

Does Adrenaline perk need an change ? And WHAT ?

Member Posts: 501

Alright, i'm gonna ask, and please tell me if you use this perk in your build or not with your answer :)

Does Adrenaline perk need an change ? And WHAT ? 55 votes

Yeah big nerf, definitly broken
6 votes
Yeah but a little nerf, on certains situations
21 votes
Why change it ? :]
28 votes

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  • Member Posts: 7,224
    Yeah but a little nerf, on certains situations

    I do use it often, and yes, it needs a change.

    It is an endgame perk and a one-time use so that effect should be fairly strong, so I don't want it to get nerfed too much but it can feel pretty overbearing for killer especially if there are multiple adrenalines in a match. If you have multiple survivors injured that all get insta-healed at the same time and whoever is in chase gets a big speedboost to get away, that can pretty much feel like it's GG right there unless the killer has an endgame build. Adrenaline is easily the best survivor endgame perk and one of the best survivor perks in the game in general.

  • Member Posts: 3
    Yeah but a little nerf, on certains situations

    I use adrenaline sometimes. It's a strong perk but only activates once per match, and it's easy to not get value. That said, it would still be a strong perk if it didn't wake you up against Freddy, and terminus should prevent adrenaline from healing you (currently, whether or not you get the heal depends on whether your internet connection is faster than the killer's or not).

  • Member Posts: 11,763
    Yeah but a little nerf, on certains situations

    No more waking up against Freddy, that is all this perk needs.

  • Member Posts: 19
    Yeah but a little nerf, on certains situations

    I see some good ideas.

    here is one more.

    It should NOT work if you are the obsession. this will remove one of the "2nd chance" perks that get used in tandem with (as I've seen in the fog),

    Plot Twist , Decisive Strike, off the Record & Adrenaline.

    while I understand this is a very powerful build to counter tunneling, it can also be used to ensure that no matter what in the hands of a decent to highly skilled player, the killer will not be able to take out someone using all of these perks unless they fully dedicate most if not a whole match to killing one survivor.

    once again this is just a idea (and my reasoning) to make adrenaline NOT work if you are the obsession.

  • Member Posts: 238
    Yeah big nerf, definitly broken

    like old MFT, if Adrenaline not broken why such survivor take it in match?

    1 of survivor in match have 30% chance have adrenaline. it almost all match survivor have less 1 adrenaline.

    killer have no way to Prevent adrenaline from taking effect. unless don't let survivor open 5gen or close hatch.

    Terminus perk is useless when against adrenaline.

    sure Terminus can prevent survivor be heal to full by adrenaline, but can't stop they be heal to standup.

    and don't have any way stop the speed boost. unless stop survivor fix the gen.

    in this version, survivor have high chance fix all 5 gen. only need survivor Hide for a while In the beginning of match.

  • Member Posts: 501
    Yeah big nerf, definitly broken

    Oh, and adrenaline reward for slug, because, if you hook someone who have the perk (30% chance by survivors). They will be fully healed once unhooked.

    But, if you slug, they will be injuried and can be one shot.

    If this perk doesn't change, more killer gonna slug in the endgame, more killer will use Noed / Terminus in match

  • Member Posts: 320
    Yeah but a little nerf, on certains situations

    Poor Freddy being specifically affected by this perk + being left out of "Lights out" lol. When i saw the killer roster for the first time during the modifier, i thought of you xD

    But yes, if adrenaline doesn't rid survivors of Plague's, wesker's and Nemesis' infections + any other killer with some kind of status effect...i don't see why Freddy has to be punished further.

  • Member Posts: 338
    Yeah but a little nerf, on certains situations

    Make it so terminus prevents the full heal, doesn't counter Freddy, and not work of hook or being dropped and it's good imo.

  • Member Posts: 11,763
    Yeah but a little nerf, on certains situations

    I think what makes the situation even worse is the fact that, when Freddy first released, Adrenaline did not wake you up.

    This was added together with patch 1.8.1, which was already a massive nerf to Freddy. It isn't even outdated design, it is something that should have never been here.

  • Member Posts: 6,025
    Yeah but a little nerf, on certains situations


  • Member Posts: 1,410
    edited February 2024
  • Member Posts: 13,671
    Why change it ? :]

    Feels fine to me

  • Member Posts: 809
    Yeah but a little nerf, on certains situations

    As an adrenaline addict (can't play a single game without it, I'd rather not play than not equip it)

    Adrenaline NEEDS some nerfs, if someone tells u otherwise, they're delulu.

    My proposed change to adrenaline, to still make it good/playable but not as stupid as it is now, is to remove one of the effects or/and give it different effect depending on circumstances.

    For example remove the sprint part, but leave the healing or the other way around, remove the heal and leave the sprint in.

    I'd probably additionally add a status cleanse to it like it already does with Freddy, it could like cleanse like infection, viruses, etc. Very situational, but also useful.

    But also I'm biased, my suggestions are something that would still feed my addiction

  • Member Posts: 1,059
    Why change it ? :]

    If we're nerfing a single use, endgame perk then Rancor needs to go in the trash.

