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Who's a killer you didn't expect to enjoy but ended up liking?

Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,331
edited March 11 in General Discussions

Have you ever played a killer thinking you wouldn't enjoy them but ended up liking them?

Mine are Knight and Trapper. I did not think i'd enjoy trapper at all when I played him exclusively for a month. Saw a lot of things said about him so was not looking forward to really learning him, but wound up pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed his playstyle and working with what his kit can do.

Knight was different cause I didn't think I'd like his kit and summoning guards. Been on the other end many time, but to my surprise it was a lot fun. I like seeing how different survs handle taking his minions too.

What are some of yours?


  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015
    edited March 11

    Pyramid Head used to be my worst killer. His ranged attack was difficult for me to adjust because of how slow it is to charge up and appear. Once I finally adjusted to his PotD, I learned how to do his flicks and I basically play him M2 only so that I can learn how to hit different survivors, all having their own forms of movement.

    He's pretty much my second main now, but I'm still learning him.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,958

    Huntress on console was a surprise, I expected it to be God awful... but I could actually hit hatchets fairly decently.... yeah I'm not winning any competitions, but it's actually not too bad at all, and a lot of fun to try for long throws.

    Another was Singularity on console... I actually posted a bit of a fit about how hard it was to tag survivors on console... but as time has gone on, I've realised I was trying to play them like a generator monitor killer rather than a chase killer, and I wasn't using my ability to shoot the survivor grom my hand to chase after them. Once I got the Singularity mindset down, HUX is actually pretty awesome...

  • tenoresax
    tenoresax Member Posts: 796

    I was very neutral and even a little disappointed with Singularity on release, but his aesthetics and gameplay style really grew on me overtime to where he's now my current main and highest prestige killer.

    Similar thing with Blight, I was on PS4 when he released so I was pretty uninterested in him until they adjusted his controller sensitivity. Then he ended up becoming probably my most played killer so far in my ~3000 hours.

    When Nemesis came out, I was a Pyramid Head main and he just looked like PH with the same type of attack but worse. Now Nemesis is in my top 5 and PH isn't even top 10 anymore...

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 11

    Honestly, I'm always so surprised when I face a good huntress and they are on console. I give props to them because I gave up real quick once I figured out the aiming just is not for me...

    I feel like it's easy to play Larry and get in a habit of spamming meatballs everywhere and take away from focusing where you need it to be

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 11

    eum a viribus, spiritibus et hominibus iniuriosis intentionibus protegat

    A rework can change your entire perception. It do be like that sometimes.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,522

    Skull Merchant.

    I wasn't here for her original release, actually. A very good friend of mine gifted me the DLC, but when I came back to the game her rework had already happened but the hatred hadn't disappeared. It still hasn't, of course.

    I've only started playing her recently, because playing a killer with no power was getting increasingly frustrating.

    Many players don't like her, and there aren't many Skull Merchant mains around, but I was really surprised when I first played her. She is really, really fun.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 700

    Old Freddy definitely, I really liked his kit and the ability to see auras when Survivors were asleep and outside of your TR was very nice. Than they "fixed" him and he's been super boring ever since.

    The other though actually has been Twins. Yes, it sucks having to traverse the map for getting pickups, but being able to essentially be in two places at once has come in clutch.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,779

    Probably Twins.

    If it wasn't for the bugs and the fact you need to slug against coordinated teams to have a decent chance, I do enjoy the power a lot.

  • Kaethela
    Kaethela Member Posts: 348

    Singularity. Bounced off hard initially but I've really come around.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    I was not very crazy about Knight upon release but I think now he's my most played killer.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419


    You know the phenomenon where blind people's other senses become crazy attuned? The lack of chase power makes me more reliant on mindgames and thus makes me better at them. The frenzy itself just gives me more time to get in chases and play the mindgames.

  • Coz
    Coz Member Posts: 67
    edited March 11

    The Doctor for me. Always have so much fun with him. Constantly exposing those sneaky survivors is awesome and most loops result in a cheeky wee shock in the ass for them.

    I I can stop quiffing so much with him he’s gonna be a maniacal terror to be feared :)

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,582

    Release Chucky. I wasn't too thrilled about him coming to DBD but I loved to experiment with 180s. This was for me the most fun component he had. I have only played him once since the nerf (god, it feels awful) and I don't think I'll play him again. Scamper into hit is boring in my opinion but that's currently his biggest strength.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,480

    I started enjoy Deathslinger a lot recently. Have no idea why.

    And somehow Legion started to be my chill killer. I don't know how, but every game with him is super interesting. I think this killer has higher skill ceiling than people think. Constantly pressure the map, to know when to drop a chase, when pressure the hook or gens, when it has sense to chain frenzy hits or just injure survivor and chase him with m1. All these things making his gameplay so complex and multilevel, i love it. Won 4 man strong swf with all most broken stuff with him recently and it was most enjoyable win for a while for me.

