Would people care about modern Licenses?

HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
edited February 2024 in General Discussions

Hypothetically, if dbd ran out of old-school licenses (anything before 2010), and they started releasing more new things in the game, would people be interested in buying them.

So things like the new Thanksgiving movie, Last Voyage of the Demeter, Antlers, The Boogeyman, M3gan, Terrifier, Malignant, A Quiet Place or anything else more recent.

Personally, I'd enjoy chapters based on recent movies and franchises as long as I enjoyed the movie.

Post edited by HaunterofShadows on


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    I think Terrifier and M3gan would fit right in.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094

    It depends on relevancy and popularity really.

    If we look at something like SAW which is post-2000, it's big enough as a franchise to have both.

    I can't really think of a whole lot of modern horror movies that have enough of both to be considered big enough in the same sense.

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 974

    Yeah be nice to have a more modern horror icon. Of all the licenses Resident Evil and Stranger Things been the 2 biggest sellers for DBD. Not counting Myers since he's the very first. Licenses for survivors don't get much love from the fans. All others been somewhat old that only the older adults worked enjoy while most kids won't even know who they are.

    If say SpringTrap from FNAF got introduced it could possibly big the biggest seller ever.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    It depends.

    If they are good licenses, i am sure people would like to have them.

    The Purge is one of the modern licenses and i'd have it in DbD.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    I’m kinda hoping they branch out to modern horror games ex amnesia outlast the evil within

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,142

    I still think Until Dawn would be a good addition. The map could be in the Ormond realm. It'd be nice to get more maps in older realms.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I think DBD is in a place where it needs to do this. It's pulled in as much of the old school crowd as it's gonna get. We need to include more recent things to draw new blood.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 871
    edited February 2024

    I would be hyped if they ever did a full Until Dawn chapter and a full Quiet Place chapter (although tbh the monsters from both could be legendary skins of each other XD).

    ...Well, I would be hyped if gen-defense wasn't kneecapped for weaker/M1 Killers and decent squads weren't able to purposefully get one gen at low regression events then keep it for the end for a free endgame.

  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 160
    edited February 2024

    The only one of those that I've seen is a quiet place, but regardless, I wouldn't mind seeing some stuff from newer movies. That said, while I know they wouldn't be as hype for general audiences, I'd love to see them branch out into weirder licenses. I'd love to see a puppet master chapter, or hell, I'd kill for an uzumaki chapter where the "killer" is the town's curse. Not like, a specific entity from the comic, but the curse itself. Rather than chasing survivors around, it would be all about setting environmental traps around the map, while summoning AI controlled victims of the curse to herd survivors into the traps you set up.

    I know it's asking entirely too much from these devs, but man, I really want a weird killer that just doesn't chase or kick gens or interact with the game the way other killers do and something like uzumaki would be the perfect medium for that.

    This is going to sound like a weird point of comparison, but one of the things that makes guilty gear so unique among fighting games is that every character is playing a totally different game. The game that a zato-1 player is playing is not the same game that a venom player is playing which is not the same game that slayer player is playing. I want to see dbd turn into that once they exhaust all the worthwhile slashers and monsters from all the big licenses and they what they're left with has to be implemented a little more creatively. Give me Angela from lobotomy corporation or Dorothy from galarians, killers that absolutely can't play the game the way that normal killers do.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    Only if M3gan gets her signature dance as the first killer emote. Not mori, but emote!

  • Nos482
    Nos482 Member Posts: 40

    I would like to see The Bughuul from Sinister.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,673

    I want to see Winnie the Pooh from the new Horror movie 🎬

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Technically BHVR could add Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh without having to go through any trouble now since they're both public domain.

  • Kryo_Night
    Kryo_Night Member Posts: 15

    Well I doubt it's a particularly popular pick for a licensed chapter I'd really love to see a chapter for FAITH: The Unholy Trinity. The game is just so stylish and creepy and maintains a surprising amount of mechanical depth for a game which could be played on an Atari controller. John Ward as the survivor and Gary as the killer would work great. The only real issue I could see coming up is the difficulty in translating the games art style to DBD but I have faith (heh) in BHVR's art team to pull it off.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,725

    License needs to be at least 5 years old, otherwise it doesn't feel genuine.

