Skull Merchant and Knight are my favourite Killers to play, AMA


Go for it. I unironically love them gameplay wise and I actually like most aspects of Skull Merchant.


  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 5,979

    What is your favored playstyle for both killers?

    Do you personally enjoy going against them? (Understandable if you don't, some of the killers I enjoy playing as are either boring or miserable to go against)

    And finally, what are your favorite add-ons and perks for Knight and Merchant?

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,356

    Favourite Knight guard?

  • FrenchBagels
    FrenchBagels Member Posts: 171

    What was your favorite slowdown perk and why was it old Eruption.

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,021
    edited February 29

    For Skull Merchant, her drone power is functionally really simple but effective. Powers like Nurse’s Blink and Blights Rush just don’t do it for me. Skill shots are nice but raw M1 gameplay feels the best to me and she really beefs it up. I enjoy her different weapon types and animations. Her chase music is thrilling. Her lore has lots of good bits but it’s just not been put together very well. I do wish they expanded on it more. If they had covered an element of her lore that showed she was good at covering up her murders, she would be more intimidating and interesting. Her not being caught in any way throughout her lore forces you to suspend your belief or just assume that she was smart enough to cover up her killings. I won’t delve too deep into that but you get the idea.

    For Knight, his guards are just extremely helpful to me in the chase. It feels like having a Swiss Army knife. Regression? Send a guard to kick a gen for you. Buy time? Send a guard after a survivor while you chase another. Need to guard an area? Send out Jailer. Need to smash a pallet really fast? Carnifex. His lore is nice, although I wish his guards lore was expanded upon. The tome was a big missed opportunity for that. The tome was just more of what we already knew. Also, he just feels powerful to use.

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,021

    I’d say Carnifex, only slightly ahead of Assassin. It being able to chase survivors for so long is great for wasting their time, and fast pallet smashes are fun when they work out during a chase. Or a breakable wall.

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,021

    I actually only briefly used it during its buffed state, and that was the PTB along with Call of Brine and Overcharge. It felt like too much, I don’t often use slowdowns. Limits fun builds.

  • Vorahk08
    Vorahk08 Member Posts: 232

    What would be your preferred buff or QoL change on Knight?

    Do you use SM's ability to change the direction of her drone rotation often, or not much at all?

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,314

    I also enjoy both those killers, as and against.

    Do you also find it fun that survivors mindgame the drones, when you do come across survivors willing to go against them? And how do you usually position your drones/does it change depending on the map?

    And to double dip, who is your favorite Knight homie?

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,379

    How does it feel knowing pretty much everyone hates to play against you?

    Also your place in hell: Is that next to the Starstruck Nurse mains or the teabagging Ace mains?

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,021

    For Knight, definitely adjustments to the Guard AI, I see them get caught often. I would add 3 meters of extra range to the base kit for guard detection and keep 1 meter on the brown add on to reduce dependancy. I would also half the dried horse meat add-on and add 2 extra seconds on to the chase and keep the add on with the other two.

    I hardly use her rotation ability. Sometimes, but it’s usually not needed. Because you can force survivors to run a certain way, I often forget I can do it.

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,021

    It’s always good to see survivors that actually counter the drones well, I applaud the fact that they know what they’re doing and make my job much harder. When you go against survivors that know what they’re doing, you can sense it, and it’s a good change of pace.

    For drone placements, as open as possible to cover ground and visibility, or around sharp corners to catch survivors off guard. Try to keep them away from areas that are too tight and enclosed so that there aren’t too much LoS blockers for survivors to use. Low wall loops are obviously very good, as an example. High traffic areas that survivors run through.

    My favourite guard is Carnifex, I’d love Jailer a lot more if its chase time was somewhere in between Carnifex and Assassin. It having the same duration as Assassin doesn’t help it much, besides only having a larger detection range and duration for patrol. It’s just fun to smash things and waste survivors time with Carnifex.

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,021
    edited March 1

    I used to care a lot about the Killer I played and how enjoyable it was for the survivors to go against, because I do consider myself considerate of other people’s enjoyment.

    Then I realised that many people don’t consider my enjoyment, and only prioritise their own, so I changed my mindset. Now I’m using Killers I really enjoy playing rather than trying to people please, so I’m enjoying the game a lot more. Blame the game, not the player. I consider myself a fair player and avoid tunnelling and camping where I can. If Survivors hate the Killers, BHVR will just need to nerf/rework them, that’s not my issue. As selfish as it sounds.

    My place in hell is probably just above the Starstruck Nurses, but not that much further up.

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,021

    Play SM primarily and Unknown when he comes out. I’ll be playing him a ton, enjoyed him a lot on the PTB and he’s up there with SM and Knight for me in terms of enjoyability. Let’s hope that doesn’t mean he becomes horrible to face, but according to PTB feedback, I doubt it. I go based on my enjoyability, not Survivors. Not anymore anyway.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,604

    What do you think of both Killer's chase music and which version of SM's chase music do you prefer?

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,379

    That makes sense. I did not mean to sound aggressive. It's just that I personally don't like to play either of them and I also hate playing against them. I don't blame you for enjoying them, though I'd hope I don't have to play against you and you deserve no hate for enjoying these 2 killers. It's BHVR's fault that these killers are in this state.

    My place in hell is probably just above the Starstruck Nurses, but not that much further up.

    Then I'll probably join you there as a Basement Bubba enthusiast. I just have a sweet spot for him.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,216

    Then I'll probably join you there as a Basement Bubba enthusiast. I just have a sweet spot for him.

    For my Forever Freddy builds, I'll probably join ya.

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,021

    SM’s music is great, I like each layer of it and I think I prefer the live version to her first version. The emphasis on the percussion makes the music a bit more thrilling to me. I like the alarm sound when she’s close and the passive beats in the distant music are a little threatening. I’d give it a 9/10.

    Knights is solid, not my favourite but it’s fitting for him and can’t really imagine it being any different. Don’t have much to say about it as I wouldn’t say it’s his biggest highlight aesthetically. It’s a solid 7/10 for me.

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,021

    No worries, I didn’t take it badly at all. I know a large portion of the community had a negative perception of these Killers specifically and I’m open to any criticism for why I would have the gal to touch them haha.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    How quick was the fastest suicide against Skull Merchant?

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 1,541

    I enjoy playing as Skull Merchant and Knight. Going against them is fun too. I don’t mind. :)