My personal, completely meaningless Tierlist based on which killers should get looked at for changes

DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,829
edited February 5 in General Discussions

I'm in one of those moods where I felt the need to compile my thoughts on the killer roster atm, to preface this, I am not a particularly good player, I don't even play half of the roster, but I do have a pretty decent bit of knowledge on everybody, so I figured I'd throw my hat into the ring

Trapper: Should be obvious, Trapper is still considered the weakest killer in the game currently at least in my book, which is a fundamental every setup killer aside from SM has, I don't think this is much of a issue though, just let him start with all of his traps and he should be okay

Wraith: I think he's fine, not weak, not strong, just alright, I will say though, I would like to see some form of Wild Dance made basekit, mostly just because I'm kinda addicted to those addons

Hillbilly: I am in love with Billy's update in 7.5.0, however I do think that he's a smidge overtuned and that's mainly due to his addons, nerf his recovery and charge-speed addons, and maybe the charge rate in Overdrive, aside from that I think he's fine

Nurse: Rework entirely, Nurse is broken, you are lying to yourself if you say she's balanced, she does not play DBD, she plays Nurse Sim and Nurse Sim is not fun to be on the other side of, IDK what you can do to make her current power actually balanced for DBD but God I wish it was changed

Huntress: I think she's fine

Myers: Michael really only needs the stalk limit removed and his tombstone addons changed, aside from that I think he's okay

Hag: I don't think Hag's in much need of changes, but I wouldn't mind seeing Rope Necklet made basekit

Doctor: I think making Doctor's Illusions more threatening would be kind of cool, make them jump out at survivors and fake swings and such, he's not bad, I just wish his illusions were cooler

Bubba: I think Bubba's fine, but I would like to see a change made so that he can't rev his chainsaw for a few seconds if he's right next to a survivor that's just been recently hooked, camping with Bubba is still a load of nonsense and I'd be very happy to see it gone

Freddy: I'd bring back Old Freddy and give him some buffs, poor #########'s been bad ever since he got into the game, but he can at least make him semi-faithful to how he is in NOES instead of the crap he is right now

Pig: I'd make crouching faster and make Ruleset Number 2 basekit, and maybe make removing jigsaw traps uncancellable by screaming, aside from that I don't think Pig really needs that many touchups

Clown: Honestly? I'd just give Clown a extra bottle, that's pretty much it

Spirit: I think Spirit's fine, but I would like if her power recharged faster if you used up the full gauge to make it a bit better for map traversal

Legion: Again, I think Legion's fine, but I wouldn't be against making this part of Frank's Mix Tape basekit

Plague: I'm not really sure what I'd change about Plague, since her power is honestly pretty balanced, but something about her just isn't clicking with me in my brain, she's not overpowered by any means, but idk, I know I want to see Black Incense nerfed or reworked though, that addon is boosh to play against

Ghostface: Danny's fine as is honestly, though I wouldn't be against making Philly basekit, since I use that addon pretty much all the time

Demo: Completely fine as is and IMO is the poster boy for balanced killers in DBD, that being said, maybe make a weaker form of Rat Tail basekit? It's not really needed but it would be nice

Oni: Fine as is, but it would be nice to see Cracked Sakazuki made basekit too, I love that addon

Deathslinger: Spit Polish Rag basekit and a decreased cooldown on un-ADSing would be greatly appreciated

Pyramid Head: Buff and change his addons for the love of all that is good in this world, I'm tired of running Double Range because those are his only good addons

Blight: Nerf his addons and fix some of his bugs, 90% of Blight's "Techs" are just nonsense bugs that somehow remain unfixable all this time later, aside from that, Blight's okay


Yes I know they are slated for a rework, but until it actually happens, the point remains, Twins are the single clunkiest killer in the game right now, and needed a rework yesterday, not in 6 months

Trickster: I'm going to get some flak for this I'm sure, but I don't think Trickster's that bad, a bit oppressive? Sure, but not so much so that he's impossible to play against

