Thing That Mildly Bothers Me

Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,596
edited March 2024 in General Discussions

It's a Bloodpoint Event. Which is amazing. A lot of people have been bringing their Anniversary Offerings and Bloody Party Streamers to boost everyone and that's nice.

But there are those few people who bring Map Offerings, Hook Offerings, and/or Moris during the Event. Ive seen a lot of Survivors and Killers do it, so both sides do it.

Listen, Im all for bringing whatever you want in a game, but at the same time, this event is meant for Bloodpoint grinding, I dont see the point in not bringing a Bloodpoint Offering. Hell, even those awful Common and Uncommon BP Offerings is at least something leaning towards the event, small amounts of BP can add up over time and really help with saving time in the long run.

None of this is to say "bring insert thing that benefits me", I just think more people should be bringing BP Offerings to further benefit themselves (and/or others depending on the Offering) during the Event. Even the small +X% BP Offerings can go a long way.

And why does this bother me?

Idk, it's like watching someone shoot themselves in the foot. I want to help and kind of tell people to "run BP Offerings every match, they will help a lot" but with crossplatform I cannot do it, it just gives me this discomfort feeling of wanting to help but being unable to.


There seems to be some confusion or misunderstanding as to what Im trying to say. Im not saying "bring stuff that benefits me", in fact, I literally said "even those awful Common and Uncommon BP Offerings is at least something leaning towards the event", which literally wouldnt benefit me.

I just think people should be bringing more Bloodpoint Offerings instead of stuff that hardly benefits them (e.g. Cut Coins/Shiny Coins), even something as simple as a Common BP Offering is something. Also I do understand Archive challenges and Daily Rituals exist, and I consider them the exception since they still add to the BP Event.

Also to further clarify, I would not attack or harass someone over this, something as simple as an Offering is not a justification for being attacked or harassed. The entire point of this post was just to talk about how I feel and that's it.

I have also edited the original section a bit since some of wording since I dont feel like it properly articulated my thoughts. Pardon me if things came off the wrong way.

Post edited by Iron_Cutlass on


  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,998

    There are and will be people like that, so yeah....

    Some people just don't want to use them.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    I would love for that bloody eye offering to be functional again and working as intended. I love playing The Unknown at the moment, but of course that one can only use whatever Bloody Partystreamers that I found up until now, and they are all spend. I know mostly use Moris to compensate all those Sables map offerings. And thus we have a selffullfilling prophesy.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,142

    I only really have anniversary offerings left on Nancy, and I want to play Mikaela and Sable for this event because their cosmetics suit it lol so i don't have many BPS to go around unfortunately

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,448

    The fact that the event offering is disabled doesn't exactly help. BPS also aren't common in bloodwebs. You can't really expect this event to play out the same as anniversaries do when their offerings actually worked.

  • ChuckingWong
    ChuckingWong Member Posts: 527

    Think this is a bit incorrect.. Have had a 250k match with legion with only

    Killer bonus 100%

    Community Event: 200%

    1 Terrormisu: 107%

    Had a couple 300k matches as well here's one of them

    Killer bonus 100%

    Community event 200%

    1 Terrormisu 107%

    2 Blood Party Streamers 200%

    2 Staged everyone and let them go as well (4 escape)

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 405

    I am one of those newer players and I do not have many bp boosting offerings. On top of that the killers have been more bloodthirsty and wiping my groups with minimal bp gain. This is most likely tied in with the tome sacrifice and kill achievements. Regardless, I am wary to use an offering just to be slaughtered and have minimal gains.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited March 2024

    The role in need bonus is probably pulling all the weight here. As far as I'm aware this does apply to more than just base score.

    If the BPS/Terrormisu's were in full effect your 163,800 game would have been around 790k, not 300k.

    They're not having no effect, but they're not having any additional effect. Your game with 3 BP offering was 'only' 50k more than your game with 1 BP offering, which lines up with your 'base' score being somewhere around 25k.

    This isn't a bad thing. It means everyone is getting more BP, without needing to run BP offerings. It just means there's no more incentive to run BP offerings now than at any other time outside of events.

    For an extra ~25k, I would much rather bring a Lerys offering as Scratched Mirror Myers, 2 hook everyone, cause a ton of jump scaresn and everyone walks away with 150k+ scores. Rather than bring BPS, end up on Coldwind, get 2-3 hooks and 0-1 kills, nobody gets more than 50k, and then BPS adds about 20k onto that.

    Post edited by Seraphor on
  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,150

    I do admit to being pretty mean with my BP offerings. I only bring escape cake or puddings for myself because I don't know what kind of opponent I might be going up against.

    Call it superstition, but if I bring an anniversary cake I feel like I've cursed us all and we're going to get a tombstone Myers or a slugging Oni or something else equally nasty. There are lots of players out there that don't care about your experience and they don't suddenly disappear just because there's an event on.

    The other stuff I understand to an extent, but what's wrong with bringing a Mori? I think they're cool and it's better than watching the sacrifice animation that you've already seen a thousand times before.

  • BooperDooper
    BooperDooper Member Posts: 278

    I only like to bring stackable bloodpoint offerings when it's highly likely that people are gonna bring them too. And from my experience over here in Australia and playing generally late, people unfortunately aren't bringing stackable offerings during this event so I don't either. I've just bringing the regular survivor cake or pudding for killer.

