We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

What's Your Favorite Match Moment ln Recent Memory?

ArkInk Member Posts: 684
edited February 28 in General Discussions

It feels like there's a lot of negativity around here, so why don't we all share something fun that reminds us why we keep playing?

It could be a survivor escape, Killer play, silly hijinks, etc. Anything so long as it put a smile on your face.

My story is from a Wesker match I had a few days back. I'd just managed to find and kill the best survivor on the team as the final gen popped. Using FttE I managed to track down and instadown the next best looper relatively easy (I caught him at a dead spot in Autohaven), he was on death hook and I was pretty content to take the tie, since it had been hard fought until that point. At this point one exit gate has been opened, and Mikaela already left through it.

That just leaves Wesker and good ole Leon, a player I hadn't even seen all game. I make my way to the exit gate, and he's t-bagging like we're in the middle of a rave. I put my controller down and stood still, trying to bait him away from the edge, my thought process was to try throwing him farther into map and downing him as he ran back. The strat worked, he ran right up to me, but I fumbled the angle and threw him into a wall right near the exit.

This is where it gets good. He gets even more excited that my plan failed, and starts dancing around the gate. I stopped again, since he decided leaving was never an option. Pulling a first aid spray out of nowhere, Leon got cocky, and that was my que. I still don't know why he didn't cancel the animation when he saw me pull out tentacle, but slamming a virtual character into in a suddenly forming Eldritch tentacle wall has never felt so good. I walk him down into the basement, toss him on a hook, and the last thing we both get to hear before the match ends is my boy Wesky saying "I tire of wasting my time with you."

Good times. Any matches that give you the same fond memories?


  • Coz
    Coz Member Posts: 67

    I was recently downed by a Ghostface and crawled over to a window. 3 times he vaulted when trying to pick me up. Gave me a good laugh. Of course he came straight after me and beat me down with a Mori. So, so funny though!

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,667

    I had two games today that stood out.

    • The first game was against Ghostface. I spawned in next to a Leon and right away we were just making our characters’ heads go all crazy in circles and nodding.
    • The second game today was against a Wesker on Dead Dawg. It was down to just two Survivors, me and a Thalita. The Thalita was hiding and not doing gens. I was trying my best to get them completed. I would make some progress, then sneak over to another, rinse and repeat. In the process Wesker found her and she ran him over to my generator. He completely ignores me and runs the loop around me like four times trying to get her lol. After he downs her I beg for her life and he grants my wish. After that he helped me run some of the pallet loops then gave me the door afterwards. It was so fun going from pallet loop to pallet loop getting practice in.

    Like others I wish console had game chat so I could thank people for wholesome games.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669
    edited February 28

    MMR blessed me with a Nancy that singlehandedly made a Wesker DC. She looped him for a long time without getting injured and, when she was injured, I was there with a flashbang just watching a master at work and basically time-wasting lmao. She got a flashlight save earlier on in the game which was impressive enough so, when I was pressuring the killer for the pickup of a random out in the open, this Nancy just rolled past and got the save with either a flashbang I dropped or one she made, I can't remember. I just watched her run past and it felt so good to have reliable teammates and to have helped by accident since the Wesker forgot about other players thanks to my persistence. I can't lie I was fully grinning seeing her drop that flashbang so perfectly and her spam crouching when she saw me staring. She became the babysitter and I was the damn generator jockey for a change ha ha.

    I stopped playing after that because I knew DBD would punish me for escaping with some tunnel fest of a game lmao. What a game to end the day on!

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 637

    Back in December I went against the most wholesome Wesker ever. I spent most of the match busting out gens, and then had a decent chase in the late game, allowing the teammates to finish the last gen. But then I was caught and put on my first hook. The teammates just up and left, and I died on first hook. In the endgame chat, the Killer said they were sorry the teammates left me and that I was fun in the chase, and we wished each other Happy Holidays.

    Then in the very next match, I got the same Wesker again. I had a hunch it was the same person, since they had the same S.T.A.R.S. uniform and had Ultimate Weapon as one of their perks. We didn't do as well this time; we only had two gens done. When the teammates were dead, I was lucky enough to find hatch on my own. He found me and nodded; I chucked a snowball at him for giggles as I went into the hatch. Then in the endgame chat, the Killer said they wanted to make sure I got hatch this time.

    These matches were also saved in my Twitch highlights. XD

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,918

    During the lights out event me and a friend had a nurse at lerys. Sometime during the trial, we were walking trying to find a gen while talking about random things when out of nowhere I just hear him screaming and fall out of my chair. After resetting myself I see he's somehow on a basement hook. One interrogation later find out he screamed because the nurse blinked directly in font of him and he panicked and vaulted into the basement where the nurse promptly got free food. Found it hilarious especially since his screaming probably saved me~

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 406

    Played against a SM and get this NO ONE DC’ed. Most magical game of DBD I have seen to date. We still lost but no quitters.

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 933

    Played vs a Pig i had the pebble perk and tossed it to take her attention else where. Then quickly noticed myself there was another survivor right there where I tossed the pebble. He was quickly caught.

    As Artist landed 2 snipes on 2 survivors that were healing across the map when I was chasing a Bill. They healed up and split lined up 2 crows and injured then both and shortly downed the Bill with a M1. The other 2 were on the other far end of the map really wished I could've recorded it.

    Photo bombing Ghostface when he does his mori also one of the most satisfying things in the game.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,923

    Faced a vanity mirror Mikey on Midwich. Got a lot good jump scares. Was very enjoyable and reminded me of the old days of Dbd.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,353

    Happened a while ago but I was against a Ghostie Boi on the Swamp map. Gates are open, I’m on death hook, he has me exposed and my teammates are running around like headless chickens. I didn’t know what to do so I 360’d him (a miracle because I’m really bad at it), crouched in a bush and he completely lost me. I didn’t dare move until the exposed wore off and made my way to the exit.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
    edited February 28

    Spirit Fury, Enduring, Nemesis, Rancor.

