New PTB patch notes

My humble opinion in short.
Cheap buff on demo, i hoped for some addon tweak or portal replacement after limit or something more than 1 line.
Dont understand Huntress buffs how a popular and strong killer got such buffs? (Look at poor demodoggo).
Clown care of pinky finger with extra bottles. Hope its adjusted.
Rest seems fine on paper.
The Huntress buff is not going to end well...🤐
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No, Pig actually got nerfed on her trap, which is not fine at all.
Disappointed at Demo buff. Is that all? I expected some kind of Portal buffs.
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Doctor, Hag, Clown, and Demo changes are alright imo, though I agree with your sentiment regarding Pinky Finger. I wish they'd just rework it already instead of continuing to nerf it.
Pig I'm not sure about, her ambush and stealth are better (1 second crouch time is exactly what I wanted so I'm happy about that) but I'm not sure it's a net buff overall because of the nerfs to traps.
Huntress is going to be obnoxious if those changes go through, she doesn't need buffs.
Bloodweb improvement is good.
I'm not a fan of timed Mangled and 60 seconds is very likely going to be too short. By the time you hook someone and they get rescued it's probably going to have expired already and you'll get no value from it. I still think the combo of Hemorrhage + Mangled is the problem and not Mangled itself.
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Who thought that was a good idea? It's abysmal.
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The Huntress buff is a nonsense, she is already one of the killers with the highest pickrate, nobody have complained about her being weak or asked buffs for her, at least in the last few years and despite all that, she will receive the highest buff of the next patch or at least on par with The Clown buff. What's the point?
Meanwhile The Pig is being buffed and nerfed at the same time. The "nerf pig" meme becoming a reality again.
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Pig Changes: The stealth and ambush buffs are welcome and I can understand (not necessarily agree) of the need to remove the Jigsaw Box auras from Pig. However, increasing the Bear Trap times feels unnecessary.
Hag Changes: Mostly fine, but I feel lengthening the time to remove a Phantasm trap was not needed. Now the traps are more effective, removing them could have been left.
Clown Changes: I really like reducing the Afterpiece Tonic intensity for those who may feel sick from the visual distortions.
Doctor Changes: Fine. No concerns.
Demogorgon Changes: It's good, but if they had done nothing about the Shred and focused on improving the Portals, then that would have been better received.
Huntress Changes: She needed a buff? Granted, she didn't need a nerf neither, but a pass on her add-ons would have been better.
Blight Change: Yeah, no concerns.
Mangled Changes: This does put this in line with other effects, so I get it. It's not the bad change I thought it would be. Some say it may result in more tunnelling, but to be fair I doubt this because those who would tunnel already would have the intention in the first place. Seems fine.
Prestige Change: Anyone who complains about this change may need to touch grass. Nice QoL improvement.
Overall, mostly fine but some odd decisions amongst it. The ongoing "Nerf Pig" joke is still on though.
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Pig not seeing the boxes is a trade ill happily take for making ambush more useful.
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I really dislike the patch.
Pigs most fun part are the traps, which are just more useless now. It is already extremely rare, that they kill someone. I think the traps should actually be buffed, instead of being nerfed.
Doctor/Hag/Demo are fine I think.
Huntress is very strong and will now be far too strong/overpowered.
Clown I already hated to play against him and now he is even more annoying and you have even less chances.
Mangeled was never the problem it was haemorrhage. This status effect should get the cooldown.
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Who asked for Huntress buffs?
No one. Yet they do it anyway.
Everyone talks about how weak Pig is.
They nerf her again.
I mostly agree with the rest.
Post edited by Rizzo on5 -
I mean that's fair but increasing timer was very unnecessary
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It's still not going to be that useful though. It still has a telegraphed wind-up that gives survivors warning to run away. It might last slightly longer but that won't matter at pallets and windows. Pig still has a 32m terror radius so survivors will still often notice she's coming before she gets there, unless she's crouching everywhere which slows her down too much to be practical. It's still going to be mostly useless. Meanwhile the traps, the part of her kit that actually work, are being defanged.
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I feel like the mangled thing would work if the timer doesn't progress while on hook. As for Pig, I see this as a win. Hopefully this change will make ambush more useful because atm... most ppl forget that's even a thing.
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It's very rare for Reverse Bear Traps to kill someone because that's not the value they're supposed to give. If they could reliably kill people, they'd be far too strong. That's not what they're for.
With that in mind, the two nerfs Pig is receiving are extremely negligible. The timer increasing doesn't matter at all, and not being able to see the aura of boxes really only serves to tone down some of Pig's meanest and most unfair plays.
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They boosted her crouch movement speed so... crouching everywhere ain't that bad. Ambush can also be used mid chase and not just for stealth hits. That's the part I'm looking forward to... being able to use it at pallet loops.
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The time should at least stay the same. They only have to make, that when you scream the box search stays the same or that it losses progress over time, instead of instant.
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They could stay the same, or they could be changed, and neither would affect the viability or value of the bear traps, because they're not meant to consistently kill people.
