Possibly hot take: If you use wicked and run into basement, I'll just bleed you out.
If you bring an offer that makes basement, go into shack. You use shack pallet, then run into the basement to get your first hook in basement, I'm just not going to hook you. It's an incredibly weird play style (on both sides admittedly).
If I'm running agitation ofc I'll hook you outside of basement, but don't expect the otherside to let you use your perks effectively. Just like how I'll try to play around hubris, flashlights, FTP, etc...
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Yeah, lately I've been seeing Sable's run into basement mid chase without realizing how obvious their play is. One game I put Knockout on to see how long it would take for a team to notice, I honestly felt so bad afterwards that I haven't tried it again.
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I've been doing that knowing it's obvious and it's funny how many killers just don't know what to do about it. Some hook me anyway and just camp the hook, some slug me and some give up on the chase entirely and let me heal.
Generally I feel hooking in the basement and camping the hook is most effective FYI.
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I think it's pretty obvious right now just cause it's a new perk and people just want to try and use it. Just like when Chucky released, I wasn't surprised that so many people were using him, he's shiny and new! Sable and her perks just released so I'm sure after some time after people try and use the perks it won't be as common anymore.
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Abandon hooks completely, I love seeing end screen and knowing the survivors brought now useless perks for counterplay
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Bring Unbreakable or setup an Exponential....thanks for the heads up.
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based. i do the same lmao
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I'd let them have their fun and free unhook but I don't play to win. I mean while I wouldn't you could even react to them jumping off hook and get into a favourable position for your next chase on the injured survivor coincidentally in the basement, basement is still basement. Even if they can see you coming with Wicked some basements are damn hard to get out of.
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So petty. Heaven forbid Survivor does anything fun besides slamming Gens.
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Slugging is part of the game, its all good.
It's not that much of a downside for survivors. Instead of being on the hook, you lay on the ground, and someone still needs to save you, and now you don't have a hook state. If you run unbreakable with it then you can really counter the bleedout.
I've tried running into the basement a few times without this perk just to see if the killer bleeds me out thinking I have it. Unfortunately, no success.
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Well as a killer leaving them slugged is the best option if you want to apply pressure. Putting them on hook causes you to lose all of that pressure. Leaving them down there and slugged still forces a teammate to go down there, and if they have unbreakable they still have to use that perk and spend the time picking up.
I don't think it's unfair to leave a Wicked user slugged, they know the possible consequences going into the trial
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Heaven forbid the killer employs counterplay to a perk.
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Ah, yes, the classic "Countering my abilities is toxic" argument. Always glad to see it come back around, it's like an old friend at this point.
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It depends on the stage of the game. If its at 1 or 2 gens remaining I would slug in order to generate pressure, but if it happens at 5 or 4 gens? Yeah, I'll just hook you, you basically gave myself either a free down or went at least down next to a hook. In the early stages I don't care about the self unhook and dwelling on it won't better my lot, so I go hunting asap,
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Seems like a really weird thing to do to avoid a free hook and twenty seconds of aura reading. Especially if they've already used shack pallet.
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What do you think the 3 other survivors are doing in this time
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Heaven/God forbid the killer and survivors remember this dam video game.
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Rich you think that is counterplay because for every other Perk Survivors use Killers are quick to cry NO COUNTERPLAY.
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OP could just hook let them self unhook and tunnel them. It's all Killers are programmed to do mindlessly.
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So tunnel them when they have a large head start, be forced to stand by or around the hook to maintain pressure, wasting minutes of time...no sorry if you're gonna play toxic we can too
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The killer simply leaves the survivor no onhooked, as he is simply doing what is advantageous in terms of the game. Chasing other survivors and encouraging 0ther survivor to wake up downed survivors will slow down the gen completion more than getting the immediate hook state.
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That's why they need to add basekit unbreakable. The devs give players too much freedom to punish other players.
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All good, I'll keep on using Unbreakable or Plot Twist.
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Because to counter a perk you need to have a good intuition of its existence and when a survivor immediately runs into the basement in the middle of a chase that's a pretty big tell.
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He will then be on here asking for the usual, got genrushed, nerf Prove, nerf Adrenaline, yada yada
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They should buff Wicked to give unbreakable basekit inside the basement
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Unless you have knock out i dont see how this will help you, survivor will just max the thing and crawl away.
