What non-horror IP do you want to see in DbD?

Title. What game or movie that, while not in the horror genre, do you want to see added to DbD? Any idea for survivors? A killer and their power? Perks? Go nuts.
Would be amazing to see Kiryu and Majima as survivors
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The X-Files of course! 👽️ Would love to see Mulder and Scully (and perhaps A.D. Skinner) as Survivors! 👍️
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Garrison Keillor, from Lake Woebegone.
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Apollyon, For Honor
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Hunger Games, Jurassic Park, and Scooby Doo
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Unless it's as cosmetics, i'd say none as DBD should stick to horror only when it comes to chapters themselves.
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The web novel Worm, by the author Wildbow.
The protagonist, Taylor Hebert, would make for an excellent killer, and there's enough horror vibes to her that she'd fit despite her source material not exactly being pure horror.
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Don’t Starve
while not horror, the survival game with its settings and themes does carry many horror elements imo.
Charlie as Killer (possibly as Dredge skin if it’s not enough for a full chapter?)
Wilson would be the obvious but imo boring survivor choice with Willow as legendary. Plenty of children so those would be not possible. Would love to see most of the cast in DbD artstyle tbh - they have phenomenal character designs.
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Dawson's Creek. The first triple survivor chapter: Dawson, Pacey, and Joey. A sign of the apocalypse
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How about The A-Team as survivors!.
’I pity the fool’
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I think the scooby doo movie would be fun and still fit well in dbd
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All for this.
A suggestion i bring up all the time is the source of inspiration of series like X-Files: Twin peaks. Dale Cooper would become my main forver.
Scooby <3 While it does not fit the tone, It somehow also fits the theme of DBD.
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A full Power Rangers chapter. Tommy and Kimberly as Survivors, Rita (Lord Zedd Legendary) as killer with Goldar as their AI controlled Nemo Zombie equivalent.
Naruto Cosplay Cosmetic Set. Claudette gets gets Itachi Cosplay with slicked back hair and Active glowing Sharingan. Dwight gets Sakura with a pink wig. David gets Sauske with the open shirt outfit he had in early Shippuden. Ace gets Kakashi. Nea gets Naruto.
Konosuba Cosplay Cosmetic set.
Marvel and DC Cosplay set with lots of skin tight cosmetics. Jane as Wonderwoman plz.
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None ideally. That being said, Slipknot and Iron Maiden are cool.
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I wanted to add because I just thought of them: Heathers and Jennifer’s Body.
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Yes! Jennifer and Needy as Survivors w their prom dress cosmetics! plz🥳
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Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire.
Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen as new Survivors would be amazing. The Night King could work as a Killer, as well, with a winter/blizzard/undead related power.
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A Monster Hunter chapter concept (Yes, I am serious) — BHVR
I'll keep preaching about this until I drop dead
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Papa Emeritus (could have skins representing all 4 Papa’s thus far) from the band Ghost as killer and a fan girl or metal head dude as survivor. That would be my dream, anyway. Although the clothing brand Blackcraft Cult said they were in deals to do a skin collab with DBD and it fell apart because Behavior decided they were “too satanic” for their horror game where you sacrifice innocent people to a Satan like entity but ok so, it’d probably never happen considering Ghost’s satanic themes. Would be so cool if it did though and Ghost is pretty cool with their IP and doing collabs with brands and stuff so I think they’d be on board.
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Niko Bellic from GTA4
Mid-chase your phone rings:
"Hey cousin, you wanna go bowling?"
"Not now Roman."
Post edited by not_Queef on1 -
Jurassic Park (Raptor +Dennis Nedry). 🦖
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I could see them giving us cosmetics of the Scooby-Doo gang.