What is your Reaction to Finding Out Which Killer you're facing?

Killers that are best countered by working as a team can easily be bumped down to the bottom tier. Solo Queue teammates can never be relied upon.
Let me know where you'd place each Killer on this lovely emotional response tier list to seeing them in your game! (Having Merchant in her own tier at the bottom is mandatory).
You DC vs both my mains
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Like facing all the killers except for Legion, Wesker, Nurse and Skull Merchant. Especially happy when its an Oni, Billy or Dredge.
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An updated version of my "Fun to play against" tier list:
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I'm honestly surprised you rate Wesker so high, most i've versed are hardcore tunnelers at 5 gens.
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I mostly feel indifferent, but there are a few Im not too much of a fan of
Plague: As a Mettle of Man enjoyer, I basically cant run in to take hits without drinking Dasani, which just screws up the entire team
Freddy: Boring. Most people just run your typical slow down perks and then he doesnt even have fun or engaging gameplay on the Survivor side.
Pinhead: SoloQ nightmare
Chucky: Heavily promotes hold W gameplay, and you know hes going to down you eventually with scamper.
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Pure relief to see Twins. That's rare.
Honestly it would be easier to list killers I groan at when I see them. Skull Merchant, Pinhead, Knight, Blight. The rest I love facing or am indifferent to.
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I agree with your "please don't be good with your power" 😂
I have "fun game" with everyone except pinhead (in solo q)
"DC button looking nice" with trickster, twins and dredge
Lady Merchant is in my Lady Merchant category 🤣
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Here's my list
I will elaborate if asked
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I've never understood why people enjoy playing against Myers other than the fact that it's Michael Myers. You either die to tombstone piece + Play with your food (why is this still in the game, I get Myers is not good but this is one of the most dated things in the game, just remove it and buff him to compensate), or get walked up on from 10 meters away, tier 3'd and immediately downed. He's one of the least enjoyable killers to play against for me, Myers games are just boring way more often than not.
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mostly "oh, ok"
few times "OH ######### F....!"
clown "why?..."
you know... just not gonna judge. you do you.
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Which ones lol? Hopefully not Trickster...
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Mikaelas are demons I totally agree.
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I love Dredge personally, the Nightfall is terrifying but I guess some people don't like it.
I just cannot stand Bubba, his one shot and the high tendency of his player base camping and tunneling just makes me contemplate DCing whenever I see him lol.
The "Hope my Teammates Are Competent" are really hit or miss. If your teammates are good and you work together well against those Killers you'll have an easy time. Shutting off TVs and avoiding condemn stacks reduces Sadako's effectiveness heavily, Pinhead is far less obnoxious if you and your team solve the box and prevent chain hunts, Xeno struggles if you set up turrets well in high traffic areas, and Plague can struggle if your teammates manage cleansing well. Problem is, you can't rely on your solo queue teammates.
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Are you biased because you love Freddy's character or do you ACTUALLY enjoy playing against his power? If it's the second one I've never seen anyone excited to play against the snoozefest that is DBD Freddy (don't get me wrong he's an iconic and amazing character his power just sucks for both sides lol)
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Faat paced high adrenaline chases, and unlike Blight he's actually manageable. The Wesker player base are certainly an interesting bunch however, as you rightly said.
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Twins are so rare I get excited when I see that little rodent running around and screaming.
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Oppressive and annoying power plus you can't even see him properly and the fake footsteps are annoying as hell and he's a stealth killer and most Chucky players are toxic from my experience. Although I do love facing Tiffany.
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You put Pig too low 😪.
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Should be deleted: Skull Merchant
Don't like: Blight, Spirit, Chucky
Like: Singularity, Dredge, Freddy, Wesker, Demogorgon, Oni
All other Killer characters are "Average / I don't care" - Tier
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Clown and Bubba
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I have never understood why people like playing against Huntress so much. It's not always terrible!
But it's usually the least interactive thing I've ever had the misfortune of experiencing.
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I guess my experience is a little different then most people here lol.
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Mikaelas get me killed more often than most Killers do. You have to fear and hate them.
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Yes, SkullM does deserve a special category at the bottom of the list, just for her :)
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If Freddy still had his original power, then it would be both. It was what I loved most about DBD, after all.
But with the way Freddy currently is, he is at the top of the tier list because I love the character and he is my main. Seeing him on a trial is always a good experience, regardless of how boring his reworked power is.
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One of my favorite things about this game is learning who the Killer is! My mind starts weaving a scary story. Where are we? What is the story behind the Killer being here? What are the other Survivors like?
It’s so so much fun. It could even be the same Killer with a different skin that makes the story completely different! Omg I love this game ☺️☺️☺️❤️
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For me, I'd swap Bubba and Huntress
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As long as it's not Spirit, Billy, or Myers I'm fine.
Some killers might be a little boring like Freddy, but those 3 are the only ones that makes me not even want to play the game.
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to each their own, the only killer that really bothers me is trickster.
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How I feel with most of the games I get
The Do Not Enjoy section doesn't necessarily need to be specifically about the killer - usually it's how the team plays against them that begins to decline the enjoyment of the game.
Yes - I unironically enjoy versing Freddy and Pinhead. If you're playing one of the four killers in the top I love you and I will shower you with praise.
