Ironworks of Misery (The MacMillan Estate)

Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555
edited March 2024 in Mapping the Realm

We'd like to know what you think about the Ironworks of Misery map, part of the MacMillan Estate realm. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!

Ironworks of Misery (The MacMillan Estate) 229 votes

This map favours Survivors
35% 81 votes
This map feels balanced
53% 122 votes
This map favours Killers
11% 26 votes
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,245

    These maps are mostly fine, however, Boil Over in the upstairs room can be rough sometimes if there isn't a hook on the lower level of the building (if there is then you can make it to that one, but if there's not then it can be difficult to reach a hook).

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    As was already said, only gripe may be main upstairs, overall a good and balanced map though. Totem spawns can be very weird here.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The upper floor is super annoying, especially the boon spot, it just costs you way too much time to go up there and it is way too easy to ore run, everything else about the map is alright.

  • Iri4head
    Iri4head Member Posts: 25

    Map feels good, although the 2nd floor of the Foundry can be a little annoying with survivors that just run boil over and constantly just run back to the top. Only other thing is, I'm not sure why there's 2 variations for the Macmillan maps now. Granted, they seem balanced, so I'm not too worried.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    "Misery" being the key word here.

    Any map that has a huge nothing upstairs area to it is just gonna be a big L for Killers. The only reason to go up here as Killer is to chase someone who is just wasting your time. If a Boon gets out up there, it's just there permanently.

    The size also makes it a hassle to deal with. Just go into expecting 0-1 kill as Killer. Awful design

  • AMGC
    AMGC Member Posts: 39

    Ironworks of Misery differs massively between variations, both sharing a large size that carries problems. The main building's second floor extrapolates the chase from the rest of the map a bit too much and the many totem spawns up there make boon totems very time wasting to get rid of. The crate fillers in MacMillan are a bit too strong (the rock fillers can be mindgamed if the survivor doesn't drop the pallet early so there is a risk-reward) but Ironworks of Misery II doesn't spawn normal crate fillers due to the agglomeration of predictable elements in the map.

    Ironworks of Misery I favors survivors, it has a wide spread of generators that is hard to defend for the killer. It counts with a chain of mazetiles near shack that is often powerful along with complementary filler loops. The pallet count is highly inconsistent (about 8 to 17).

    Ironworks of Misery II is one of the worst designed maps in the game, it is hard to tell which side it favors but that is hardly the problem. Its large size makes generators hard to patrol unless the killer plays territorial around the area near main building which despite being smaller than the other part of the map, somehow spawns more generators. That area of the map also spawns the most pallets (in total the map gets about 10 to 12 pallets, usually 10) which is heavily influenced by two factors: the 2 fixed hills (one between two mazetiles and main building and the other one in the center of the other side next to two mazetiles and diagonal to the landmark) and the overwhelming amount of road / path fillers that surround the center of the other side of the map, which collectively spawn very few pallets due to being linked together. This map is badly distributed to the point of generating absurd iterations where most pallets and generators are in the smaller side of the map and the larger side is awkwardly barren.

    The realm The MacMillan Estate should receive a slight nerf to the design of crate fillers (where killers can't mindgame nor outplay a dropped pallet in most cases) to allow the filler loops to be more numerous and consistent.

    Both versions of the map should keep 5 mazetiles since that is the appropriate amount for the realm. The main building might need some changes to the upper floor but at the very least it should still have some elevation (so balanced landing can still be used there).

    Ironworks of Misery I should receive a size reduction and a minor adjustment to the mazetile chain where the landmark is placed inbetween, like in the example below.

    Ironworks of Misery II should get a layout overhaul that reduces the size of the map and the amount of road / path filler loops.

  • drwilburdaffodil
    drwilburdaffodil Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2024

    This applies to all the Macmillan maps, but totem spawns are too easy to see and there's too many common, memorable spawns. If you run a hex build, they will be found incredibly soon into the match and then it is just GG you have 0 perks. Otherwise a decently balanced map and realm.

    Post edited by drwilburdaffodil on
  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    This is a map that benefits survivors. In addition to the strength of the main building, the opposite side is also blessed with a loop, so it will always be a match where Survivor controls the pace.

  • TripleStryke
    TripleStryke Member Posts: 114

    Would be mostly fine if it wasn't so large. and if neighboring maze-tiles didn't spawn some extremely strong set ups

  • WhoSoup
    WhoSoup Member Posts: 180

    Awful main building. The catwalks and upstairs areas are just so obnoxious to play and waste so much time. I don't know why the map is flat but then has a three story tall catwalk for some unknown reason that has the potential to spawn two totem spots.

  • TxQ
    TxQ Member Posts: 8

    thank you so much, you said everything i was about to say🙏🏻 , especially the totem on the 2nd floor, it's so painful as a killer to deal with it 😭

  • Vorahk08
    Vorahk08 Member Posts: 302

    The map is generally fine. The pallet loops and jungle gyms are fairly standard, which is a good thing, as it provides plenty of opportunity for survivors and killers to outsmart one another. Gens feel fairly well-spread out as well. My memory of the layouts is a little foggy because I haven't played this map in a while.

    The main building is a little weird. It being so high works from an atmosphere and theming perspective, but the office itself is weird, given that it's so high up. The breakable walls aren't egregious because survivors often drop down, resulting in time lost that the killer can take advantage of. I don't think the loop itself is problematic, though.

  • Tipsy
    Tipsy Member Posts: 49

    Ironworks 1 at least is decent. The shack can spawn a strong pallets right outside it along with two strong maze tiles so that can make it very hard area for the killer to chase at. Going past those maze tiles is the water tower or logs tile and pass that can spawn a really weak area in that corner of the map for survivors. I would propose taking the closest maze tile to shack and moving it to that corner i just mentioned.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    the upstairs totem spots need to go.

  • LordSimagical
    LordSimagical Member Posts: 24

    Think its balanced just a very little bit svr sidet so they can get high ground some games easily

  • King_Flash05
    King_Flash05 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 35

    The map is pretty big and the main building on the catwalk is really annoying especially that window and the totem spawns in the main building can be pretty bad for the boil over players cuz the killer won't be able to hook anyone up there so I think they should add a hook up there

  • RogueRoentgen
    RogueRoentgen Member Posts: 24

    We didn't need 2 of these, they are extremely similar!

    I wish a non-preventable hook spawned upstairs (as I wish for all maps with second floors). The hold W is also very strong on this one, and possibly the most boring thing while chasing, so I wish that was also fixed, making prerunning a little less strong on this map.

    Rng can be extremely variable, so it's hard to say whose side this map favours - considering main, I'd say mostly survivor, but sometimes the deadzones around it are so extensive it's hard to take that stance.

    Also, huge map, could use a trim :)

  • WampaPl
    WampaPl Member Posts: 33

    Dislike both of its variants. Safe stuff is so much connected to each other

  • StargamerXD
    StargamerXD Member Posts: 27

    Regarding all MacMillan maps, for Blight a lot of trees are almost impossible to bump on. You slide of most trees just off.

  • CodesterKing
    CodesterKing Member Posts: 15

    Good map, although main building (specifically the second floor) is a bit of a problem.

    Certain builds including boil over can be super oppressive against the right killers, so adding a hook or two up there may solve the issue. It's also really easy to prerun towards it as a survivor, wasting a ton of time for the killer to actually chase them.

    To fix this, I'd say shorten the stairway and path, OR

    Add a possible generator spawn on the upstairs floor that can replace the one on the first. This way, killers have more of a purpose and incentive to actually go up there instead of it feeling like a giant waste of time.

    Apart from that, amazing map.

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