    Also Billy is my love recently, and i used to hate play him before, but he is a new killer at this point.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,145

    I used to hate playing as the hag. It was due to the whole corn situation on the cold wind farm. I still played her now and enjoy it.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145


    Put simply i hate the theme of the character. The music. The coughing. The annoying laughs. The sound of a bottle of booze popping open every time he refills his tonic. It's just an outright uncomfortable experience for me. But... then I hit a few survivors with direct impacts and I feel better. So much so that I end up clowning the whole game and sometimes often throw the match just to see how many times I can hit the survivors.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 12

    I was the same way. Ate a lot of humble pie trying to learn PH to the point of almost giving him up multiple times. My love for the series kept me wanting to learn though. Loaded up with aura perks out the wazoo and still couldn't hit a surv with fancy feet. PoTD feels so frustrating but eventually rewarding to use once you can start getting some consistency with your hits. Survs make it a proper pain in the ass of course because it's so telegraphed, but that's what adds to the enjoyment. Also, the fact he could down multiple survs under hook, but that's a tale for another post.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    It's so damn satisfying to hit 2-3 survivors at once, the power of stealth perks with Pyramid Head... I'm excited for the Unknown's new perk Unforeseen, it's about to make for some cheeky plays.

    But yeah, PH is one of the most mechanically rewarding killers in the game once you get the groove of his PotD. Definitely more on the stressful side because of how punishing it is to miss shots, but extremely satisfying when you get cool shots.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 12

    Some years ago, I faced a Hag on Coldwind and brought in a Dark Mist, possibly even had a friend with New Moon Bouquet. By the end, I was on death hook in a heated chase that the Hag and I had going back and forth through the cornfield. She hit me and almost got me down, but I ended up eluding her using the corn and making enough distance to get out of the gate. Hag sent me a message that read, “I’m not happy.” I said, “Well which one are you then?”

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 12

    Vommy Mommy is getting added to my list, but me and her have a love-hate thing going on right now. Love using her but hate that crouch tech is effective enough to get an eye roll from me. 😑

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,331

    Now you got me excited for it cause that perk is for when you're feeling up to no good. I like Dark Devotion already, that perk is fun and underrated. So, naturally, I can't wait to test Unforeseen out on a few builds for him. Wonder how it'd be with Plaything + Pentimento, and a flex. Gonna need more build slots...

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,862

    I generally try not to form too strong of an opinion about a killer before I have a chance to really play them. I'm pretty easy going as far as finding most killers enjoyable to play. There are only a couple killers I just really don't like to play. Nurse and Blight to be specific. I guess you could say I'm pleasantly surprised to play all the other killers.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 963

    The Blight.

    I had waited two years for the mysterious alchemist from the lore to appear as a new killer. The teasers made clear it was him who was coming next. I waited with excitement, and when he was finally revealed in the PTB... his power was "run fast, bumb into wall, run again"? So I was like, "that's it? Years teasing this killer and he can't have something more creative and insteresting than that?".

    But little did I know. Once he released, I started playing him and I had a blast! Playing him was so fun and thrilling, and there were so many good add-ons to test! Hell, his FOV was bugged at the time and that didn't even bother me that much.

    Unfortunately, today I rarely play him. Other killers released, I played him less and less, until the point I lost the hang of it. Still, I know how fun he can be and just because of that I still consider him one of the most fun killers in the game. I'm just out of pratice. And I find a bit of a shame that he became infamous for being associated with sweaty gameplay just like the Nurse. But on the other hand, for the time he was teased in the lore and the experiments he made on killers, feels kinda fitting that he ended up being one of the strongest killers in the game (still a bit TOO strong, though).

  • TWS001
    TWS001 Member Posts: 146

    Got Singularity with spare shards when he was released but never had any intention of playing him. The past couple of weeks I've given him a go, and with the right build and add ons can be quite fun to play.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,726

    knight and singularity. still not my main or anything but i used to hate knight.

  • Doxie
    Doxie Member Posts: 125

    Definitely the Artist. I wanted one of her perks so I ended up getting her and then having to do a few challenges. First game or two I was like.... Eh. Then I started to figure her out and now she's my absolute favorite. Great Gen control no need to camp or tunnel. Constantly hide and seek. I still have a lot more to try out and try to figure out but so far she's been my absolute favorite.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 12

    Love me some Jump Scare Myers. Myers on Midwich is such a scream.

    This is my reaction after my 6th sense detects a Myers in-game.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,331

    You're right. It just wouldn't look right with the name. Might need a 2nd account called...TheNemesis

  • Samatrain
    Samatrain Member Posts: 80

    For me it's been Singularity. I didn't think much of it on release and when I tried it the power felt clunky. Came back a few months later, and after watching some videos of people playing him and it just clicked.

  • StereoGang
    StereoGang Member Posts: 93

    Both Knight and Dredge, but Dredge mostly.

    Dredge is pretty strong without being overpowered, his addons are nice overall, and his gameplay is very satisfying.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    The knight

    everyone said he was just another artist, drop power at loop. He really is not

    if played correctly he is like a 4d chess player who can pressure all points. He has built in spirit fury and slowdown in some aspects. Can hunt 2 people at once.

    yes he has issues I won’t deny that but he is very underrated if played correctly