Is the BP grind still bad?

We have 76 characters, and if you want perks on EVERYONE, it'll be 228 Prestiges (76 x 3) which is... a lot.

With me using offerings that I've stacked from anniversary events + BP incentive I can barely get 2 prestiges in 4 hours, and a new player would have none of the really good offerings at the start. They would have incentive though.

But then you factor in that survivors can range from getting 4k to 35k BP, and killers can't even reach 40k if they wanted and I'm worried for the long-haul.

Especially when you want to p100 characters, which I know is just a flex rn and doesn't matter so won't really equate into this discussion. But if each prestige is 3 hours on average, and you tell a new player they need to spend 684 hours to p3 every character to start build customizing isn't that a problem? (P100'ing every character would take around 22k+ hours rn btw)

The easiest (?) suggestion I can make is to un-cap the categories and add a global cap in matches.

So for killers, instead of Sacrifices, Deviousness, Hunter, and Brutality maxing out at 10k. They would just keep going up until a global cap of 40k. Same for survivors (which would also fix the complaint of people getting tunneled receiving 0 BP and same for those stuck doing gens)

Then rework the bad BP offerings (everything except anniversary, BPS, and escape cakes/survivor puddings) into granting bonus BP for x category ACTIONS. To help get the max 40k, instead of multiplying afterwards. Would make the browns useful.

This also has the benefit of Blight not being the best BP gainer in the game, fixes every insta-down killer getting less points for fast chases, etc. Could even add more score events (SHOULD add more score events, huntress not getting a BP score event for 24 meter downs even though there's an achievement for it is very confusing, and slinger has "sharpshooter" which is the same hit form x distance requirement)

I have more BP earning ideas, but that gets into rift, daily's, etc. And doesn't fit the "probably an easy change from the player POV" of the post

Hope to hear more idea's though


  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    For old-timers, there is enough BP to overflow from an orifice other than the mouth, but for newcomers, this is probably not the case. It would be difficult to allow both parties to stand on the same starting line without compromising their freedom.

    It may be okay to have a paid element only in the early stages.

  • Dr_Emarald
    Dr_Emarald Member Posts: 41

    it's funny because I've played since 2019 and got 6k hours, my dream changes are the 40k global match cap, 100k infinite tier rift (100k per 10 rift shards AFTER rift is completed fully), and reworking the daily system to include weekly's + monthly's.

    Different post for the other 2 idea's at a later time though

    The problem is a "paid element" is that is very anti-consumer, and I don't want new players to spend more money than they have to on DLC

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,238

    Survivor bloodpoints are bad. If you play killer and have a huge supply of cakes then you get a lot.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,589

    It's not great but it's better than it used to. It will become an issue again for new players but I'm not sure how to fix it.

    My main complaint right now is how long it still takes to spend BP. Let's say the average bloodweb takes you about 10 seconds. Than 1 prestige level takes 500 seconds = 8.33 minutes. That's bad but manageable. However, if you want to take one character to P100 it takes approximately 50,000 seconds = 13.89 hours. You won't spend 13.89 hours at a time levelling one character but it's still pretty bad considering how much that actually is. That's more than a complete work day and you will spend it doing nothing but clicking through bloodwebs. And that's if you're quick.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    I personally think it’s really bad for survivor it still feels like you don’t get anything

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,956

    IT better than before.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,970

    Started playing since May 2023, I can confirm as someone who has acquired all the content and is nearly at the point of getting everyone p3... it takes a little over 1000 hours...

    Enough time to no longer be considered a total newb at least 😅

  • Dr_Emarald
    Dr_Emarald Member Posts: 41

    I really feel like the responses saying "It's better than before" don't mean anything when it's still bad lmao.

    I also think most aren't reading the actual meat of the post for uncapping categories for a global match cap of 40k

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,212
    edited February 24

    The math looks bad (and it is), but realistically you don't need 684 hours before you start making builds.

    A little research about what perks do and you can easily rule out about a third of perks that are directly superceded by others, or just plain useless, which probably rules out about a quarter of characters of a given role. (You won't want to buy them all right away anyway)

    Then you can opportunisticly buy perks from the shrine which should cover a couple more characters.

    Besides, you'll want goals to keep you interested for the long term.

    Even so, newbies should get more of a leg up. I think the first 100 hours or so should come with a +100% BP New Player bonus.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    It's awful for survivor. You do so much and get next to nothing.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,862

    It is still a grind. No doubt about it. But it is infinitely better than when you had to unlock everything individually on every character. I took about an 18 month sabbatical from DBD and when I returned it took about 6 months of steady game play to fully unlock every perk at tier 3 on every character. If I didn't already have a lot of progress in the game at the time, it would easily have doubled it. A new player can expect it to take about a year of steady playing to fully unlock everything. Playing heavily during anniversary events will help dramatically though.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,013

    The grind definitely still tough but I'm not complaining about it.

    nearly at 2k hours with around 190 levels of prestiges. Granted a good 500 of them hours were in custom matches so no bloodpoints for those

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,613

    The grind is only bad for survivor, and only bad due to bloodpoint gain.

    With the average killer-role bloodpoint gain per match and more realistic goals than "everything unlocked on everyone" in the short term, the grind basically doesn't exist as a problem anymore. Getting characters up in prestige isn't too difficult, and people get far too hung up on this idea of how long it takes to unlock EVERYTHING, especially from the perspective of new players.

    You don't need everything unlocked to start customising. If you're lacking something you think would be interesting to experiment with, you can just target that.

    Besides, not everything is actually interesting or useful for every player. People tend to exaggerate how many bad perks there are for either side, but a perk being perfectly good and viable doesn't mean it's going to be interesting to everyone and there are some actually bad perks nobody has much use for.

    So, something to help survivors gain more BP on average (both adjusting some score events and encouraging survivors to actually go interact with some others) would eliminate this problem entirely. The grind barely exists for new players (because they don't even have every character to grind out, and wouldn't want to if they did) and basically vanishes for older players.