Is a Singularity rework inevitable?
I was looking at the stats we got last month again and something that stuck out to me is not only Singularity the 2nd least played killer next to Twins but they also feature one of the lowest kill rates at 56%. Note that with the exception of ghost face and nurse all other killers that low got buffs (Huntress, Doctor, Billy).
Being that Singularity is the only killer that struggles with both kill rate and popularity do you think it's inevitable they get a rework? I do think at the very least they need an add on pass due to Soma Family Photo almost feeling mandatory and the majority of their add-ons being useless. Hologram Projector for example is one of the most baffling add-ons in the game. You give a survivor oblivious after you teleport next to I wonder if they'll see you coming.
What do you think Singularity needs in order to be more in line with other killers?
An entire rework isn't needed. It's pretty simple, the counterplay against him is just too easy. EMPs are too strong. We said that during his PTB, and they still didn't really do anything to address it. Yeah they made them slightly weaker in chase, but the reality is they are just too good.
All they really need to do is simple, you make a decision.
- Do we want the EMPs to be readily available? If so, they need to be weak
- Do we want the EMPs to be less available? If so, they can be strong.
If we go with the, EMPs are readily available, then they simply just need to make them weaker. Easiest thing here is, simply make it so you aren't just slowed when you use an EMP but that you are completely stopped. You can't move while using an EMP. Then they can keep them available all the time.
If we want them to be strong but rarer, the change is also simple. Make it so the box only prints 75% of the way, and the survivors have to manually print the last 25%. Then make it so the box won't start printing an EMP if there are already 4 in the map, to prevent survivors hoarding them. Then REMOVE the penalty for using them. This makes them much harder to get, and forces survivors to actually spend time getting EMPs and they will far less available.
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Doesn't really need a rework at all. Its just a killer thats good but the amount of effort you have to put into him just isn't worth it when you can run other killers to get the same result which isn't a bad thing.
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Just needs soma family photo basekit and some leeway with targeting survivors on biopods.
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He needs QoL. That's all.
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He doesn't need rework. EMPs don't start printing unless previous is not used, Soma Family Photo basekit, some QoL with biopods and you got me as a regular Singu player.
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Doesn't need a rework. The two biggest issues I have:
EMPs are too impactful and readily available. They can't completely reset his power if a survivor can easily have one at all times.
He's horrible to play on indoor maps. It will never happen, but I think all indoor maps should be reworked to be more open. DbD gameplay is terrible in congested spaces with lots of corners.
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I don't want to see him reworked because i fear it could create a new Skull Merchant situation. Better to just keep tweaking him, searching for that sweetspot of "balanced but enjoyable".
It would be really nice if we could press a button to have the cameras automatically lock onto and track survivors while looking through them, because doing so on a gamepad is extremely finicky and frustrating. One little twitch of the stick and I'm staring half a mile in the wrong direction from where I was trying to look at the survivor.
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I like the killer and the idea behind it, but pods are too unreliable. Sometimes i'm in chase, and the pod won't stick to the wall even after two or three attempts. I just think he needs some QoL changes, alongside Dredge.
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Just because a whole bunch of noobs are keeping his killrate down, doesn't mean he's weak.
A good Singularity is one of the most oppressive things in the game.
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Too clunky and too difficult with a controller. So much worse on inside maps. The slightest leaf on a tree blocks a pod. Can't turn to aim fast enough to land hits, even at max sensitivity. 🎮🎮
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EMP's need a slight nerf that's for sure
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He doesn't need a rework, his core design is actually really well designed. He's just a bit clunky and takes way too much effort for the reward he gets.
All he needs is for a slight version of Soma Family Photo to be base kit and some QoL changes to his pods to feel so clunky. Maybe some changes to make EMPs not so easy to obtain in chase.
That's all I think he needs right now.
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Not really it's fine for a killer to be unpopular with a smaller playerbase that generally likes the core of how he plays there are 35 killers some will be unpopular. Singularity could do with some buffs to some things here and there but I like playing him and do not want to see him reworked.
Also, Soma family photo is not needed basekit it's a really strong addon hes just a difficult killer.
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Singularity doesn't need a rework his kit needs buffs and EMPs needs nerfs he also feels terrible to play on controller
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And how many of these do you see?
The Singularity in DBD is a product that is sold to customers. If the product doesnt sell well, there need to be adjustments to make the product more interesting in comparison to other products.
Right now, as others have pointed out already, the Singularity feels horrible to play as for a majority of players. This results in a low kill rate and an even lower pick rate. This definitely justifies changes.
Its not as with Nurse, where the killer is hard for like 4-5 matches and then becomes a literal win - machine for a majority of public matches. Singularity gets destroyed by a variety of aspects in the game that can be completely out of its control. Every match bringing a new problem to the table.
- Maps. Especially indoor ones.
- Coordination with EMPs from survivors, completely negating the power for a majority of the match.
- Cameras not locking on survivors that are clearly visible.
- A sucessive tp mostly only granting a faster pallet instead of a hit due to no speed (soma family photo)
- Console controls are awful.
- Trying to tp AWAY fom a hooked survivor providing a massive movement- and action cooldown.
Its not the 3rd or 4th game that will fix this. Its not even the 50th game.
Singulariy is way too demanding and punishing for a huge majority of the playerbase.
Im not saying that Hux should get the Sadako 2.0 treatment, where the killer becomes waaaaay too easy to play as and waaaay too hard to play against, but some qualtiy of life adjustments for the above mentioned problems would really help out to fix the gap.
Its not healthy in my opinion, that a killer is more successful slugging survivors, because their power (slipstream) then remains more available to them rather than hooking.
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I found him quite fun to use, and enjoyed getting his achievements. As others have said he is very map and certain add on dependent. Also if I could choose just one killer that I could use Noed on from the entire roster, it would be him!
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No rework needed. Just some really good QoL changes to make him significantly smoother to play and Soma Photo base kit. Plus EMPs way less readily available.
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Singularity is like Hag in my opinion. Both killers have a very unique playstyle that require lots of time that most people just don't want to put time into or play someone easier.
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I wouldn’t compare Hag and Singularity at all 2 different styles of play
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Hopefully not. Just make Soma basekit if you want to buff him.
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They both are entirely unique in play style that wouldn't appeal to the majority of the player base, fair comparison in that regard of why they aren't played much.
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Very strong killer but hard to master. I like that there are killers like this in the game Singu is quite unique but will always have a low pick rate. No need to change him just to make him more popular.
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- Soma basekit
- emps strong but single use only like wesker and nemi?
that would already help him enough imo.
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That 5% addon haste after Tp is so key to him that playing it without it feels kinda bad.