Mathematics on Dc's

So please correct me if I am wrong on the math.

A survivor dc's killer gets 625 BP for the dc

Killer Dc's survivor gets 2500 bp each survivor???? Or was this a massive booboo glitch in game


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    5000, actually. Welcome to DbD, where it's considered balanced that the numbers role gets better ######### than the power role.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    On top of the quitter bonus, if a killer is able to kill the other players (which they most likely will considering the advantage) they get the extra 2500 No One Escapes Death points too.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    625 BP is not enough. Some survs dc when they get downed for the first time so you can't even get the BBQ stack which alone is worth thousands of points.

  • Sharmarko
    Sharmarko Member Posts: 71

    @Orion that's because if the killer DC's, the survivors have lost all potential points they could ever get in that match. If the survivor DCs then that just means an easy 3k for the killer, giving them more points. I've seen your posts alot around here and tbh you just look like the most biased killer main ever.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I don't care that survivors get 5k BP, I think it's only fair that they do.

    I do care that killers get a pittance by comparison. A single survivor is worth a lot more than 625 BP. A single hit is 500 BP, FFS. Do you think that's fair? I sure don't. And you can call me biased all you'd like, but the fact is, DCing bonuses are fair for survivors, but not for killers.

  • Apoch
    Apoch Member Posts: 96
    edited March 2019

    Just so you know each Survivor has a player behind it. 4 Survivors does not equal 4 quarters of 1 person. (I mean surely you knew that but you never know, some of these killers are genuine psychopaths and don't actually know that their not the only person in the multiverse so just for driving the point home, there it is)

    Killer dc's the entire match ends, depriving all players from a fair chance at completing the game = equivalent of a match where all survivors quit so 2500 quitters bonus per survivor is fair

    Survivor dc's the match is just 1 less survivor so 625 quitters bonus is fair, 4 survivors dc 2500 quitters bonus is fair. If you think about it that way it's fair and balanced.

    ^you would have had to be playing pretty scummy for that to happen, I mean Legion + Ruin + BBQ Cheese + Franks Mix Tape, Face camp tunnel and other general killer douchery etc)

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Let's do the math here. I'm going to completely disregard the BP from the chase because that varies wildly:

    400 (survivor found) + 1000 (two hits) + 1100 (hook+sacrifice) = 2500 BP. Instead, killers get 625. That's 25% of the value of a survivor. If all survivors DC, killers get the same BP that a single survivor is worth. Again, does that seem fair to you?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited March 2019

    2500 is not enough to cover a single common add-on, and nearly every killer relies on add-ons.

  • Sharmarko
    Sharmarko Member Posts: 71

    You're forgetting that there is literally 25% less people to pressure you. Less people on gens, more time for you to get an easy 3k as most 3v1s go. Your issue is that you need to play both sides of the game.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    edited March 2019

    Yeah killers should get more bp if a survivor dc’d. There’s a huge lack of points that could of been earned.

  • Sharmarko
    Sharmarko Member Posts: 71

    It's almost as if the devs intended that 625 * 4 = 2500

  • Apoch
    Apoch Member Posts: 96

    1 Survivor quits does not mean the match ends

    1 Killer quits means the match ends

    Big difference there.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That's not the point. A single survivor is potentially worth at least 2500 points, not including the chase. When they DC, the killer gets a quarter of that. If all survivors DC, it's not even enough to cover the costs for a single common add-on.

    On the other hand, a killer DCing (which is the same as giving up) awards survivors what they should get - the escape bonus.

  • Sharmarko
    Sharmarko Member Posts: 71

    You need to start playing both sides of the game.

    If a survivor DCs and its a 3v1, then the killer will get loads of easy points because guess what - its a 3v1. Match will be over in less than 10 minutes and will end in a 3k.

    If a killer DCs, the game is done.

    If a survivor DCs, the game continues and is now heavily in the killer's favour, allowing them to take advantage of this and get loads of easy points and a free pip.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I already play both sides. Any more false assumptions you'd care to make based on absolutely nothing?

    More often than not, if one survivor DCs, at least one more will as well, at least in my experience. Hell, I had a trial where three DC'd simultaneously after I hooked one survivor (note that it was my first chase and hook, right at the start of the trial). Often, they kill themselves on the hook. But even that doesn't change the fact that survivor DCs are disproportionately bad for killers. 3v1 is easily winnable, sure, but what's the point if the killer gets very few points out of it?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Survivors actually get 5k.

    Also killer lose addons and survivor s keep items

  • raquelambersantiago
    raquelambersantiago Member Posts: 373

    Ya this is where I was concerned the most. Granted rage quitting in and of itself has become a huge issue (again) and the loss of constant items and of course when game crashes players still lose items etc.

    I am HOWEVER, very happy to see that this discussion did not turn into a giant flame thread and people were able to discuss this issue like adults.

  • raquelambersantiago
    raquelambersantiago Member Posts: 373

    Ya I have argued that one till I am blue in the face. Most recently its been a lot of 2 on 1 and 1 on 1 with 5 gens. I been /facepalming lol