thoughts on a way to solve some of the adrenawin problem

Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

Personally i don't think adrenaline is much of a problem, i don't use it personally, but i hear a lot of killer and even survivor mains complain about it

When a survivor is brought up from the dying state, they get a far shorter speed boost of 2s (with near instant acceleration, this would act akin to a dodge, and give them far shorter distance away from the killer but still potential to reset a chase.e) and when a surivor is in injured state and adrenaline goes off, they get the speed boost (maybe shorter, maybe same length), but do not heal an extra health state. instead when hit they trigger a deep wounds/borrowed time timer except the old variant ie it ticks down within a chase, giving them about 20s of being up (active for 20-30s after the perk activates) which grants them that extra hit, and chase time. If in a healthy state, the survivor is granted no real bonus other then a short speed boost (2-3s) , they don't get a deep wounds timer etc.

this would mean a killer "doesn't have to run noed" to counter end game, however survivors still have the perk in most of its glory. if a person wants to run the killer the whole game, let them, at the expense of possibly being put into deep wounds and being forced to heal.

Obviously my idea could be tweaked a lot but the main premise is that adrenaline wouldn't so much give you an extra hit, and potentially infinite time so long as you have good loops, but put you on a timer, forcing you to have ally's open a door in an aloted amount of time before you go down
