Blood Lodge (Autohaven Wreckers)
We'd like to know what you think about the Blood Lodge map, part of the Autohaven Wreckers realm. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!
Blood Lodge (Autohaven Wreckers) 185 votes
My only issue with this map is that it seems to spawn a few gens really really close to each other
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With he rework, I think it’s in a very good spot right now. Would it be possible to have the main gen spawn upstairs or outside where it now is - just vor variability?
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Usually has a really strong gen spread for survivors unless you get a lucky rng 3gen. Tons of strong fillers connecting strong tiles. Main building is usually very annoying to play with a mandatory breakable wall and strong filler loops next to it. Typically very boring gameplay (like most autohaven maps). Not really sure what the best way to fix this map would be, I just know that it's not fun to play.
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This map Is in a really good spot right now and I don't have much to say about it. My only issue is that the main has a strong window downstairs, but It has no safety upstairs, unless you have balanced landing. Maybe It would be cool to slightly nerf the window downstairs, but add a window on the balcony upstairs.
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Good map overall, though I'm gonna agree with @Andro0020 and say that the downstairs building window should be slightly weaker and it'd be nice if there was something more to the upstairs so it isn't just useless without Balanced Landing. Other than that I think this map is fine.
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I like this map but there is a little to much overall visibility. Would see a car pile squeezed somewhere there.
Almost forgot. The autohaven tiles have such a low walls making mindgames way harder. I do not like
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Blood Lodge is a survivor sided map that is (even after the rework) too large for the generator spread to be balanced. The amount of mazetiles is too low, it needs more than 3 or else the focus of the safety relies a lot more on the filler loops which are less interactive, more killer power reliant and far more unpredictable and inconsistent. The main building's basement can be problematic due to the breakable wall blocking one of the already limited entrances, which certain killers can abuse greatly to their benefit.
The realm Autohaven Wreckers has poor lightning and some filler loops are remarkably safe without room for mindgames.
The realm Autohaven Wreckers could improve its lightning and the stronger filler loops could be nerfed slightly to then increase the pallet density a little.
The map Blood Lodge should reduce its size slightly, add 1 more mazetile so the safety is more consistent and remove the breakable walls at main building so killers waste less time in chase while giving survivors a better chance to rescue from its basement.
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especially if there is a hill there, the back of main can be a massive dead zone and if there happens to be a 3 gen there good luck. i like it overall though.
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I like this map, I don’t really have any issues with it
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My only issue with it is crazy RNG sometimes. I had a few games there which were beyond boring because of SO MANY connected fillers. It was impossible to use there power as m2 killer, since survivor can just run 5 meters to another pallet without any risk. It's not every game, but please, fix it.
And maybe it is sliiightly too big.
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I have a few issues with this map, the RNG can be really janky on this map with the tiles that can spawn together and another is there can spawn up to 20 pallets I think and the main building is really annoying to deal with especially the window no matter the RNG where it spawns but it's not a map I complain about that much
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Most gens spawn around the outskirts, so it makes 3 gens easy. But this is a fun map to chase on, not very strong pallets, but they can be linked well together against most killers.
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Gens spawn close together making 3 gens common. Map feels large. Lots of connected filler pallets. most of which are safe. Main sometimes has a very strong window where basic m1 killer cant mind game or catch up on if the survivor is decent.
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I believe this map is slightly killer-sided leaning with few fillers that connect to anything safe for survivors to run. 3 gens typically spawn in close proximity, which causes points of frustrations if killers decide to lock it down.
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It can be a bit rng but the map leans more toward survivor.
The map is big and very little meaningful LOS blockage. Stealth killer's can be seen far away and killers with no mobility struggle. However there is a decent amount of blockage that can be used for ranged killers.
The map has way too many strong loops. There is very little mind gaming some of the loops.
Similar to every autohaven map, the color of the map isn't very good. It was changeed from the inital iteration of the realm beyond for autohaven which was good but it still doesn't look great.
There can be 3 gens situations. Sometimes the map spawns 3 gens very close to each other.
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The map is rather balanced, too few line of sight blockers though, so if you play a killer like Myers or so, you cannot really sneak up on people. But other than that it is fine.
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The main building is too weak.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Love this map.
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It seems they fixed the awful 5gen you always had when the rework dropped.
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What's great about Blood Lodge:
- Relatively Balanced. Good size!
What's bad:
- Lack of Lockers makes Dredge, Huntress, and Trickster sad. :(