When Will the Hacker Problem end?

I started writing this right after a game of a Detective Tapp speed hacking against me, thank God he wasn’t as extreme as the hacker Ace I was facing last night where he was faster than a Blight, the Tapp was not subtle either, he was wayyy faster than me as a 110% Spirit but I was able to kill him by phasing, the Ace I just couldn’t catch him or see he for more than 2 seconds despite the other 3 survivors helping me catch him none of us could, they started blocking the gates at the end to not let him escape but he was just faster than all 4 of us. Also a Sable tried to help me get the Tapp too but I didn’t need her and she just got in the way when I was carrying the Tapp so I had to hit her and when she went down she bled out because I was slugging her to catch the hacker Tapp, the hatch spawned right next to us but thankfully the Tapp didn’t wiggle out.
More than anything we as a player base should be advocating for an end to hackers ruining our games, not some silly perks or because your killer didn’t “play nice”. It’s so frustrating loading up your favorite video game just to get hackers in your lobby, my heart goes out to the people here who have shared with us that they get hackers back to back. Yikes… why isn’t this the outrage? Why are we instead focused on ranting about perks and real in-game mechanics and strategies? Please have our minds and voices focused on the biggest problem first as a collective. Hackers sucks and are the lowest of the lows.
Realistically? Never.
There will always be people cheating. Although, the number is way lower now than it used to be.
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They made DBD free on the Epic game store awhile back. Cheaters took the opportunity to make thousands of free accounts. BHVR also occasionally has free events on other platforms, this game will never be cheater free.
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Every game has cheaters no matter the anti cheat its just part of gameing.
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This has nothing to do with the game being free on Epic or whatever. Cheating is not a DBD-Problem, you will find Cheaters in every game.
Even if it would have never been free you would see cheaters, simply because it is a super-cheap game overall. You can get DBD for as much as 3 Bucks via Keys, and this will give you a few weeks of cheating.
Never. Simple as that. Writing something like "We as playerbase would advocating"... Do you think BHVR WANTS Cheaters in their game? You just cannot avoid it, it will always happen.
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Had a match yesterday with a blatant hacker. Endgame chat, he said to report him, as he'll just use another account. Said this is his 20th account so far.
Bear in mind, BHVR made the disastrous blunder of doing a free time period with Epic. That ALWAYS generates THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of automated bot accounts which then get sold for cheap for cheaters to get back into the game for very cheap after a ban.
BHVR NEEDS to implement hardware bans.
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I can tell you 3 facts about this:
- There is no effective automatic cheat protection in this game and has been since release
- Subtle cheaters are very common and more than the average player realizes, because as described in point 1, by nature nothing can be done about it at the moment as long as the player keeps it subtle enough.
- Threads like this are usually closed very quickly because people want to keep the topic as small as possible and avoid it
Unfortunately, there is no change in sight in the near future. So either you accept it as it is or you change the game. Unfortunately there is no happy ending.
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Yeah, since the Unknown chapter dropped we have another spike. Not that the problem ever did go away, since last summer the issue has been getting worse.
MVP this time around is a form of "sliding" speedhack (looks like straight up no-clipping, one of the very first things supposedly tracked when the hacker waves of 2020 started), that has been reported in other forums as well (all names hidden):
Best you can do? Deny games to cheaters, or drop the game altogether. The developers haven't committed to functional anti-cheat for 7+ years and are still making profit, that says a lot about any plans to do so.
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The cheater problem will end when the game gets shut down. Otherwise it's just a race between cheaters and the devs to find exploits and then patch them.