1st chase

Why do u survivors ######### on 1st hook if the other 3 survivors are on gens and one of them doesn't leave to get u after a mere 5 seconds? We all see the hud. We know u need to be unhooked. U can wait 20 seconds before one of us leaves to get you. It a smart strategy to make the killer leave the area and start a new chase
This used to have meaning in the past.
Damn I miss those times...
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You speak the truth my brother
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completely agree! the killer can easily return and tunnel if they not in chase already. It's literally to their the detriment to get off the hook quickly.
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Many people do not understand the game system, which says that a on-hooked survivor for 60 seconds is safe. If you take your time and rescue the survivor when the killer has gone on an expedition, the killer won't have much time left to tunnel through the survivor, as he will be busy rushing in and interfering with the gen completion. Without even knowing this, there are many survivors who unnecessarily put unhooked survivors in danger of tunneling.
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absolutly right to many survivor think second stage starts after ten seconds. the amount of people who rescue when im just out if the camping meter range is crazy. ofcourse im gonna turn around and take the chase with the unhooker and wont allow for them to reset why woulnd i. and then these survs come into the forum and demand taht the killer gets no info about the survivor on hook and if he gets rescued.
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Survivors don't want to play anymore. They want to ruin around the killer and if they get hit once, they immediately quit. I had multiple games yesterday where I was the only survivor who didn't quit as soon as something didn't go my way.
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True story
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Quiting or DC on first hit/hook early in a match can have a snowball effect. 1 person quits then another. Then I get the why even try mentality. Frustrating
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I think it's because they don't like the killer, they went down too fast, no gens got done or they see team mates not doing gens. Or maybe they are just bored i guess.
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Maybe they see one person on gens but 1-2 others doing unproductive things. You dunno.
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I think people just want an easy victory sometimes. They will dc for the smallest things. Killer and survivor. Lose 3 gens with no hooks. DC.
Oh its a nurse, oh it's the game Map, I did not get unhooked in the first 5 seconds, DC. I think its entitlement as well as just wanting an easy game.
If I wanted to play a game where I'm always Winner! I would play Big Riggs or Hello Kitty Island Adventure.
I like a challenge in my game. But I agree with the OP.
Just play the game. Do what you can. Don't cheat and win and lose with dignity.
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Let me field this. First game... Tunneled out...second game...tunneled out. So third game ...caught right away..not worth finishing. They bot out and and go to next game. You can't beat camping killers and 70 percent of them camp. That's why.
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Best strategy to win. No point in spreading hooks