Nemesis: Buff his addons, make Marvin's Blood basekit, Nemi's okay but man are his addons atrocious

Pinhead: Fine as is, stop thinking other people are going to babysit the box and start doing it yourself, if you let Pinhead activate Chain Hunt then that's entirely on you

Artist: Also fine as is, I don't think her zoning is particularly overpowered compared to some of the stronger killers, it can be annoying to go against a turbo-zoner, but that's the case with zoning in pretty much every game

Sadako: Also fine as is, her nerf from her PTB really didn't affect her that much, hell I'd argue she was never a particularly obnoxious or annoying killer at any point, ya'll just didn't want to do tapes

Dredge: Make Nightfall consistent and increase the number of lockers that spawn on each map, Dredge is arguably one of the most map-dependant killers right now purely down to locker RNG and brighter maps making Nightfall less impactful, if those problems get fixed, Greg's gravy

Wesker: I'd increase how long it takes for Uroboros Infection to fully infect a survivor while they are in chase, and remove the killer instinct whenever they're sprayed, Wesker is a tunnelling machine due to the Hindered effect, making it take longer to get while you're being chased would be rather appreciated

Knight: Same as Artist, yes Zoning is annoying, no that doesn't make Knight overpowered or even that annoying

Skull Merchant: Lock On Stacks should decay after 30 or so seconds, I think SM is fine but the fact that the stacks are permanent is kinda dumb

Singularity: I'd improve the hitbox and detection abilities of Biopods, they are way more clunky then they have any reason to be, I'd also make EMPs not respawn from boxes until the EMP that box is assigned to is used up in order to make them less spammable, also, fix the stupid broken biopod bug that lets you completely remove the tagging cooldown, that #########'s dumb

Xenomorph: Decrease the penalty for missing a Tail Strike by like 0.3 seconds or something, I think Xeno's fine but missing Tail Strike just feels super clunky and slow and I don't like that

Chucky: I think Chucky's fine, but I wouldn't be against making Scamper less powerful by increasing how long it takes

So yeah, feel free to disagree with me on any of these, I'd love to hear your opinions



  • isha
    isha Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 10

    Sadako was never obnoxious in the first place because 10% of people were playing her to pub stomp survivors. The 0.5% in that 10% were slugdakos. From what you said, it seems like you have never encountered a slugdako. slugdakos are the most optimal way to play her. It's also incredibly obnoxious to be on the receiving end. Orea in her current state is even worse off than before. Skull merchant does NOT need her lock on to decay. Why make another pub stomper worse against semi-competent teams?

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    you are too nice to put myers in just "could use a few tweaks".

    he needs big tweaks.

    that is a good first step for trapper.

    and it's REALLY hard to figure out what to do with nurse. because as you said, she doesn't play dbd. at least not the chase dbd we currently have.

    but you can't just change it. because then it's not nurse anymore. and that is always bad. we should never delete characters.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,023

    Rat Tail base-kit for Demo would be nice. Setting up portals feels too damn slow and sluggish. And there's also the fact that you have to activate them to turn them into tracking devices... very slow early game for Demo.

    I agree with Clown, Sticky Soda Bottle needs to be base-kit. It's the only add-on I ever use for him.

  • Depressedlegion
    Depressedlegion Member Posts: 327

    For knight he needs many bug fixes, guard ai re fixing, and map of the realm base kit.

  • CompleatBeet
    CompleatBeet Member Posts: 118

    Myers needs BIG tweaks, weakest Killer in my opinion alongside Trapper and Freddy.

    Sadako has always been problematic. Her first iteration was so weak that the only viable playstyle was Slugako, Iri Tape + Ring Drawing, spam TPs and slug until you condemn someone out of the game, rinse repeat. Her second iteration was mind-numbingly easy and boring to use. Made her stronger, but took away everything her mains enjoyed about her. The current iteration is on the right track but was executed horribly. Luckily, she's getting some buffs in the next patch which I think will put where she needs to be.

