What is your favorite map in the game?

In this text, I want you to write down your favorite map in the game and why. If you want, you can also write the map you dislike the most, the killer and survivor side maps. I, however, really like the east side variation of the RPD map. So you?
Ormond and Dead Dawg are my two favorites
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Mother's Dwelling and Ormond. Purely for aesthetic reasons.
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Maps I like are: Midwich, The Game and the entire mcMillan's realm
Maps that i hate are : Garden of Joy, the entire springwood realm
Maps that are hideous, unplayable and should be deleted : Hawkin's lab
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Haddonfield. Visually great, I am a huge Halloween fan, and I usually do well on it with Mikey.
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As Survivor there are no maps I dislike tbh. Ofc I like Garden of Joy or The Game the most as Survivor.
For Killer it depends a lot on which Killer I play, but for many of them I like Coal Tower I, Dead Dawg Saloon, Midwich and RPD East Wing, as they're all relatively small and have not too many connected good loops.
I dislike as Killer RPD West Wing, Garden of Joy, The Game, ... There are many tbh....
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It used to be Léry's, before the map reworks. I loved the creepy hospital aesthetic and back then it was an excellent map for Freddy.
I suppose my favorite map still is Léry's, but it just doesn't feel the same anymore.
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I love Toba Landing. I'm a big Sci-Fi fan and I think it's the most beautiful map in the game.
Worst maps for me are generally the indoor maps. The Game is OK, but with the others I get so lost and there are so many weird dead ends to run into (with Midwich and Hawkins being the worst offenders. At least they look cool, I guess).
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Honestly, Greenville Square will be a solid contender for that spot when it comes out. It's got some decently fun visual elements, and a pretty balanced feel to it gameplay wise. The pinball machines that make noise when you throw pallets on them are a really fun touch. It's just a shame I risk sending myself to Garden of Joy instead if I burn Ichorous Loam.
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all of coldwind. both before and after the rework
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midwich cause silent hill my beloved <3
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Midwich and The Game, just much prefer indoor maps in general.
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Why doesn't anyone like the Hawkins map? It is one of my favorite maps when playing Killer and Survivor. Also, I think the new map looks nice even though it is on the killer side.
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I actually like Hawkins lol I always have even before it was taken out of the game (before coming back). It may not be the easiest map to navigate but I just like it haha
Other maps I enjoy are Toba Landing and Nostromo Wreckage since I'm a huge sci-fi fan.
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Hawkins Lab has all my love since first release. (Surv and Killer def. my favorite map)
Garden Of Joy and Preschool i hate the most
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I still love the Swamps, and have always done wayyyyyyy better on them in either role than I should have I think.
The layout of gens and totems & hatch etc. are all odd compared to the other maps, giving the realm lots of unique personality.
The perimeter is angled, as is several tiles throughout. This may not be awesome for Blights and Billy's sometimes, but otherwise it's a very fun element.
And I love messing around with the log loops and the docks, and particularly that small boat with a gen on it, again in either role. So much fun.
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When Lery's rework first came out I loved it so much. Visually it was and is stunning & well made. Then I played on it for several trials. Appeal evaporated quickly. 😕
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I quite like Dead Dawg Saloon and dont mind most maps, apart from Haddenfield as killer or survivor, and Badham is an awful experience as killer, especially if I'm not paying attention and get sent there by a SWF with a killer shack basement offering, because then you know you're going to be dealing with a couple of unhookable survivors in all probability. Garden of Joy is anything but also.
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Realm Beyond ruined my precious Chapel. It used to be the most balanced map in the game, but now you have these god windows in the main building.
Midwich and Temple of Purgation are probably my favorite maps, aesthetic and gameplay-wise.
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As for the art, Gideon and Midwich are top notch.
If I value the gameplay, I would choose Call Tower or Wreckers' Yard
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To me it was just... bad. A single patch and my favorite map in the game was taken away, just like that. Heh, just like my favorite killer.
But I never thought I would lose all of them. Except Swamp, for now.
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Ormond because it’s easy on my eyes and Ive always liked snowy scenery. I wish they’d make another map that’s not the top of a mountain, in the middle of the night with a starry sky.
I do wish Ormond had some bushes that I can blend into similar to the bushes on Mr Cowboys map.
