Tips for countering Alien?

I was on a break when this DLC came out so still struggling to learn how to counter them.
Other than not dropping pallets much like Huntress/Nemi unless dropping for stun/early and running them to the turrets to put them on cooldown, I feel like the tail is very difficult to avoid.
Any tips would be appreciated as I get wrecked every time I verse them
The tail basically cannot be reaction dodged, so it is mostly about pre dropping and using the turrets... I think Hens made a shorts video or something about it? Otherwise maybe just ask some comp players/streamers what to do.
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Yeah I kinda figured that, I have tried the killer against bots and to be fair the tail is quite hard at first but it seems once you get it down it is very hard to avoid in some scenarios. I will check out Hens' video
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Turrets and coordination. Alien has one of the best chase powers in the game so you rely on macro more then your looping skills. Crucial positions where rotations are most likely during a chase should have 2 turrets side by side, Pre droping is arguably the best way to deal with the tail, so play it safe.
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Its mostly how you place turret, try to make Alien cant huge the walls. Thats when survivors get extra distance. You suppose to leave Gen for 1 third Gen time to setup turret, or teammate will be downed quick. As survivor, only hope teammates setup turret for you.
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Spread the turrets, don't leave them near generators or control stations. It's very easy to come out of the hole, m1 it and start the chase. If Xeno encounters one during the chase, it must choose between you or the turret, and it will almost always go for the turret (or at least take a very awkward path), giving you some distance.
Try to fake the pallet/window as much as you can. Playing against Xeno is like playing against a faster, short range Huntress. If you're locked in animation, you're dead.
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Great thanks everyone :)
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As others have said, you want to use the turrets to get them out of their power regularly (and hope your teammates have the same idea). They're like Legion and Plague in that way. Unless the team is playing like one, you're all gonna be toast.
I like to hide them in bushes and around corners (but never directly in front of gens if you can avoid it). But most importantly, make sure they cover your escape route. If the team can build a safe zone with them, that can also be a good place to go for resets and heals.
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Play SWF and call out turret placements.
If you're Solo, a lot of it is down to your teammates
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you can run as soon as you hear his terror radius, then he'll want to spend a lot more time on you because of the small tail radius. In fact, the distance, the windows closed with +- high textures and earlier dumping of pallets/stun can help. I wouldn't count on it for turrets, they work well only when there are 2 of them and there may be only 4-8 pieces on the map.
If he gets to you at a distance of 5 meters, only luck and the ability to predict will save you.
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Alien can be decent even against solos because of turret auras. As long as one person is kinda managing turrets, Alien ain't too bad.
Turretmaster is kinda doing nothing objective wise but if people aren't going down because turrets keep breaking chase, then life's good.
The problem starts when people start dying before any turrets go online.
Biggest issue I think is walk speed, you need to use rhem smart but fast but you can't drag them too far.
Alien is so much more manageable with the Nancy perk Fixated. I feel like I can actually spread my turrets out outside the Command Posts
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put a turret after a vault and lead the killer there the killer will lose their power while vaulting and be slowed needing to hit the turret while you run for distance guarantying at least a 20 second chase
if you ever want me to find a counter for a killer just put @09SHARKBOSS and ask away
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Alright, lemme giving you some tips my friend :)
- Spam firethrower, don't place them front of the tunnel spot.
Place them, near generator if they are into loops, so, if the killer is coming, you can vault without getting slapped.
- Don't do gens while being injuried (killer is kinda sneaky and fast, you will be down faster)
Communicate with your friends.
You can place two flamthrower close to each others, it's not " more effective " for the decrease power effect, but it will take more time to the killer to destroy them :) (Place them also at corner, it's good)
- Don't crouch if the loop it's not safe (huntress hatchet safe) you can pre-drop a lot of pallet against this killer it's okay. T&L, Jungle Gym are good asf against this killer.
Usefuls perks are : Sprint burst, lithe, shadow step, iron will effects perks like confidential, dance with me.
Some Alien player use the peak " fearmonger and I'm all ears and friend till the end ", so you can use distortion, or haste effect perks, if an gen is not safe at the start of the game, don't do it, it's free hit for him :)
Alright, that was all for me.
Dear survivor.
Homelander the killer Knight main
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Okay thanks all