Treatment Theatre (Léry's Memorial Institute)
We'd like to know what you think about the Treatment Theatre map, part of the Léry's Memorial Institute realm. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!
Treatment Theatre (Léry's Memorial Institute) 208 votes
Too many windows in my opinion and getting both basements due to a recent bug it's even worse, this is survivor-sided if you were to ask me
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This map is absolutely horrid. Sometimes it just spawns windows line up in a way that makes it impossible to ever get a hit, and because of the constant line of sight blockers you regularly lose chase.
It might be a Paradise for stealth killers, but half the killers powers don't work because the doorways are too small for the high mobility killers, so they get stuck, range killers have an issue because of all the high walls, that block line of sight to ever get a clear shot from more than 5 m away. Then there are some weird hitboxes you get stuck on despite there not being anything sight.
It is also a Paradise for stealthy survivors, because it is so easy to hide and nearly impossible to find a stealthy survivor on this map. Then we also have issues with tracking, because crows and scratch marks in the distance basically do nothing because you can barely see further than you can throw.
No matter which side I play on I just never find this map fun, not even as a stealth killer, because I don't need to plan out how to approach as there are high walls everywhere and often angles from which you simply cannot be seen... Getting gen grabbed with almost no chance of noticing the approaching killer is always annoying.
The entrances to rooms need to be more consistent as well, sometimes you need to run around an entire room to find the entrance, just because of unlucky spawn logic.
Basically the map would need bigger rooms to combat the narrow corridor issue for certain abilities, some was of combating excessive stealth, no clue how to do that without making this an outdoor map. Then it needs a look at window spawn locations as it is ridiculous to spawn two windows 3 m apart of each other.
Then there is apparently the double basement spawn currently? No clue if that is on purpose.
And if both exits spawn on the same side that can also be somewhat problematic.
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I love the aesthetics and atmosphere of this map (minus lightning, fog, which needs improvement/going back to the origins of DbD). Having the carcass there is also a cool detail - wish there were more details like that though.
from a gameplay point of view.. well it’s horrific for some killers and great for others, which is due to many los blockings but narrow hallways/doors etc. I think these kind of maps are needed for a horror game however and contribute to the horror tropes - but maybe some more open/‚destroyed‘ areas without long walls?
gate spawns can be weird, but can favor either side so still better than Midwich I guess..
Post edited by Mooks on1 -
It‘s one of my favorite maps for both sides.
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The only map i hate more than this is a Hawkins. It's survivor sided, but i don't even enjoy it as survivor.
The only 1 time i dc'd in last 2 years was a match on Lery's as a killer, because it was crazy miserable experience. It's predrop heaven against 4,4 killer, even Chucky can't do anything about it. Half of killers roaster unable to use their power in full strength because of map layout. Recently i had a match with survivor, who ran stairs as infinite (literally couldn't start chase with him), saw it first time. If two survivors left and decided to hide - welp, you will waste at least 30 minute of your life on it. It's too big and only way to defend generators - hold 3 gen in main, what is boring for both sides.
As survivor I'm still getting lost here even with 4 years experience in this game. It's very miserable against stealth killer in soloq.
I have no idea how to improve it without just making completely new map with the same aesthetic. Can we just delete it along with Hawkins and pretend it never existed?
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Terrible map for both sides, except for stealth killers and the Doctor.
For survivors the map is too small, it may be a pain finding gens and most of the pallets are unsafe.
For killers may be even impossible to use the power.
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Terrible map that really, really needs a graphical overhaul. Despite being one of the tiniest maps in the game, it's extremely hard to navigate because there are no good landmarks you can see from the distance and a lot of rooms look identical (like the four L rooms around library). The map is also stacked with resources, particularly windows, that make chases for m1 killers very cumbersome.
Lery's is also very RNG dependent with some rooms having doors only spawn sometimes. Sometimes you lose a chase just because you go into a room that doesn't have an exit where you expect it to be. The map is also atrocious for many killer powers (Singularity, Huntress, etc).
The only reason that this map is killer sided is because the same also applies to survivors.
The operating room is also SO DAMN LOUD. PLEASE lower the volume of that monstrosity.
Keep the Lery's cow though!
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Can't find gens, can't find totems, can't find survs, can't find doors, can't find my own left shoe here.