    I think Stranger Things was acquired a little too soon, and that is in part why BHVR lost the IP for a period of time.

    If it feels like BHVR (or any game studio) is just trying to jump on a trend for their own gain, it devalues that content. In an effort to create something truly timeless, I believe it is important to let IP's exist on their own for a period of time, so that the collaboration feels like one of mutual appreciation.

    Ideally, both parties are choosing to come together not just for monetary gain, but because they both truly believe that they can add value to one another through the partnership.

  • Heliosse
    Heliosse Member Posts: 158

    I partially agree, i think the majority of people that could be interested in dbd because of the old horror icons are either already in the boat or will never play.

    That could be why Alien and Chucky "flopped" in term of numbers. There is also the fact that a good portion of this community is not attracted to the horror genre that much and just loves the gameplay, even streamer like Hens (he said it himself in a stream) is not that much if not at all in the horror train, he just loves dbd. So except if the killer has a very "good gameplay" and "skill expression", their IP will not matter that much.

    In modern dbd, it's mostly the opposite, most people are going to watch the movies/play the games because they heard about the IP, but never watched/played it (in the same vein, most people that mains and loves Cheryl Mason probably never played SH3). So the IP gains a new breath based on their introduction in dbd (gmeplay, being fun to play/verse, bzing memey etc). That's happened to SH, it was dead in the water, and now, Konami is trying to reignite the franchise, i think this new breath from SH was created by dbd. It putted old games with no visibility in the main show, plenty of people just did not knowed the IP, and now they like/love it.

    Chucky is decently played now, i think he is more in line with the others in term of pickrate. A shame the official stats can't help since it's from December to January.

    Alien has a decent pickrate of 3% which is not bad at all, but it was one of the top 5 most requested IP of ALL TIME and no one gives a damn about it. It's not talked about, it does not have a good reputation like Demogorgon (which come from an IP that will attract new blood and younger audience) and people do not like the gameplay. On this aspect, the Xenomorph is such a failure, it probably should have stayed away. Sometimes it's better to make people drool about something than to actually give them.

    New IP that could give dbd a great run would be:

    - Fnaf: I do think that it could be dbd's biggest sales straight up, it is accessible to "kids"/yougner audience (like ST), it has an enormous and still active fanbase and it's one of the most well knowed IP that is also very recent. Problem with fnaf is the war it will probably create between two small portion of the community.

    - The Frictional Games: Absolute gems that deserves to be here, Penumbra, Amnesia or Soma. This studio is excellent and i would be happy to see them get some love in dbd.

    - Bendy: Not the most popular, but kinda like fnaf, i think it could be very decent.

    Little nightmare, evil within, there is plenty of choices (also, it's not new, but a Bioshock chapter would be 👌, good gameplay or not, i would add this to my mains)

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    I'm just saying, if a GIF of a DOS game came running at me to kill me, I'd be more terrified of that than any killer on the roster.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Little Nightmares would be fun.

    I think there wouldn't be a survivor due to the game's protagonists being children, but overall I think it would be a good fit for DBD.

    We did almost get a killer called "The Teacher", didn't we? A Little Nightmares Chapter would be a perfect opportunity to make that happen.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221

    I’d be cool with them adding some survivors from the dark anthropology series(until dawn, little hope, man of Medan, ect).

    the evil within was fun to play so wouldn’t mind that either.

    mostly I want more original content bc 1. More skins and 2. More skins.

    as far as originals I still want a wendigo and vampire killer in that roster.

  • Coz
    Coz Member Posts: 79

    I’d happily pay money for Art the Clown, Babadook, The Nun, (awful movies though), Cobweb etc.

    I think there is a market for modern horror as well as older stuff too.