    Other than that, completely agree.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,909

    Freddy: I'd bring back Old Freddy and give him some buffs

    Spot on, my friend!

    It is what we desperately need.

    HINGIRIK Member Posts: 103
    edited February 6


    I think his camera needs to be changed. First of all, I think it is against the story and gameplay of the game. When you look at the Learn The Play section of the game, there is a section that says "The killer sees from the first camera perspective, while the survivors see from the 3rd perspective to see the world better." First of all, the killer sees you better than you see him. It's very difficult to track white dots on the ground, especially once Chucky becomes undetectable. These white dots are sometimes not visible even though the killer is standing so low that you can even see Ōnryo from above. I think the camera angle is a disgusting situation that spoils the story and mechanics of the game, and I think it should be fixed. There are also those among us who play Twins. There are also people who drive Victor like a car and jump on the survivor. What is Victor's fault? There is a part that I mentioned that is strong for the murderer and a part that is weak for the murderer. I'm trying to hit someone in particular. Normally, if you touch Survivor exactly, it should count as a hit, but it doesn't. I know that I have to press m1 when I'm a little away from Survivor, and even if I do that, it doesn't hit. This means that if someone who does not play Chucky says "Let's play Chucky", 2-3 unsuccessful hits may cause him to roll Dc and reduce the playability. Am I stupid or are others having the same problem?


    I don't like hitboxes. I have to spend 5-6 seconds even to hit the man next to me. Consider console gamers. In addition, it is very difficult to hit someone who is far away, just as it is so difficult to hit the man next to him.


    They say this killer is weak, but the killer can hold about 8-9 pallets, the main building, the shack and jungle gyms. It can lock almost half of the map. I don't even want to talk about closed maps. If the killer sets his traps in a camouflaged manner in a corridor with high traffic density, he can be powerful. But there is no any power without add-ons. For example, the add-on that automatically opens a trap every 30 seconds and the add-on that automatically knocks down the survivor when he escapes from the trap can be a basekit.


    Micheal's tombstone add-ons may be more useful. You earn about 20 stalk points and can only kill those who are not in the animation. For example, killing someone entering the closet, killing in any animation and should be given the ability to kill by pressing lunge. Also, it is weaker than ghost face, ghost face stalking for 4-8 seconds is enough. And both give exposure for 60 seconds.


    It has a very strange hitbox, the survivor can dodge by pressing A and D. You can also hit someone turning a corner from the other side of that corner. Once you enter the portal, your character exits the portal before you even see the outside of the portal, and this should not happen. For example, as soon as you enter the portal, you can enter the exit animation from the other end of the portal (just changing the killer's perspective). We should be able to remove the portals. For example, by pressing m2+ctrl. The speed at which we can put our heads into portals can be increased. By shredding, we can avoid hitting invisible walls (You are flying from a high place and one invisible wall takes all your speed). Miss cooldown may be reduced. Setting portal speed can be increased. Add-ons and basekits that increase the time required to break the portal can be buffed. Blighted skin can be added (probably will be added). In the mori, the head can be cut off, or they can add a texture to the survivor's entire head, just like Singularity's mori. Someone who sees mori for the first time may think that BHVR does not have enough budget for mori. Graphically, its size can be increased because in the series, Demogrogons are mentioned as 2.7 meters, but in the game they are almost survivor size, so it does not make you feel that strong. Add-ons can be added for increase shred speed and distance.


    I think Madness 3 is weak because Survivor can wake up with 10~ seconds. I think it takes someone else to help them come to their senses.


    Hitboxes are tiny. The maximum number of zombies can be around 5-6 because having 2 bulky zombies on a huge map is not enough. Zombies can only hit careless survivors by chance. Additionally, a few more types of textures can be added to zombies. If the zombie entered the hit animation, it should deal guaranteed damage. Depending on the nature of the zombies, it can detect injured survivors from a distance and walk towards them faster (it would be a nice detail if the smell of blood is attractive).

