Why do people keep DC'ing against Legion?

I started maining him recently and every match I've had people either DC or kill themselves on hook. Why? If his power is annoying survivors just need to stay separated and he basically has no power.
Because the match simply didn't go to the way they want
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Some people are just babies who can't handle facing something they don't like.
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Legion isn't particularly OP, but their power is pretty annoying to go against. Similar to Plague, it basically negates any healing attempts, which can instantly screw over survivors who invest in healing perks/medkits.
That's not to say bringing a medkit or a healing perk means you instantly lose against Legion, I've brought full healing builds against both Legion and Plague, and still escaped. But there's still that initial disappointment and pang of hopelessness that comes with knowing right away that you're at a disadvantage, and some players can't handle that, they have to be winning all the time.
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In all honesty, I have no idea why Legion is quoted as one of the least favorite killers to play against so often. He actually lets you play the game as survivor and have chases. Literally the only thing you have to know as survivor playing against them is to not group and bunch up, that’s it. He just becomes a normal M1 killer with a high chance of a first hit after that.
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I personally don't get too many DCs as a Legion main but yeah, it definitely happens. There's not much love for us out there.
If you've only just started playing as Legion and building your MMR, it's more likely that you'll be facing less experienced Survivors more often. These Survivors like grouping up on gens and hate to play injured, making the Legion a deadly and oppressive Killer to these players. Legion is very strong at the low and mid MMR brackets. You should see less DCs as your opponents become stronger.
There are a couple of add-ons and common Legion perks that Survivors absolutely hate to face, mainly because they exacerbate the more tedious aspects of their design (their ability to delay objectives through mending, and their mobility in Frenzy to cross maps and pressure Survivors off gens). I personally think their base-kit game delay is already pretty good, so I tend to avoid using anything that makes them more oppressive in this respect. I don't use their Filthy Blade add-on or Thanatophobia because I know how much Survivors hate mending and working on gens. You could add Hex: Ruin and Frank's Mixtape into the mix and really grind the game to a halt. Add "optimal" but unpopular play styles like camping and tunnelling at 5 gens and you have a recipe for misery.
If you want Survivors to have a bit more fun in your matches, I recommend going off meta with your builds or equipping some chase perks. Aside from getting a quick first injury, their power isn't really useful as a chase power. But I like to use their power to vault pallets and windows in chase for no sensible reason anyway, because it's a very fun way to play them.
Post edited by tjt85 on0 -
I personally dislike going against Legion as you spend so much time mending which just feels very non interactive and repetitive.
However, I would never DC just because I don’t like a specific killer. You play whoever you want, whenever you want - it’s just the nature of online gaming that, unfortunately, you get salty players who don’t like it when things don’t go there way so have to ruin the game for others.
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Most survivors are obsessed with healing. So they really struggle against Legion and Plague.
I always laugh when they run Legion pin against my SWF and I considering one of us runs No Mither and the rest of us never heal to keep up gen pressure. But I'd imagine it's really strong against solos.
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I personally dislike going against Legion, but I think everybody has a specific killer they don’t like going against. For me personally, I hate mending over and over and over and trying to heal over and over. It’s just annoying.
I’m definitely guilty of letting Legion hook me and I die so I can go the next lobby. However, I will give it all before I am hooked. 🙏🏼
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I love Infinite Mend.
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Infinite Mending?
Those are some awful memories of that one glitch...
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The legion matches tend to drag on a lot.. everyone gets a deep wound over and over, the Legion is so slow, it takes a long time for them to hook someone. It's like being stuck in limbo .....
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I don´t like Legion... it is the mending i think.
The matches are often not so good. As i never dc i always have to go with it. Can get annoying.
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Because every killer in the game is boring except for Hillbilly (oops nvm he's boring now too) uhh I guess No Knives No Perk Addonless GoJ Trickster is fun to play against I guess
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Not "particularly OP" is being kind; Legion is one of the worst killers in the game, and unless you're at low MMR you're probably getting out when you face them.
I don't think many people feel hopeless when they realize they're facing a Legion, they feel exasperated. All the mending (and playing against them in general) is tedious as hell.
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I don't dc vs legion, but a killer with a built in wall hack and speed hack just isn't fun to face.
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I can get that, but it's just 1 health state though. They just becomes a powerless M1 killer after that.
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I think Survivors are getting bored and irritable with Soloq and just about anything triggers them. I'm on a break myself, which I'm not happy about because I'm missing the rift.
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Bad survivors DC against Legion, mending simulator is boring, but outside of that they're an M1 killer that gets looped to hell and back. I'm mediocre AT BEST, and I can run a Legion for 3 gens easily, unless they're packing a surprise like Hex Blood Favor.
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I don't DC against Leigon but if my team are constantly healing against the Leigon I'll go next because no gens are getting done and they are getting injured constantly.
But Leigon isn't OP or anything it's just annoying how some survivors play against them.
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Legion themselves aren't annoying for me, it's my teammates not knowing how to play against.
I actually quite like playing against Legion when my teammates are decent but when they spend the entire game Self-Caring only to get Frenzied .2 seconds later to repeat the whole thing again it gets frustrating. Also people mending while Legion is still in Frenzy and then going down from the 5th hit and then immediately DCing...
Almost every second Legion game plays out like that so, even though I disagree with them DCing, I can understand why people aren't exactly happy to load into a Legion match.
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Because people don't like having to play mend simulator for half the match. He forces survivors into endless altruism that also lets him track where you are. Its too much.
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I actually like going against Legion. They encourage you to split up more, they're everywhere on the map, and you're actually able to loop them like a normal M1 killer. They're a killer that encourages survivors to play differently until the real chase begins. Mending simulator is definitely boring I agree, but the strategy of not mending until you know Frenzy is over is pretty fun to pull off.
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From what I've been told is "because mending simulator is boring"
I am not a fan of legion ESPECIALLY in lights out, that was just silly. However I at least stick it out and try my best even if it's annoying lol
Just stay out of its terror radius and its not so bad
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Probably because Legion does exactly what survivors don't like. Injure them, leave them to mend and only chase them when they're injured. It's not very pleasant to play against Legion for a majority of players. Because most aren't comfortable staying injured the entire game. It only gets worse with certain addons.
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After 3 years and 2,500 hours I can honestly say that Legion is the most difficult Killer to face as Survivor. I've tried every tactic against Legion but they all fail. If you hold off mending/healing the bar drops so rapidly that you are on the ground before you know it. And playing injured means a one-hit hook. If you attempt to play keep away by running to the corner of the map, you are not repairing gens and Legion will likely detect you with the long range heart beat and fast closing speed. He/she also counters loops by quickly vaulting pallets and windows, sprinting faster than Survivors even in "sprint burst," and detecting hidden Survivors in lockers, etc.
That said, I have escaped matches against Legion but only because they were baby Killers and didn't know how to play as the Killer. I also witnessed a 4K against Legion on The Game map in under 2 minutes. I don't DC in matches because I play for the enjoyment of the game. But I'm nearly always guaranteed to de-Pip. 😱
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i think legion may be just your counter. most people say legion is not hard or op but they hate that the game is a slog wich even as a legion main is a fair argument.
i have the same problems with spirit. i cant win against her if she doesnt allow me to. no matter how good i am against other killer and no matter hom many tips and strats i learn sprit will kill me