Stealth killers, particularly Myers, thrive here. But for me personally I dislike it in either role. Graphically the last update vastly improved it and it looks awesome. Gameplay wise is another story.
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Whether this map is survivor or killer sided honestly depends on the killer. Some killers (especially stealth killers) do really well on this map, while some other killers can barely use their power. This map is really good for stealthy survivors too though.
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Any Killer with fun power that is not stealth is nuked here. Ranged? Too bad. Mobility? Bruh nah.
Some windows can chain spawn and be looped together for very long time.
Its only good for stealth killers that will usualy just send you there anyway.
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Maybe shrink the map a bit and make the map's lighting level darker like how the map was in the first iteration of it's graphical overhaul.
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Treatment Theatre is the first of the indoors maps and the only one that isn't licensed. By its own nature, it has plenty of differences from a typical outdoors map, like it being smaller, having lots of line of sight blockers, hard to find generators & totems, lots of windows and pallets at loops that are unconventional. The issues of the map are mostly vague and hard to address except for a few. The main issues are directly connected to how impossible it is to estimate which side it favors in general.
Many killer powers are favored by the map and many others are incredibly hard to use, causing a very unnatural hierarchy within the killer roster for this map. The unfavored killers can result incredibly frustrating to play in Treatment Theatre. Many loadouts and playstyles (specially those around stealth) from both roles can be very advantageous.
The map is very disorienting and hard to learn for a survivor that is not familiar with it, putting them in a major disadvantage both in chase and at repairing generators. On the other hand, survivors that are proficient at the map will be able to have very long chases with the advanced resources that the map counts with.
In summary, the map's strength shifts a lot depending on which killer is at play and also on how proficient the survivors are with the layout and loops of Treatment Theatre. Two incredibly relevant factors that are not from the map itself change how the trial is gonna play out.
More unalloyed issues of the map are how absurdly loud the treatment room is, specially when the generator is repaired; and how the doorways are so erratic and unpredictable, which can cause circumstantial problems like struggling to hook a survivor, hardships in navigation or getting cornered randomly.
The most immediate improvement that the map could receive is reducing the loudness of the treatment room.
The fact that survivors that are unfamiliar with the map struggle so much and those who are familiar excel so well is an ambiguous yet very troublesome issue since weakening the safety would make the first group struggle even more and strengthening the safety would elevate the second group further. This problem requires a very careful solution.
The killer powers being so favored or unfavored by the map is tied to the line of sight blockers and the overwhelming amount of obstacles, yet tweaking those elements is not an easy task and should be addressed with prudence.
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This is a very weird map to describe.
It has horrendously strong pallets on it, but at the same time, it's relatively easy to get rid of those pallets quickly.
You can also get very strong back-to-back window vault spawns which are nasty.
But on the flip side, gen spawns are very forgiving usually, so it makes defending them easier than most maps. The indoor environment also makes detaching to different survivors easier than other maps too.
Depending on the RNG I'd say its a balanced map
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Lery’s and badham has to be the saddest maps to land on as killer
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These lery maps still have a bug with double basements with one being in the archives and one being in the electroshock arena.
Lery maps in general make it pretty easy to follow blood trails due to the white tiles. The bushes seem to overcompensate for this by making it nearly impossible to distinguish traps placed in them. So a double killer benefit.
Also, scratch marks are another easier to identify mechanic. Tracking in a white room is basically a non-issue.
What does make the institute a bit annoying is the sometimes cramped or cluttered doorways and windows. Possibly a side effect of tiles having edge overlap. Some vaults are hard to read as gameplay elements with the exterior windows and wall decor blend in with the game structure pieces.
When it lines up correctly with two rooms having adjacent window vaults or a double pallet alongside a solid wall for exterior path denial it can feel a bit undercooked. Some building tiles will host 2 of the hooks on the map, but have only 1 door that is enclosed by walls. The bathroom and shower tiles are fun to use as a survivor and allow mind games, but the lockers feel out of place and forced onto the map.
The barred entrances to the treatment room, the examination skybox, and the check in counters are nice touches. However, i don't see the point in having 2 external exits that mirror one another. The other should be a fire escape, garage entrance or coroner's chute or something. The double entrance thing seems a bit lazy.
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Lery's is a testament to the idea that just because you CAN make windows variable between matches doesn't mean you SHOULD.
Most of the frustration of this match is bad window spawns for one team or the other, and painful navigation when you need to go 75% of the way around a room before a door is open.
