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I got 2 questions

Mechanix82 Member Posts: 185

First off why does the killer have so much info at the lobby screen. Surv have none. Surv have to find everything out in game. That the way it should be for both sides. Killers should not be able to switch to light born because they see flashlights in the lobby. Secondly I had three games back to back where I was tunneled for 5 gens not saying I shouldn't of need I was running an obnoxious build that deserves it. Not a slight against the killer but I'm on hook struggle no one else has been hooked and I get left twice and a screwed up 3 MAN SAVE on the last how as P30 plus survivors can't make a clean save with 3 people. Or understand that if you just trade that gives 2 more muns for us to heal and come get you. Please learn the main aspects of the game


  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,842

    That the way it should be for both sides. Killers should not be able to switch to light born because they see flashlights in the lobby.

    That's generally the idea. If survivors overload on a certain item killer can respond. I don't think it is a critical element of the game, but that part makes sense.

  • Mechanix82
    Mechanix82 Member Posts: 185

    So should we be able to see the killers 4 gen slowdown perks and adjust accordingly

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,711

    Thats not a good argument considering Survivors who come in with chill builds have no idea that theyre about to be up against a full slowdown Blight

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Items are not perks there is a vast power difference between them. Bhvr thinks the killer should have th3 chance to prepare for items and om pretty sure flashlights are the only reason for that no one is interested if you bring a tool box or a media but enough killer will bring lightborn atleast if it's 4 flashlights

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    I feel that the killer may be allowed to see such things as its 4 vs 1. To balance the game somewhat. Again, just speculation and my opinion.

  • Mechanix82
    Mechanix82 Member Posts: 185

    Items are the only things that slightly counter act the killers power spike. The 4 v 1 argued is no longer valid as the most used killers have incredible anti loop. That argument world when you had wraith and trapper. Now the power spike for killers need a way to give survivors something and if I want to run a flashlight to help balance the power out I shouldn't be hard countered because the killer has to much info

  • Mechanix82
    Mechanix82 Member Posts: 185

    True and they have those diff in pov and power. The killer is meant to be the power role which I believe they have with how strong the killer anti loop has become. No system should be hard countered by any other. Making it easy for the killer to know the survivors intent and hard counter it before the match had even started is detrimental to one side

  • Mechanix82
    Mechanix82 Member Posts: 185

    Same the other way. If we survivors knew the killers intent of running 4 slow downs and we all switch to tool boxes with bnp and hf would killer be ok with that?

  • Mechanix82
    Mechanix82 Member Posts: 185

    Or better yet hypothetically what if we had a perk that if we are on a Gen it can't be regressed until the surv leaves no pain res no surge and we see your intent before the match starts and throw it on

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 906

    We can take away the killer seeing the items, but only if you can't change the item as solo as soon as you are in the lobby AND the items of swfs are randomized and not changeable. I'm okay with 4 flashlights by random, but I won't let you bully me for free lol.

    Besides that we already can't change the killer in the lobby and don't really react that way, so it's balanced enough in my opinion xD

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 734

    I disagree, how is a killer meant to be a power role if the game doesn't place the power in their hands? A killer who doesn't know there's four toolboxes in a match from what's clearly a high level SWF isn't going to feel very powerful if they can't adapt to information they don't have and still think there's three solo q gamers opening chests. Same with Flashlights and Med Kits.

    Not to mention, survivor teams can find out who the killer is at first chase and if they brought any strong add-ons, meanwhile the killer has no idea what every survivor has perk/addon wise until they've met them all, and even then most add-ons don't really have a tell they're in use.

    If we're being fair here and changing the game accordingly, neither side would know who or what is coming from the other team, until the first chase where every single player in the match is immediately alerted to what the other side has brought through the form of notifications.

    If that sounds stupid, it's cause it is. DBD isn't fair, it never has been. Prioritize fun and game breaking issues over menial balance changes for the sake of a philosophy that doesn't even wholly apply to the game.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,034

    First question:

    Second: ... gonna be honest here we don't actually know what question your asking. Why do people play like *****? Because humans.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    The killer doesn’t know any of the 16 perks between you. They don’t know if your SWF or not either. You could run 4 flashbangs and they would have no clue. 4 blast mines, 4 residual manifests. It’s safe to assume if all 4 of you have a flashlight the killer will bring LB. If my three mates have flashys then I’ll put mine away.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,288

    The initial idea was that the Killer can prepare in the Lobby. But honestly, there is not really a reason to give that many information anymore. Mainly because Killers dont prepare, they just straight up dodge.

    Furthermore, the main things which can help are:

    • Mangled against Medkits
    • Franklins Demise against Items
    • Lightborn against Flashlights

    And all of them are not really valid anymore (aside from Franklins maybe). Mangled is good in every game, not only when the Survivors bring Medkits. Franklins rarely sees any use, from my experience it is mainly used during Anniversary Events. And Lightborn should rather be brought every game anyway if someone does not want to get blinded. Because Residual Manifest exists, as well as Flashbangs. So even without a Flashlight in Lobby Killers can easily face those, so equipping Lightborn if you really dont want to get blinded should happen anyway.

    So yeah, it would make sense to reduce the information a Killer can get. Or at least make dodging harder by penalizing it.

    OR, we can just let Survivors know who the Killer is for 2 weeks and then we can see what Killers think about dodging. :>

  • TotallyNotADocMain
    TotallyNotADocMain Member Posts: 7

    So I think I have some decent points for this discussion that I'll break into different pieces.

    Items: aren't as pivotal to games as they used to be. They aren't their old versions of basically being additional perks. My behavior as a Killer isn't modified too much by items being used in a match because I'm always picking up looking at a wall cause I want to admire the brickwork.

    Menu Perks: allowing everyone to see everyone's perks in a menu would both hurt the game and be extremely annoying. It'd be annoying cause lobbies would turn into Musical Perks. It'd be unfun for two factors. One, killers have 4 perks while survivors have 16 between them all. Hard countering an entire perk setup is much easier for survivors. Two, most Killer perks are more in terms of traps set to be sprung. If everyone knows you have Devour Hope before the game start it's a useless perk.

    Items vs addon trade: so the most comparable thing to Items are Add-ons. This still is a massive power boost for survivors. If I know what add-ons you have I know which Killer you are which means I can hand select a perk set to counter your entire existence. If I see Shape add-ons in the menu myself and every other survivor are putting on Spine Chill pre game and basically making that man cry as he gets out of tier 1 after 5 gens.

    I also think it'd probably be more work to remove items from the character models in the menus so I highly doubt the Devs would ever consider it.

  • terror
    terror Member Posts: 3

    Killers camp survivers on hooks just out side the camp meter. Plus the camp meter is too slow to fill up. They should ingress the camp meters distance.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Too many killers are heavily countered by a specific perk or two. Doctor would be useless when everyone runs SB and Calm Spirit into him. Any killer who is known to bring a lot of aura perks (huntress nurse etc) you just bring distortion. Any killer who keeps lots of people injured easily (plague legion) you remove any healing perks and bring perks that are strong when youre injured. Any instadown killer you don't bother bringing perks that only work while injured or after being injured. Killers who are very hit and run orientated or need to keep people injured like twins you just bring a bunch of perks to heal faster. Many more examples but thats the general jist of thing, most killers have 1 specific build that will completely destroy them so letting survivors know the killer will just make them bring that build.