    •Death Slinger

    Quick scop should be possible, after all, this is something that requires talent.

    •Generraly killers

    The red add-ons of dozens of killers in the game are of no use. These need to be either buffed or their rarity reduced.

    Post edited by HINGIRIK on
  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,273
    1. Nurse. Basekit nerf down to A tier
    2. Blight - Basekit nerf down to A tier
    3. Myers - Buff and delete purple tombstone
    4. Freddy - Buff
    5. Pig - Buff
    6. Trapper - Buff

    They don't even need to get complicated with any of this. I think the entire concept of S tier killers and weak killers that can be run for five gens by a good survivor needs to end. Both are bad and should be the top priority.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Nurse arguably needs a nerf, but on the other side, she works perfectly fine as a frustration valve when a killer round goes wrong. I explained that in a different thread why, as she is, is mostly okay, even tho she is actually op.

    Knight needs a complete rework. The entire concept of this killer is problematic.

    Dull Merchant same as Knight, only a 1000 times more problematic

    Bild Lady needs some fundamental changes, everything about her kit is boring.

    Twins needs full rework. Twins are such a wasted oportunity - they could have been the first 2 people in 1 killer. Charlotte is just a basic M1 killer, while Victor has no attack but has other abilities like blocking gens or pallets. On top of that, free scouting ect.

    Freddy, the Slasher Goat needs a full rework. A version of V1 but different that survivors get teleported to HIS realm.

    Myers, the other Slasher Goat while beeing very true to his character needs a rework. The stalking mechanic is just outdated.

    Onryo needs a rework. There are tons of suggestions around, pick one, it is for sure better then the current version of her.

    Hag actually is kinda close to be fine. In fact i am not a fan of the ability to destroy her traps but rather that they are visible when survivors come close to them. Make her not able to teleport back to the hook - just like Dredge with lockers.

    Dredge needs his Skull Addon baskit. Other then that, this killer is mostly fine.

    Xeno is extremly close for me to put it up to rework. Tail is such a frustrating mechanic, and on the other side, the turrets are just meh. In fact, screw that! Up to rework! When i heared Alien, i thought of a killer who can climb walls and shred from there like a demogorgon. Something like that would be much more intersting. But very difficult to achieve, since it could become oppressive.

    Spirit is mostly fine. A mini nerf to her phasing speed is all i am asking for.

    Hillbilly is kinda fine, slightly overbuffed in my opinion. The cooldown after chainsaw sprint is much to short. And the fact they added those 0 cooldown addons back into the game is just embarrassing for BHVR. Seriously guys? It now makes sense why you reworked him in the first place: You REALLY had no idea what the problem was.

    Singularity is an interesting killer. Remove the addon that the movement speed is faster after teleport. Other then that, mostly okayish.

    Pinhead is complicated. Its either complete desaster round or stomp. The box should be less punishing for survivors and on the other hand his snare could be slightly stronger.

    Trickster should actually be called the One-Trickster. So rework his name. I acutally thought he should be reworked, but i dont see any redeeming qualitiy with this dude. Some minor tweaks are probably the best to do with this failed concept of a killer. I gave up on him honestly.

    Chucky's scamper is a joke. Once he is in his power, its almost a guaranteed hit because of that. Slize and dize might also need some tweaks. On the other hand, cooldown is to long. He has the potental to be fine, but for now, still problematic.

    Blight's addons are still a joke. Exaplaining all of them would take much to long and i am still testing around.

    Pig would need a minor buff to her ambush, but on the other side a minor nerf to the traps. Overall, more buff then nerf, but she is not nearly as bad as some think.

    The other killers are fine for me. Even weaker killers like Legion or Trapper should not be buffed to much, if even. They might become way to oppresive and frustrating to play against when chained to much.