    Pumpkinhead, Rawhead Rex, The Leprechaun, Critters, Cropsy from The Burning etc.

    all ripe for the picking :)

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Depending what it is, sure. Being oldschool doesn't automatically make it better, just like being modern doesn't make it worse. People just want popular licences regardless.

    m3gan would be cool but I dunno how they'd make her unique, but they've done it before.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094

    They've already done that with Alan Wake.

    Also out of all 3 picks, Outlast has the biggest chance to be added.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,010

    I can't think of much modern horror that interests me at all, and even less that would fit well into DbD's formula.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,920

    They’ve already done that with Stranger Things and Alan Wake 2 and they were pretty well received so I think at some point we’ll see more.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    With the addition of Ringu, I feel like a good amount of horror movies that couldn't fit in dbd are now fair game

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    While little nightmares would be fun, I wouldn't really want it in dbd because of how the the protagonists size affects the atmosphere and gameplay of the franchise. It's kind of what makes the games what they are

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    I wouldn't be surprised at all if they eventually get a deal with the Conjuring series and add the Nun

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    I do eventually want a killer that relies more on sound than sight one day

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    edited February 2024

    Well at this point, a quiet place, outlast, amnesia, the IT movies, have all been around for more than 5 years, with a quiet place approaching its 6th birthday. Other licenses that come to mind include the conjuring and insidious. So I still feel like there's a good amount of license they could add, even with a self imposed 5 year rule.

    Post edited by HaunterofShadows on
  • Heliosse
    Heliosse Member Posts: 158

    I don't know if it would be "fun", this term in used in theory, but when the actual thing drop, it's another story.

    Like i said, an IP isn't eveything (just look at Freddy). And i think this chapter would be really difficult to do, it's mostly a wild card, kinda like Jaws, it can be incredibly original or it can be a mess.

    This is no monster that runs, or climb, or shoots, creatures in LN are really specials, it would be as innacurate as Pyramid head, where Behaviour created almost everything he can do because he doesn't do anything special in SH2, he is more of a message after all.

    With the massive dominance of mobility killers in this game, i don't think a chapter like LN would be well received (not talking about initial hype, im talking about the long run). Killers that are trully unique and original in their design are for the most part incredibly unpopular, Singularity, Cenobite or even Sadako are the first that come to mind but i could do a full list (open to debate of course).

    The killers that are considered great design in this community are almost always killers that dashes, so yeah, there is a clear trend here (i don't see a LN character dashing around).

    I used to think IP's were a big deal, but that's not the case anymore, they are a big deal for some people for sure, but not for the majority. Take Wesker for exemple, he is not popular because he is Wesker, he is popular because of his kit, like people say, "it's fun".

    The IP here changed almost nothing, the people like you, that plays a certain character because they really love this character in particular, true mains, are rare, and that's why there is 3 Freddy mains even tho he is a very big IP in the horror genra.

    Maybe in some months/years, we are going to get a LN chapter that is incredible, but i have 0 faith. I know that im overly pessimisstic in my take, but i guess that's what reading forums does to someone !

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
    edited February 2024

    Chaos. Legion but multiple members are on map. Killer player can switch between them. Whenever player is not controlling, other members can chase survivors slowly, as like Nemesis zombies.

    But i don't know what chase power they could have. Maybe trap based?

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 650

    Terrifier 100% 😍

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763
  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    considering people keep asking for them... I say yes.

    still waiting for isaac...

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    That's one of my friends second most wanted thing. His first big want is outlast

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094
    edited February 2024

    Ain't no way Warner Bros would license out one of their biggest cash cows to a company that isn't under their own umbrella.

    It's as likely as Sony agreeing to do cross-progression or a crossover with an IP they own into a game that's owned by different company without getting some form of compensation or some kind of exclusivity in return.

  • KazRen
    KazRen Member Posts: 187

    I mean I see people wanting Terrifier, Unitl Dawn, Dead Space, and quite literally the loudest one and common, fnaf.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,891

    i have suggested Little Nightmares before as well.

    i feel like Meg and Jake could get legendary outfits based on Six and Mono (possibly one for Dwight and Claudette from LN 3 as well?)