Agree about the scream change, though, surprised that wasn't here.
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I wonder if theyll keep the 10% crouch speed addon. 108% speed pig while crouched lol. That might be fun on some loops.
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I'm not worried about that because to me the headtraps were always just to waste survivor time rather than something I'd try to actually kill ppl with. A head pop was just a bonus. I'm looking forward to hopping on Pig when this update goes live.
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The crouch is still going to be extremely slow. I'd be an idiot if I tip-toed my way across all of Ormond. And the Ambush is still going to suck at pallet loops. The buffs are negligible and the nerfs are massive.
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funny how i was essentially right with the nerf pig prediction. its a curse, she cant receive 1 buff without getting hard nerfs after. losing the box auras and increasing the trap timer reduces her amount of pressure she can put on trapped survivors, and the timer nerf just makes tampered timer more of a necessity. love the stealth/ambush changes though, but their not big enough to warrant a nerf to her traps. honestly id rather lose the box auras and have the trap timer be reduced to 2 minutes (from 2.5) so she cant pressure trapped survivors as hard, but the survivors will HAVE to go get it off.
its a worthy trade off, but im not surprised the devs never thought of it.
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I‘m fine with them not killing someone constantly, but they are already never killing someone and they aren‘t any threat. I would like them to be a threat, but nerfing them to never ever happen again is just stupid.
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You don't tip toe across the map, you tip toe when you get close. Use a tracking tool to let you know where someone is, then crouch to approach. Whispers use to be a go to perk on Pig for this reason because it would tell you when you don't need to be crouching.
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Love the Hag changes. I have no notes. I'm a pretty hardcore Hag player and have no complaints here.
I actually like the Pig changes. Shifts to more of a chase direction and nerfs her trap+tunneling. She'll be a bit more fun to face.
Love the Clown changes too. Main reason I dropped Clown was that I felt like I was always reloading. The power didn't make up for the inefficiency of reloading.
Doctor as well. Really like the changes. Range and detonation add ons felt mandatory at whatever my MMR range is.
Huntress...this is one I have many reservations about. Her issues are map-related, not power related. This doesn't really move the needle for her on problematic maps i.e. super cluttered ones. But it makes her a demon on her good maps.
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I would rather not make survivors immune to scream while searching a box. I would prefer if progress didn't get reset
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she still moves slower than the nurse when crouching, she is not going ANYWHERE. at least the medical file addon makes you move at 4.0m/s which is the same speed as a survivor right?
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I would make it like haemorrhage, that it looses progress over timer or that it can‘t loose progress.
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They're not supposed to kill survivors, that's the point. The threat of them is to stop survivors from repairing generators, and push them to go search boxes. When the survivors do go search boxes, they aren't going to be killed by the trap, that's almost guaranteed... but the traps have already done their job because those survivors gave up generator progress to prevent their death.
Head pops should be very rare, that's the whole point of her power. That's why this change ultimately doesn't matter, the timer is almost irrelevant as long as it's pressure to not be on generators- and plus thirty seconds isn't going to make survivors more comfortable repairing while trapped when they already don't know how many boxes they have to search, that's nothing.
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So is shred pallet breaking buffed or not? Why is barb's glasses getting adjusted to reflect the changes when there is no changes mentioned about the pallet breaking speed.
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Well, if the insane Huntress changes go through as is, I'm going next like I do with SM.
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We just disagree here. I want to at least being able to kill someone with it, but now that’s impossible.
In the movies the traps were supposed to be doable, but Amanda/Pig would make them impossible to win and not an easy non threat. The traps being able to kill someone should not be incredibly rare.
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Wait they make fun of "nerfing" Pig but then proceed to add a nerf??
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I think all these changes were fine, although I don't think Pig's tap timer should be messed with. The box auras absolutely had to go though it made facing pig miserable if you got a trap you basically got constantly harassed if you got off the hook, she should be much more fun to face now especially now that ambush is (may be?) viable in loops. We'll have to see tomorrow.
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That would help, but making it timed at all is still addressing a problem which doesn’t exist imo. There isn’t anything wrong with Mangled, it is not a big deal on its own. The only things with Mangled which are obnoxious and/or annoying to play against are the ones that have both Hemorrhage and Mangled while also being easy to apply (eg. Sloppy Butcher and most addons which have both). I would much rather see Hemorrhage removed from most perks/addons which apply both effects (including Sloppy Butcher, but excluding Gift of Pain since it’s a scourge hook) and keep Mangled permanent until healed. Mangled is a lot more tolerable when not paired with healing regression.
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HUNTRESS HAS 7 HATCHETS BASE NOW? Not to mention the other buffs like windup time and movement speed while holding a hatchet. Huntress is already balanced because she's strong but hard to use, now we're making her easier? Also I don't know who's telling BHVR that Huntress is add on reliant.
PIG REVERSE DEATH TRAP TIMER INCREASED BY 30 SECONDS?? Yes her ambush and crouch got nice buffs but the death timer increase is totally unnecessary. If you wanna nerf the traps nerf Tampered Timer or Crate of Gears? If you're dying to base kit RBTs that's on you. Please revert this before the patch goes live!