    Exit gates opened.

    I am Trapper and there is near by open gate with pallet, I bait Nea to come drop it on me, after few seconds she decides to take the free stun, only realising my evil build and she gets downed next to exit and Moried.

    Other Survivor just watches. Then says in end game chat "nice bait" Hahahahah. Was so funny even to this day.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    A while ago I played against a particularly stubborn Ace on Haddonfield. He kept coming towards me and tried to bait me into chasing him. I avoided him as best as I could and I was about to win the game too. Until the guy finally got all of his Mettle of Man stacks.

    I played Hillbilly and was about to curve one of his team mates around the Myers' house. That was when he suddenly came out of nowhere and took the hit for his team mate. I suddenly had the realisation at that moment that I had to accept that I could not kill this absolute specimen of an Ace. After that he just kept staring at me as I was too stunned to even move at that point. It ended with all of them escaping.

    Another funny game I had was in August last year. I had a tome challenge to carry survivors for 180 metres and I wanted to make sure I'd get it in one game. So I equipped Agitation, Mad Grit, Awakened Awareness and Iron Grasp on my at the time P69 Hillbilly. What I couldn't predict was, that the game would put me up against a full SWF with sabo builds and toolboxes.

    I got an early down and from that poit everything just worked perfectly for me. Needless to say they weren't exactly happy. Their goal was to make me miserable but little did they know that karma wasn't having it. In the end game chat I learned that this was the most toxic and overpowered build in DBD.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,243

    Any trial where there is a Nancy and I'm her Jonathan. It feels romantic 😍

    And it makes me a better player

    I like when we find each other and excitedly start spam crouching because we are so happy to see each other ❤️

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,440

    My favourite way to end a gaming session is to play Scratched Mirror Mikey with a Lery's or Midwich offering. I don't kill anyone; I just do stuff like wait just around the corner at a doorway the survivors are going through and hit them as soon as they do or (on Midwich) drop down from above when they're entering the courtyard and smack them from behind.

    Generally, the survivors get to one or two gens before they figure out I'm just playing around but watching them peering around corners, etc trying to find me is pretty fun and thematic until then.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,656

    A month or two ago I had a match as David versus a Nemesis. It went poorly, two teammates were dead, and he'd brought a Mori as well. He downed me and left me slugged because he really wanted his 4K, and ran off to hunt down my last remaining teammate. He eventually caught her too, and began his Mori on her. But I had Unbreakable at 99, and hadn't used it until that point in the trial. I also had a vaccine, so my plan was as soon as I got back up, I'd cure the T-Virus infection and make a mad sprint for the hatch. Mori animation starts, I'm up instantly, I vaccinate, and I start running to look for the hatch as soon as Nemmy is done killing my teammate.

    it spawns directly next to me. I can only imagine how that Nemesis felt when, during his Mori, he heard the vaccination and Killer Instinct sound effects playing, and then got only 2 seconds to figure out what had happened before the match suddenly ended with my escape. I wish console had endgame chat so I could see his reaction. It also taught me that the Finisher Mori idea was a terrible idea, because the game is never truly over until you're on the hook, and that mechanic would have robbed me of that last-second play.

    On the flipside, I once had a match as Pig that went in my favor. Everyone but one survivor was dead, the last one had an active Reverse Bear Trap on her head, and I had shut the hatch. The endgame timer and her trap timer were both counting down and I had found her. Confident in my victory, instead of hooking her, I just crouched around and watched her as we stood on top of the shut hatch. For fun I started spinning around at high speeds, which blinded me to the fact that the survivor had a key in her hand and was unlocking the hatch right in front of me. She jumped right in and escaped and I was left sitting there looking like an idiot. That's not really a favorite, just a lesson to never be blinded by your own hubris.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,248

    I had two situations today, that were very cute.

    On Suffocation Pit I played as Chucky and two survivors, an Alan and an Ada, constantly failed their flashlight saves, because they got confused by Chuckys blindbox.

    After the third miss or so, the Ada got really frustrated and did a spin while shooting lightbeams at the sky. I had pitty on her, because I know this pain myself (I don't use flashies often, and the Alan Wake "get 30 flashlight blinds in a public match" was really, really hard for me), so with Alan on my shoulder I nodded at her and stood still. She was super confused, with me just swaying slightly because of Alans struggle, but then she understood and got the flashlight save. Later I let her escape and we had a pleasant lil talk in the postgame chat.

    The other situation was a game with me as the Twins on Borgo. The game was pretty much in the bag and I had just killed off a duo SWF that tried to sabo on me ... ugh, don't touch me hooks. For real. It was still two gens to go, I hooked the Claudette and basically cornered the Mikaela on the far end of the map. She threw a pallet, I broke it and she ... she just gave me "The Look" and froze me in my tracks. When she moved towards me I had to back away. She then made me follow her and made a plea for the Claudette, who apparently was her duo SWF-mate. So I agreed, traded hooks with the two till I got 10 and let them finish their gens. We ended the trial in Slug Race with Victor as the line-judge. This whole thing was so heart warming and adorable.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,448

    What you are gonna get is 1 of 2 things:

    1) A match where someone (or a teammate) made the other side so miserable that people DC'ed: "So funny lolololol"

    2) A match where both sides just trolled intentionally and all 4 survivors escaped

  • Depressedlegion
    Depressedlegion Member Posts: 326

    I had this feng meg just teabagging me all game one match with trapper. Fast doward a boy all teammates are dead and she found hatch in a random room in downstairs room. But I had a trap she didn't see in her way and BAM! She's in a trap. Funniest trap I've ever done.