I also like all of the corn maps.
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I do miss the blue McMillans and green Wreakers, and especially the dark Coldwinds.
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So do I, my friend.
I would love to have those maps back.
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The cowboy and Alien map are my two favorites. Hate RPD.
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😍: RPD, Midwich, Ormond and Lery's (I love indoors).
🤮: Garden of Joy, Swamp, Badham and Haddonfield.
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The Knight's map (forget what it's called). I think it is the most balanced map for both killer and survivor. It doesn't matter what role I'm playing, I'm happy to get that map.
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Decimated Borgo? Used to be it was considered survivor-sided due to having safe pallet loops everywhere and few tall structures to block line of sight. Now it's considered killer-sided because many of those pallet loops have been removed and deadzones are common.
Personally I just wish it didn't have the red filter. Can't see scratchmarks worth a damn. It looked better in Lights Out mode!
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My absolute favorite map is Garden of Joy. I love the story, the details, the colors, everything. I love the feeling it gives me. Plus on the scary side there is an air of foreboding which gives off an eerie sense of disquiet. I think I’m going to feel the same about Greenville Square. I already love the birch trees so much. I suppose the Withered Isle is my favorite realm 😌
Runner-up maps would be:
- Hawkins because I love the show. It feels really fun to explore the lab.
- Both Yamaoka levels. Again the color scheme just really speaks to me. I love all the wooden decor along with the hook designs. I also love all of the plants in the level.
- Eyrie of Crows because there’s a quiet stillness out in the sand areas. I also really enjoy the surreal quality of the library.
I can go on and on but these are my top favorite maps.
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Midwich for both sides.
Contrary to popular opinion I think indoor maps are healthier for the game. Doesn’t encourage hold W game play, the loops tend to be better balanced, they’re stronger maps for some of the weaker killers and worse for some of the better ones, and finally they all tend to play uniquely from one another whereas most outdoors maps tend to play the same with just a different splash of paint on it.
I find Midwich particularly to be more aesthetically pleasing than the others and I like how it plays for both sides. Some of the more balanced chases too.
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My favorite maps mostly by atmosphere and visuals, which also means I fun on the map both sides:
Toba Landing - I just love that map! Gorgeous and sick, so many creatures around, debris falling at the cliffs - or at least I can hear it - I like Gabriel former colony and the killed crew around the maps. But mostly many things are moving or react.
Nostromo Wreckage - Since I'm a big fan of Alien I like the maps. Ash on the table, facehuggers at infirmary, Ripley crashed shuttle. I didn't managed get into the secret MOTHER section, but once managed to get the key.
Grave of Glennvale - I love westerns and this map also just looks amazing! The sunset, the western feeling, condors on the corpses.
Haddonfield - I love the first Halloween movie and love the map. Pretty detailed, got an atmosphere and the sky looks amazing. Also every time the map starting I can hear Carpenter cool tunes.
The other maps are OK, mostly I like them all in a way, but that 4 is my personnel favorite. I collected offerings for Gabriel and Hux for Toba. :D
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Depends on the killer and bulld I'm using. I prefer The Game or Dead Dog or Hawkins the most. Narrow corridors, smaller and condensed open areas.
I hate the cornfield map. Corn blindness is real. I also hate big maps like red Forrest and Erie etc..
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Didn’t the devs release stats last year that showed Midwich has the highest kill rate in the game?
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None. All the maps are unbalanced. Either the map favors survivor or favors the killer. This is why I hate map offerings so much in this game.
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@TheNameIsGilgamesh What do you think of maps like Coal Tower or Wreckers Yard?
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Something like that
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Coal Tower killer sided. Survivor sided if they use anti slug build.
Wreckers yard survivor sided.
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I don't have a favorite map... sad to say
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They did release stats on that however I don’t remember where Midwhich stood on kill rates. I’d imagine it was probably on the higher side if I was guessing though. I would say that even if something was better in kill rates then most others that doesn’t inherently imply it’s less balanced, it just means it’s deadlier than the others. Hypothetically deadlier than all the rest could still be balanced if the others it’s being compared to are very unbalanced in the other direction. If that all made sense.
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If I remember correctly it was the most killer-sided map in the game (highest kill rates) with Dead Dog Saloon maybe just behind it.
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It’s also my favorite on survivor