Salutations ^^

Sean_Lennox3 Member Posts: 2
edited March 25 in Looking For Players

Hey there.

Im here to ask for two things. I wanna learn to get a better surviver and i wanna learn to speak better on English. You see, im a german dude and never had English in school, all English i now can I teach myself. But i struggle really hard when it comes to speak. So I had a idea. Why not combine playing and speaking. You know what they say, you learn best when you have fun on the way. So im looking for survivor fellows that's native english and have the patience to play and listen to a bad survivor and bad English speaker.

Post edited by Sean_Lennox3 on


  • MopHeadElodie
    MopHeadElodie Member Posts: 2

    Hi! I'm a frequent DBD player and a language enjoyer (in the EU) and I'd like to offer my assistance! Do you have Discord?