Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Several suggestions I have regarding DBD :)

DrHyk Member Posts: 62
edited March 6 in Feedback and Suggestions

First and foremost this is coming from a place of love, I genuinely love this game and I love how much effort you guys put into it. Please take none of the following as an insult.

The PTB; I feel like it'd be a good idea if you guys had a team amongst yourselves that would try and use any new chapters and perks with exploitation in mind, with the release of the "All things Wicked" chapter coming to release I have noticed a strong decline in the community involving hype of the chapter. I do think you would sell more DLC and make more money if you no longer relied on the community to play test new releases. Take me for example, I was incredibly excited for the new killer, the teaser with the guy being killed in the tent was such a fright and it made me genuinely excited for him, however after seeing him the PTB (I only watch, I don't participate in PTBs) I suddenly felt no desire to play the killer.

DLCs: With DBD becoming more popular I think it's important to note that giving people the choice to pay with iri shards or Cells is a great idea, however I think people purchasing the DLC from the online platforms deserve to get more than just a poor recolour of an existing outfit.

Auric Cell packs: Only suggestion I have with this one is implementing some iri shards and/or Bloodpoints to incentivize more spending. I just feel like Cells don't really give that much of a reward considering some skins are worth a little less than $14 AUD

More emblems more banners: I think getting a character to P100 should also reward that person with an emblem and/or a banner relating to that character. I assume the only reason you haven't is because of the licensed characters.

More cosmetics: We love the release of chapters consistently and I can't speak for everyone but from my own experience and people I've talked with we all agree on one thing, we love outfits and having multiple outfits matching with other characters so we can twin as our favourite characters will be a welcome implementation. Also; please cool it with the Feng and Nea outfits, characters like Haddie, Elodie and Jeff need some love too!

Skull Merchant: Please stop letting the community bully you into changing her anymore. Most people I've gone up against don't even realize she's been changed and now it's just a meme to hate her, please, give us more Skull Merchant cosmetics. I feel like we've earned that after the amount of death threats and threats to our families over maining her. Even true mains that didn't 3 gen when that was a thing copped abuse, hell, I've seen my buddy get hate raided over her. Give us more outfits please <3


  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 245

    I'd prefer more singularity cosmetics. I hated all versions of skull merchant and still think it is a terrible killer

  • DrHyk
    DrHyk Member Posts: 62

    I love how that was your only take away.

    It's not about how you feel on the killer. It's what the mains of her deserve