  • Member Posts: 937
    Why change it ? :]

    For love of god and all things holy STOP NERFING PERKS ON BOTH SIDES. Adrenaline gets no use if ppl don't make it to end game.

    That's the balance. No exit gates? Useless perk.

    It's frustrating how perks keep getting nerfed all the time. I'd like to see more creativity with new options. Is that asking too much?

  • Member Posts: 501
    Yeah big nerf, definitly broken

    but, survivors KNOW that the killer have Rancor when the first gen is done ...

    Adrenaline ... uh, what's now ?

  • Member Posts: 501
    edited February 2024
    Yeah big nerf, definitly broken

    Too bad, that's already on the road map :) Your carry day is numbered my friend :)

    Alright, so ... For Pain Res + Pop + Surge , don't nerf this, just don't get hook and don't get downed ... this is fined, it's like what ... 30% + 25 % +8% in few seconds on a generator ... Just don't get hit bro.

    Listen, we don't care of the " circumstance " of the perk is useful.

    Getting the last generator done is not something to do for " troll " or for " getting an perk combo value ", it's ONE SINGLE PERK, who provide the BEST STATUS EFFECT " to every survivor (it's 30% pickrate), on an OBJECTIVE task.

    Btw, that's gonna be nerfed, don't care about what carried survivor said, it's already on the road map :) Few months to wait :p

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Member Posts: 1,059
    Why change it ? :]

    Survivor gets a health state and a speed boost. Killer instadowns survivor and mori's them on the spot at 0 hooks.

    One of these is slightly better than the other.

  • Member Posts: 501
    Yeah big nerf, definitly broken

    The killer instadown and mori ONE survivor, at 0 hooks, that is the perk.

    But, the survivor know about the perk since the first gen was done.

    Don't be that hypocrite dude, just admit it

  • Member Posts: 1,059
    Why change it ? :]

    Yes, and Adrenaline heals ONE survivor.

    How does the aura invalidate Rancor? If you are being chased and are the obsession when the last gen pops (which you will be if you land a pallet stun), you die. You overstate the pros of Adrenaline and downplay Rancor as though it's useless. I'd call you a hypocrite but you're just being dishonest.

  • Member Posts: 3,347
    Yeah but a little nerf, on certains situations

    Remove the Freddy interaction. That's it, while I love it from a thematic perspective that's such a specific middle finger to a particular killer that it's just silly.

  • Member Posts: 501
    Yeah big nerf, definitly broken

    Adrenaline can be used by 4 survivors, and who care if you are chased and if you are the obsession, you will have an speed boost anyways, and being the obession can be countered if one guy use one of those meta perk like for the people xD

  • Member Posts: 501
    Yeah big nerf, definitly broken

    And you know what ?

    Call me an hypocrite, i don't care, the nerf is already on the roadmap, being bias, i don't care too, enjoy your carry time until the patch of June :p

  • Member Posts: 103
    Yeah but a little nerf, on certains situations

    I think if someone is hooked when the final gen is done they shouldnt get the adreneline proc when unhooked. its completely unfair and stupid asf when they get unhooked fully heal and sprint burst to the exit gates.

  • Member Posts: 103
    Yeah but a little nerf, on certains situations

    Id like to see the game balanced but aparently players like you would rather have new content so we would be left with a ######### storm of op stuff to sift through....balance the game first THEN add cool new things, not before, not after now. ...

  • Member Posts: 937
    edited February 2024
    Why change it ? :]

    I don't use the perk, I just don't like nerfing on neither side.

    And don't call me sweetie, I am absolutely not your sweetie. I don’t even know you… unless you have no problem calling everyone including my boyfriend that ya better stop or you can join the list of the denied (the blocked list)

    Where are the mods? This is extremely creepy. I get hit on enough IRL, I don't need it on this forum. Inappropriate behavior.

    Also lol @assuming I'm a survivor creepy person. I play Spirit and Chucky a lot, my spirit is almost p100, so what are you on about besides being creeeeepy? Also you called me bro and then sweetie, are you okay?

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Member Posts: 937
    Why change it ? :]

    Sorry for double posting, but this game (and in most like it) it's impossible to find balance. I don't mean new things like what you said, I meant new creative tweaks to perks to help balance. I didn't mean game modes or new outfits /killers/survivors.

    And new fun perks for everyone. I've been using the same perks on my Spirit for a long time now ><

  • Member Posts: 103
    edited February 2024
    Yeah but a little nerf, on certains situations

    Its only impossible to balance bc of how the community acts regarding change, anytime the devs change anything the community bitches and moans till the devs either revert said change or make it worse/better, the community is what holds this game back, massively, if the devs really wanted to they could 100% balance this game but since its a 1 v 4 the 1 would be way stronger and the survivors players who refuse to actually learn the game would ######### saying its to hard to win.

  • Member Posts: 937
    Why change it ? :]

    Yup, basically both sides will always have people who are unhappy with the changes and when the devs feel they must do something to appease those then yeah we won't ever see balance :(

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