    And The Lady as a new killer with a light/shadow based power, could incorporate mirror shards as killer specific surv items or something.

  • jamally093
    jamally093 Member Posts: 1,782

    I think the main problem would be that we already have a clown(Clown) so Terrifier would be nice but well the name the Clown is kinda taken and the terrifier doesn't sound as nice but still and well M3gan would be interesting wasn't a major fan of the movie but well we have chucky and I think M3gan is somewhat based on Chucky in a way so it would be cool to have them even then just as outfits.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,725

    I would be very interested to see if BHVR would buy the rights from King to do their own designs for IT, or if they would borrow the likeness from the movies.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 621

    I'd love to see some post 2010 stuff added in like these; Hush, Terrifier, M3gan, A Quiet Place, The Autopsy of Jane Doe, V/H/S, Don't Breathe (Think of how cool it would be playing a killer that is blind!). Also, imagine the number of characters they could get from Cabin in the Woods!

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    I agree that people would want popular licenses regardless of age, but I feel like older ones are going to be more popular just because they've been around long enough.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    They still didn't add Parasite Eve :(

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I think the big thing to consider is franchises. I'm personally not eager for them to pick up licenses of flavour of the month rubbish like Megan that disappear after a year or so and then we're left with them lingering in the game. Like genuinely, it was a pretty bad movie that only got attention for "wow, she's evil but she's dancing in the trailer, she's so sassy, slaaaay," and it did absolutely nothing new or creative with an overused plotline.

    I think the best licenses are ones that have shown they stand up to time. Old horror is iconic, but newer entries like Saw have shown persistent success over recent times. One-off movies like that don't really deserve to stand alongside horror icons like what we have.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    edited February 2024

    While I understand that perspective, I feel like it fails to see the bigger picture. Icons of horror are born from singular movies, that studios usually ruin the magic of by making so many movies for it.

    I'll use the ring/ringu as an example. It became an icon of horror off the first movie. The TV scene is iconic even people who don't like horror know it, and the design of sadako/samara was so popular it influences the designs of ghosts today.

    Then, because it was so popular, it spawned a few sequels/prequels. But those aren't what most people associate with the movie. They see that first iconic scene of the girl crawling out of the TV, they remember the character picking up the phone and being told 7 days, and they remember the long hair flowing in front of her face, revealing only her eye. And all of these were made iconic by the first movie

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,010

    The Ring began as a novel from 1991 and a movie adaptation from 1998. We have had two and a half decades for The Ring to cement itself as a horror icon. People remember The Ring, because it was worth remembering. Movies released less than 1 year ago are not comparable, because there has been no time to prove they are iconic of the genre, or of anything at all, or if anyone will even remember they exist.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    But again, even regarding information like that, there's still movies and franchises that gain popularity insanely quick. It doesn't take two and a half decades to cement yourself as a horror icon. Movies and other franchises have shown that it can take a lot less time.

    in 6 years, A Quiet Place has proven popular enough to produce a sequel and a prequel.

    The Conjuring made a casual 319 million and the Conjuring 2 made more.

    The Fnaf movie was the highest grossing horror movie of 2023 and is Blumhouse's highest-grossing movie ever (even with a release on streaming), which shows how popular the games are.

    Even Until Dawn, while it has no direct sequels or prequels, was popular enough to lead to the creation of similar games such as The Quarry and the Dark Pictures anthology.

    All these came out after 2010. And most of these became popular the year they were released or the year after they were released. So while two decades is a good amount of time for a franchise/movie/game to cement itself as a horror icon, it is not at all required.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,255

    Who the survivors? Should we get the sisters as the wendigo and then the brother as a cosmetic?

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    edited February 2024

    I'd imagine Sam and Mike. They seem to be the most popular picks whenever until dawn comes up

    Post edited by HaunterofShadows on