Hag, Clown, Doctor and Demo changes are nice, nothing concerning. But I'm terrified for the changes to Huntress and Pig. Couldn't buff Amanda without sneaking an unneeded and impactful nerf in there, could you BHVR?
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the pig catch a lot of people out of position at boxes which is why this isn't exactly a buff. The dash will be more useful but they can still just stand by the pallet if they feel it a threat.
ok changes overall
clown more bottles. ok.....I dont get it. Why isn't pinky finger nerf to compensate for this?
horrible change unless u nerf pinky finger.
hag changes are fine,
demo barely got touch so ok i guess
doc cool
huntress got some crazy buffs. The pig jealous
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In the current patch, Medical File crouch movement speed is 3.96m/s which is barely slower than survivors running. After the update (and if they don't change the addon because of her buffed basekit), Medical File crouch movement speed will be 4.18m/s.
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Why nerf her trap when it is nearly impossible to kill anyone?
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Their solution to not enough lockers on some maps is apparently giving Huntress more hatchets, but then doing nothing for Dredge.
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I agree with most of the pig changes, only one I disagree with is the timer increase.
Also weve been asking for this for years now, Rule Set No. 2 basekit please :)
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I’m a bit iffy on Huntress getting more hatchets by default, but I’m indifferent on the rest. Doc and Demo’s changes are nice, if very small.
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Personal opinion: Losing the Jigsaw Box auras is a really significant change because the Pig is no longer able to make reads on cutting off Survivors while gen patrolling and is going to struggle with punishing Survivors who choose to get greedy with the Jigsaw Boxes. Survivors can now feel much more comfortable with ignoring the Jigsaw Boxes until the timer starts (or searching one box and then ignoring the rest until the timer starts), which I think is a noticeable gut punch to her stalling abilities. Amanda's Secret was by far the worst add-on in her kit, and they took the downside of it and made it base kit. The increased timer sucks and exacerbates this problem, but I think it is a minor nerf compared to losing the Box auras.
Base kit combat straps is nice, to be fair. Crouched movement speed increase I think is negligible because the ideal use of crouching will still be to fire off an ambush at a loop (which, to be fair, is better now). Decreasing the hit and miss endlag for ambushes is also okay but I think will still end up being negligible. I think whether this ends up being a buff or a nerf overall depends on how impactful the increased ambush duration ends up being. My gut feeling says it's overall a nerf because 1) I don't believe the increased duration will do enough to mitigate making a bad guess at a loop 2) Pig still has zero answer to pre-dropping the pallet.
Also, +1 to who thought buffing the Huntress was a good idea?
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Those Huntress buffs are completely unnecessary. The rest seem fine overall.
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Why is Huntress being buffed again? She is an A tier Killer. Even on her "bad" maps she is still strong. Adding more lockers to these maps would be better while also helping Dredge.
On the other hand Pig gets small buffs to her Dash/Crouch at the cost of her traps being nerfed. That is just not fair.
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Huntress buffs are probably due to the stats. Huntress had the lowest killrate. As for Pig... I'll gladly take the changes. This'll move power from tunneling ppl at boxes to chase power. That's great. It always irked me how much of her addons were centered around the boxes rather than boosting her chase ability.
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its true that Huntress's killrate is bellow the devs intended 60%. And pig is slightly above it. So you are probably right.
But stats don't tell the whole story, and the devs know this. Huntress is very strong in the hands of a skilled player.
I'll gladly take the changes. This'll move power from tunneling ppl at boxes to chase power.
You do make a good point. This will make her more fun to play against for the average player.
But she is still on the weaker side. I don't like that a weak killer is getting sidegraded while an A tier killer is getting significant buffs.
It always irked me how much of her addons were centered around the boxes rather than boosting her chase ability.
I agree about her addons. They don't offer much variety in game play.
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the point is is that the movement buff won't do much to help at all, they should've just buffed it to 4.0m/s and then reduced the effect/rework the effect of johns medical files.
my reply to that other person was me stating that the crouch speed buff will not achieve anything as she is still slower than the nurse.
Post edited by oreoslurpee on0 -
The nerfs to the boxes don't really affect her though unless you were trying to force head pops. Those headtraps were intended to slow the game down. That's why they've made the various changes throughout the years like making the headtraps require a total of 12 searches for time consistently and making the boxes require at most 4 searches with 5 boxes so no one can troll by bodyblocking a box.
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If the amount of time doesn't matter then why don't we give all the traps 10 minute timers?
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Pig's trap didn't need a timer increase but I'm assuming her addons effecting traps will be changed as well. She does have one that get rid of the auras of the trap boxes and now that it base kit. Would it be increasing the auras of traps being removed?
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So survivors would choose to do the boxes over doing everything else on the map. You'd have survivors doing gens with headtraps on. It would also restrict survivors getting a 2nd headtrap since they wouldn't bother removing them til endgame.