If I'm playing against the first 11 killers at the top generally I have a pretty good session of DBD if I'm survivor even if I'm losing.
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Here's mine. Legion is in their own tier because it's always interesting to face my Killer main (and I don't often see a lot of Legions).
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Ive found Pig Players to be a really mixed bag in terms of skill, and standard m1 killers don’t really make me feel anything in terms of chase
ones that try to use Ambush for mind-games in chase are usually fun though
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It's not really dependent on which killer I'm facing but how they play. Every killer can be a chore to face if they resort to proxy camping and tunnelling at 5 gens.
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First tier: My mains, difficult killers to 1v1 for sure. They are predictable so you must mindgame, you can juke their attacks since it's pure skillshots but i would not count on it too much. Their best counters are mind games and unpredictability. I am obviously biaised here but i will love those 3 no matter the match.
Second tier: My "original killer" mains, Dredge is, depending one the map, one of the weakest killer or a pure terror, still super cool to see. And Singularity can be very oppressive , especially in endgame but the back and forth with EMP is pretty cool.
Third tier: Myers mechanic is pretty cool in term of atmosphere, bubba is map dependant, you can have a blast or die in 3s versus him. Ghostface is like Myers, Oni has something i despise, dashes, but he gets a pass because his power is time limited, we have a "pause" after his onslaught. Cenobite is pretty easy for me, just like Xeno, you have to be "the one" to play around his main power, since the nerf, i enjoy facing him, very cool character, same for Sadako (love ringu!). Chucky is a special cookie, he has a dash, my kryptonite, but he only has one shot at it per ~14s so, if i juke it, i get a small break, plus, i love his footseps mechanic. The scamper is too slow to really matter, except on god pallets, annoying but rarely.
Fourth tier: Doc is no smell, no taste, he is there i guess, trapper can go from zero to hero really fast and that's funny. Demo is a character i would love if i had some attachment to his IP, but i don't so it's just there. Hag is a walking meme, huntress playing zone is horrible but the snipers are so cool ! Freddy has some great atmosphere and my buddy is a main Freddy so i kinda love him. Pig i used to despise since she would just solve the boxes with me... But with the upcoming nerf, i imagine it is going to be fine. Legion is okay, no problemo with them. Plague is like trapper, she can be oppressive or a free escape. Knight is fun when they micro manage everything, plus he is cool looking. Artist is like huntress, the zoner are boring, the snipers are just impressive !
Fifth layer: I can enjoy the match if they are bad or memey, but it's already a bad start when i hear the TR. I am bad against nurse, clown too, he dunks on me everytime plus i dislike his character. Twins are cool, but i can't see them properly from the floor plus i have a huge skill issue against Victor. Spirit is so annoying, it's unreal, too fast plus i dislike her character. Slinger, unlike his short ranged brothers is well, a 18m long ranged dude, i have a lot of troubles juking him, he zone me harder than huntress (skill ksue i know, but i still don't enjoy facing him). Trickster is map dependant too, he can be an "instadown" killer or an m1, still very annoying to go against most of the time since he has so many shots from so far away, main event is the sugar on the cream.
The pit: I dislike theses killers because they have mechanics that i do not enjoy and embodies something that i really hate, i can hold my ground no problem, they are not too strong (even tho, they are really strong), i just really dislike facing them. Wraith is not that strong at all but i don't like his character like clown, and getting bodyblocked is really annoying. Billy, i always disliked but at least he was rare before so i did not really care, now, we have a 10m/s killer with an instadown, an "ultimate", very slim collision, and "specials" cooldowns. His curving, while impressive is very annoying to take in the face, so yeah, i don't like this guy, he his too overwhelming for me, i don't like the insane and free mobility he has coupled with insane loop pressure and an instadown. Blight is, okay, the least annoying of this bunch, his insane mobility is annoying but at least he does not instadown. Wesker could be okay, but his infection and some techs are really annoying. I don't like losing chases to the infection and i don't like seeing him pinball on a wall to smash me while i have walked 4 meters total. Skull merchant is pure biais in the other side, i dislike her looks, her lore and her power so yeah, i don't like seeing her. Just to be clear, the killers i dislike are not OP or too strong, i don't instalose vs them, i just do not enjoy my time, even if i manage to beat them in chase (except Wesker i guess, as long as you are not infected).
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She's easy to loop but can also down you in seconds if you misplay. I enjoy the tension of this very much.
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I have never seen anyone not put Trickster at the bottom of the list, unless you've figured out the counter (if so please share.)
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His original power was very fun to play against I agree! Only Killer I ever feared going up against because he was actually scary. Unfortunately balance wise it was awful. It was a very good concept and fit the Killer but at the end of the day he was just an M1 Killer who couldn't even damage survivors without doing a long animation to pull them into the dream world. Hopefully they can find a way to bring back the original version without it being weak.
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Legion is miserable for me even if my team stays injured instead of wasting time healing. Mending simulator is not the most enjoyable mode in the game.
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The Ghost Face and Doctor takes are certainly understandable! I just love Ghostface players they're so goofy.
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To be honest I see where you're coming from. Pig players that do not allow you to boop the snoot are either awful or try forcing headpop.
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