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What are talking about? Making it super obvious that's what's you're trying to do, to make a play that gives you and your team more time... and you blame the killer for not falling for it? XD
That's just silly... the killer is better leaving you down there, cause you're not on gens, and someone else has to go IN BASEMENT to save you. That's a potential 2 in 1...
And niche!? The perk is an awesome perk without the basement guaranteed Kobe... 20s aura read off hook? Thats anti-tunnel wall hacks and guaranteed under hook heals... just run it normally and then use if you get put in basement.
Why are you trying to force it and giving the killer super obvious tells? You can't ask a killer to play dumb so that you can pull off a silly strategy... come on now xD
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Any competent survivor will realize that if you slug someone in the basement, it's because you suspect they have Wicked. And unless they're salty, they won't get mad over it. It's the same reason why when I find a survivor with Boil Over and they run into a corner, if I slug them, I never get trash talked in the post game chat because that's the correct play.
If someone truly gets mad over that then it's not worth even caring for, lol
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the aura reading part of the perk no one cares about, its the unhook part that people like.
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im gonna jump out of a locker as dredge from 5 realms away to watch and laugh at them
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OK... but that's your loss. You're focusing on the hyper specific scenario where you can make a big play, rather than the subdued more consistently useful and reliable part of the perk.
The aura read off any hook is actually great for anti-tunnel, because you can ensure you aren't caught out by the killer coming back to hook; you can know for sure whether you have time to heal or not, and immediately abandon it if the killers starts to come for you AND know exactly which way to go.
Especially when combined with OTR, you can basically near guarantee you make safety and signfiicantly increase your chances to slip away undetected.
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I can't believe people are arguing about this perk lol. If you don't want to have the potential of a player countering your strategy/playstyle do not give easy reads about what you're attempting to do then. This goes for both sides of any game. If you're trying to get a flashlight save, it's probably a good idea to not run right behind a killer all chase. If you are using Wicked, don't run to the basement mid-chase. If you want to utilize the unhook aspect of Wicked, pray it's a decent main building or in killer shack and just run it like normal. I personally avoid basement hooking most of the time because I feel like if I'm just going to initiate more chases then the time I spend going down and back up the stairs is only ever worth it if I am close enough when they get unhooked. I'd rather just hook you above ground nearby to start applying pressure to anyone on generators.
Some people play this game to win or to the best of their ability, some people want to hit chainsaw sprints only or long distance hatches only, some just want to chill and play casually. Assume though, that if you tell the killer you are running Wicked by clearly running to or right near basement every chase that you might find they will refuse to hook you there.
Also, Blood Moon is on and you get extra bloodpoints for non-basement hooks. That could also be a factor for some.
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I think plot twist is probably better for this since they either hook you and you're up or you plot twist and you're up and healed. Plus if the killer stands around waiting for you to stand up then they arent pressuring
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I dont think the aura reading is worth a perk slot. You’re better off bringing just off the record or dead hard. A key with blood amber is better. The only reason why this perk even gets play is because of the basement unhook. No one cares about the aura reading. If it didnt have the basement unhook part, the perk wouldnt get any play
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I just hook them and move on to the next survivor. If they want to feel like they got value from their perk go ahead. It's just a game.
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If you see no value in the aura read and are just trying to Kobe, just take Distortion and Deliverance instead to ensure you aren't the first found, and after an unhook run exactly the same play anywhere on the map without the obvious tell to the killer.
Literally no point trying to use Wicked if that's what you're using it for, it's a far more obvious tell to the killer that is likely to leave you slugged in basement.
OTR and Wicked on the other hand is a very potent anti-tunnel combo. You have no whimpering sounds, and see exactly where the killer is when you unhook so can reach safety far more easily using your wall hacks to get as much value out OTR as you possibly can.
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Nah that's wicked!
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Good! This is exactly what I mean. I am countering your perk/play style via slugging, you counter mine by doing another unexpected move.
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After reading this thread, I think I'm just gonna start running into basement with no Sable perks.
I call it the basement tech, the next evolution of the Laurie tech /s
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I have actually had a survivor do this to me lol, was confused when I saw their perks.