Killer perk tierlist

Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
edited February 2024 in General Discussions

Based on how usefull they are in avarage matches. So decent Survivors, maybe even good ones and some perks can be only usefull in a combo/on some killer(s) so they can maybe have bit higher score than if you judge them on their own.


  • Astel
    Astel Member Posts: 662

    I have a strong sense that Sloppy will be placed with Ruin and CoB after next updates

    NAERUUU Member Posts: 501

    This tier list seems fair

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    I agree with most of this but there is no way Bamboozle is a 5 stars perk. Not with this competition. I'd also put Lethal Pursuer down a tier. On it's own it's not all that good (good but definitely 5 stars worthy) and when you combine it, then it's multiple perk slots to make it shine. Compare that to Pain Res, Pop, GE, Deadlock and Corrupt Intervention, which all shine on their own.

    Zanshin Tactics is actually somewhat decent on a few select killers so I'd put it as 2 stars (Doctor and Clown can capitalise on it pretty well). I'd do the same with Cruel Limits. It's not good but also not a wasted perk slot anymore.

    I never understood why some people seem to think so highly of whispers. It's extremely unreliable. You get info that you are not at the completely wrong place when it's active but you should know that anyway. On some smaller maps it pretty much never turns off and even on bigger maps it won't when survivors spread out.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    The thing with whispers is that you can pin point where survivor probably is since you can thanks to game sence and map knowledge and knowing how this perk works (like a cyrcle around you) can find survivors quite offten. But it has some drawbacks of course on on 2floor map its missleading and not realiable. Main problem is, there are far better perks that do this but better.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,232

    Batteries Included deserves to be a little higher. It's not meta, but it's not too bad. At the very least I'd put it above Thana.

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 511

    Discordance should be higher, Claustrophobia and Forced Penance are underrated and should be much higher, Bamboozle lower but apart from that not too bad.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    It's such a big range that you really can't tell. Especially when survivors spread out. It will never turn off but that also means that any information it provides is very unreliable. It's simply not good. Not bad because it has some use but definitely not good.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    i agree. It will be like Leverage where the mangled lasts for 30 seconds. Leverage is terrible perk but it would be consistent with the only other healing debuff perk in the game.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Sorry, but too many things i don't agree with.

    Bamboozle? In some maps it needed because of stupid windows (MD window is still here, lol), in others it is just waste of perk slot. No way it's 5 stars, it's not 2019 outside.

    Corrupt is extremely overrated. I see almost every day a game where Corrupt did nearly nothing or win 10 seconds to killer at best. Recently i saw a match, where killer spawns in the middle of Azarov's Resting Place and Corrupt blocked two gens on one side and one on another. Survivors started doing gens almost instantly.

    NOED? This perk could bring you a win out of nowhere, but in matches with good survivors it barely do anything. One instadown -> noed is gone, that's it. Maybe you can camp one guy out with lucky spawn, but it is definately not 5/5.

    Pentimento make me laugh, ngl. This perk need at least one another perk to start working. But even with full Hex build it sometimes once again does nothing, because Hexes are so good, that survivors could just ignore them. No way it's even 4/5.

    Forced Hesitation requires super altruistic team to be not a waste perk slot. 1/5 in my list.

    Dying Light is survivors perk, no doubt, but when you are lucky with it, this perk could win you a game, i swear.

    Fire Up in one tier up, because this perk consistent and always works. It saved me from so many flashlight saves.

    Have no idea why Starstruck is 4 stars, but maybe i don't play enough with it.

    I more or less agree with the rest.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    You said Leverage was the only other healing debuff perk in the game besides Sloppy Butcher. That has nothing to do with duration.

  • blackfox0408_fr_
    blackfox0408_fr_ Member Posts: 79

    In my experience, in pubs my tierlist of value of perks is more like that :

    The 1/5 and 0/5 are not in the order of value of perks.

    I play mostly Huntress, blight, nurse, singularity, doctor and oni. And most of the time i try to run 2 or less 5/5 perks and 1 3/5 and a 1/5 ...

    I play nurse with agi and monitor because i feel bad for solo Q players ...