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Not much I can say that hasn't already been said. Map is extremely claustrophobic, making it difficult for many killers to even use their powers and just have to resort to being man with knife for a game. There's also an insane amount of windows that are extremely easy to mindlessly chain together. This map essentially has windows like The Game has pallets. Honestly, if the map was made less claustrophobic like how The Game was, that'd be a good start
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As much as I love lery on both survivor and killer, I wish rng was fixed to avoid extremely long walls with no door open to cut a survivor off, or reach a generator etc. It is the same effect as badham infinite fences and very unpleasant on both sides. Otherwise, one of my favourite maps!
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This map, I believe, is overall survivor-sided but sometimes window RNG can make the survivors' time even easier. Some rooms can be chained together in ridiculous ways that wastes a lot of the killer's time. Pallets aren't as much of an issue as the windows
I love the look of Lery's and it has a nostalgic feeling of when I was new and things were still scary.
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Tbh, the old version felt better as there were not as much good pallets as of today.
I like that the map is unique with the amount of windows but the addition of string loops make it difficult to deal with sometimes. Especially as you loose bloodlust frequently due to LOS blockers.
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Truly unique map with its lot small room and windows everywhere that require both sides to adopt properly. My general issue with this map is that there is so many random clutter in corridors that makes it har to traverse for killers like hillbilly. Secondary issue will be the size of doorways: i would appreciate to be able to see more into the rooms i am entering
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As a Myers main, please don't change this map lol.
But in all seriousness, as survivor this map feels balanced, it requires a certain amount of stealth on both sides. Even with a terror radius the killer could be coming from various directions with all the LOS blockers.
As killer it is a map that definitely requires mindgames for all the windows and small rooms, but I think that's what makes it fun. The generator spawns usually feel fair as well.
Doors are usually easy to check but can be harder to find as survivor, but I think just some proper exit signs with arrows throughout the map to point out the exits would help, tho not sure if that's doable with random door spawns.
Reducing the sound of the main room would def be appreciated by both sides I think.
Perhaps a few breakable walls would help contend with the long walls for M1 killers.
But in general, I like this map.
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rng completely dictates whether loops are awful or absolute god set ups., which is not a good thing.
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This map has the same issues that the Gideon meat plant has but in reverse, too many windows and has the navigation problem just like Hawkins does where one side of the room is closed off and you have to go around
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a map that scales with survivor's skill. The more proficient survivor, the more powerful this map is. I think the kill-rate on this map is high because skill-floor to play this map is high.
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Lery's desperately needs distinction between rooms - be it things like painted walls ("I'm in the green room" "I'm in the room with flowers painted on walls" etc.) or something else.
Tends to favor killers that benefit from blocking line of sight. Mirror Myers heaven. Finding totems is obnoxious, but protects hexes a bit better - really bad for survivors if it's a totem-protecting killer who can easily keep an eye on the totem and gain downs, notably Demogorgon.
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This map has several problems with it in its current state. The first is finding generators. Yes I know there are the tiny signs that glow and turn on indicating generators are in or around the room they're in, however for a newer or less experienced player it is still not well known. For this map, create doors that open on this map similar to The Game that are easy to find and identify as well as open up some of the long rooms. Second, the actual operating theater. It is too loud to exist in its current state. It's fine to have TV static or some rusted metal moving, but the sound should not be blasting at all times. Third, the number of doorways in each room is a bit silly when some of them have more than 4 entrances when some of them are right next to each other along an adjacent wall. Back2back windows spawning together still can plague this map.
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This is a strange map. I used to hate it, now I quite like it. I think the biggest reason I used to struggle with it is the visuals. It's very samey and hard to navigate if you don't have a high number of hours playing on it. Adding more unique visuals to the hallways and rooms might alleviate this. Real life hospitals look very creepy on their own and I feel like there's a lot of room for visual updates in that regard, instead of dooming the newbies to a maze of bathrooms.
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Love this map on both sides. Sucks on some killers, but that's fine. Good for game health even.
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This map is pretty terrible for both sides. Sucks.
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Way too big map, sometimes, a bit confusing to traverse. Also the RNG can create way too powerful windows, stealth killers are really strong here, the rest are simply unplayable.
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Now this map can be fair I feel however the RNG of window spawns can be very very strong an you can have windows chained together creating some insanely strong areas