  • ChuckingWong
    ChuckingWong Member Posts: 527
    edited March 2024

    Theres a couple reasons as to why its 50k more/less.

    4 less hooks = 1250*4 as each event hook is 1250 (any extra hits/activities inside the event totem area radius or stealing the orbs etc...)

    And then sacrifice category as well is less on the screen (1800 difference).

    There are additive differences and multiplicative differences in offerings/side bonus but ...

    All in all, bringing bp offerings is completely worth. Maybe less on survivor as you cannot really control how the match will go (tunnel/camp/Try hard Double Iri Plague, DCs etc..).

    For killer it absolutely is worth though.

    Haven't had a match yet where

    everyone walks away with 150k+ scores.

    I cant control who gets what categories done or not for my opponents. I doubt with scratched mirror meyers on lery's offering survivors will get many points at all in boldness, and struggle with objectives and sharing them. Not to mention getting 3000 only if they finish a gen... Probably usual survivors jumping into locker's thinking your 99ed...

    What probably happens against scratched mirror lery's; someone immediately giving up on hook when they see a Meyers perfectly tracking them on that map.

    I probably wouldn't wanna deal with it can tell you that. I get a hint of mirror meyers on lery's... pfft get me out of that ASAP. That is unidirectional in terms of fun. May as well just add Lights Out back in if that's what you wanna do. Miserable experience as survivor. SoloQ is already a joke.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I get this is just a rant about what you want from the event but keep a couple of things in mind.

    You can't be "all for bringing whatever you want in a game" if you feel angry when people don't bring desired offerings during the event.

    Yes it is a little entitled to feel angry at players who don't bring the offers you want. Players who don't aren't guilty of anything.

    The key to all this is to realize that the event is not for blood point grinding, it can be used that way, but its not only about that. It's just a bonus event with some extra BP's. That's all.

    One of the big things I dislike about events is players get so hung up on the extra BP bonus. This is often to the extent that they expect certain offerings and expect certain play (i.e. farming) simply because they brought said offerings.

    The number of players who message after a game saying "I brought an offering you should have done this or that" Move onto the next game already.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,563

    You sound almost like the streamer that went ballistic because someone brought a green envelope instead of Bloody Party Streamers. Not quite, but you're close.

    Sometimes people don't HAVE any Blood Party Streamers left. While they are green rarity, there are a LOT OF GREEN RARITY ITEMS in the game, so it makes every green rarity item rarer than an Iridescent item overall. When a Bloodpoint node is decided to have a Iridescent item, there is 2-3 possible things. But when a much more common rare node spawns, there is 30+ and increasingly more every time a new map is added items that can possibly spawn there.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,596
    edited March 2024

    Im not shaming people for it. I just said that it bothers me. Im not going to attack or harass someone over it since it's literally just a game.

    BP Offerings are BP Offerings. It's not so much "dont bring this since it doesnt benefit me" but moreso "why arent you bringing something that at least benefits yourself during this event".

    I even put a section that says "at the very least bring the Common and Uncommon Bloodpoint Offerings since while their benefits are small they can go a long way".

    Pardon me if that was not articulated enough.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    You're looking at this from a very blinkered perspective. Coz from my perspective, someone that goes against very obnoxious players when I'm Killer and very selfish players when I'm solo Survivor, I never bring BP offerings in at all. I don't wanna waste my offering in a match where I could get very little out of it, and give potential arse's more points than they don't deserve.

    It's like seeing someone DC, they could justifiably have something important to do irl, but all we see is them turn into a bot and we get annoyed at them. It's the same type of thing here. If you wanna have extra points, you go ahead and put them on, but understand not everyone wants to be generous in this game for their own reasons.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,596

    I edited the post for a reason.

    My original post did not articulate my thoughts correctly, and in a few areas I used the wrong terms which lead to my post seeming far more harsh than it was really intended to be.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,065
    edited March 2024

    The reason I say this, is because there's a difference between feeling hacked off, and going into a public place and ranting about it. When I'm getting griefed by a toxic killer player (pretty rare), I do ocassionly think to myself "why are killers so butt hurt all the time", when I'm getting hard tunneled after I threw a pebble at their faces. But if I make a post venting about it, I'm just inviting people to contribute their negativity for towards killer players (for whatever reason they have at the time).

    I just thought it was a bad choice to include the disparaging part.

    Edit: You removed it. Any slight issue I took has evaporated.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,563
    edited March 2024

    Yes, but again maybe they don't have any of those, or don't feel they are worth it over bringing something else that they find more fun. Not everyone cares about Bloodpoints over fun, and that's fine. Especially in an event like this, we get enough BP at the end, if I don't bring a "survivor pudding" every match and instead bring a Mori for some fun, that's not a big deal.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    "be a decent humanbeing for once and stop bringing ######### map offerings at least during an event". i completely agree!

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,554

    Bring a BP offering just to be tunneled out at 5 gens? No thank you.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    I’m not wasting my BP offerings on the 100% multiplier matches. I’m saving them for the 3-400% games

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    My points are still valid even in light of the edits.

    Lesson learned eh never come to the forums if you are mad at the game.

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 405

    I would expect more players on both sides to at least acknowledge why some bring the offerings that they do. An example a new player with their maybe p1 character brings the bps. They clearly are just trying to rack up points. They also were nice and brought the offering that benefits all. So why not tone down the play style in those moments. I have seen it on both sides and was surprised.

    Mayhaps the challenges could have been angled more towards for fun play might be a reason?