance has completely changed.

New players today are facing the absurd task of understanding a combination of 1000+ addons/items/perks/maps/killer special's completely unrealistic now to expect anyone under 500-1000 hours to know everything they need to know to be an effective teammate or killer. There is just so much to learn and the game does nothing to ease a player into the game.

Hell, even veterans of the game are having a hard time keeping up with killer changes...I doubt even half of the experienced players today know how skull merchant or oynro work anymore with all the constant changes...

And to top that all off, the game actually goes out of it's way to prevent players from learning or informing them of a negative status effect that cuased them to lose. The HUD for example is so cryptic, that new players (or even experienced ones) have no idea what those icons mean, or worse, the HUD doesn't even inform them at all of a negative status effect. So they'll just continue remaining oblivious to the fact that a certain perk is revealing thier position, or that certain actions are giving the other side an heavy advantage...

Right now, the only way a player can progress through the learning curve, is to purposely seek answers themselves by memorizing what each of these things do, and how they are combined to impose even more punishment to the opposite is this even realistic to expect players to do this? Especially new players who are already overwhelmed with the basics of the game itself? It's not, and the experience just ends up overwhelmingly frustrating.

And finally, the game actually goes out of it's way to prevent players from communicating with eachother, and the teammate action indicators on the hud are are incredibly limited as not only are we giving new players an seemly impossible task of learning every aspect of the game, but BHVR slaps duct tape over the mouths of thier teammates to prevent them from helping a new player, which in turn makes the game incredibly frustrating for even experienced players since all they can do is watch a noob teammate consistently make mistakes...

BHVR needs to focus on making the game more accessible to new players. The fundamentals of this game has completely changed from what it was 3-4 years ago, and there has been zero compensation to either side to help ease that burden on new players.

If the game continues the way it is, and as even more complicated perks/killers are released or changed, it's only going to get worse. BHVR needs to retain new players, otherwise there will be nobody to replace the experienced players as they move onto other games...
