Blindness shouldn’t affect either you or teammates on the hook

What I mean is that, no matter the status effect you should still be able to see your teammates if you’re on the hook or see the aura of a teammate that’s hooked
Ultimate Weapon is currently a nightmare for solo queue for the blindness alone, not being able to see if any teammates are coming to your rescue or know the location of any hooked teammates (say you missed the initial hook animation as you were being chased) just feels like a middle finger to solo queue players
I’m all for ‘Blindness’ to hide survivor auras and being a counter to ‘Windows of Opportunity’, but hiding the auras of hooked teammates feels like overkill and only really effects solo queue
But that's the point of the blindness, to make you not see auras.
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But not showing hooked teammates seriously effects solo queue, SWF can pretty much counter it by call outs “I’m hooked next to shack” “I’ve been hooked to the left of main building” ect
Kindred is a really popular solo queue perk for that very reason, you can’t communicate with your team so you’re reliant on aura reading perks to help bridge the gap between solo and SWF, perks like Ultimate Weapon completely countering Kindred, a perk which is only used by solo players anyway is bad enough, but making it so you can’t even see the aura of a hooked teammate is adding insult to injury
like I said I’m fine with Blindness effecting every other aspect of aura reading, just not the one that makes solo queue saves unnecessarily hard
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this only affects comms and rare wicked value. seems like such an unnecessary nerf to the status effect, like what blindness source lasts more than 30 seconds and isn't halfway gone by the time you are on the hook?
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You could make the same argument for killer powers, but BHVR decided to exempt those from any aura blocking for arbitrary reasons, albeit ones I agree with.
I'd be down for buffing blindness if we got rid of hook blinds. I guess that'd buff Blind Slugging, which Is specifically a solo stomping build but eh, that'd be a problem I could deal with as it approaches
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As a SoloQ player, I can attest to how frustrating it is not to see the aura of the hooked individual.
However, I do make note of the visual cue given when they are hooked. Also, compared to other perks and effects they have, Blindness is one of the weakest status effects - I'd rather face Blindness over Mangled or Exposed anyday.
It's not to say I wouldn't object to the aura of the hooked survivor always being shown, but at the same time I don't feel it's necessary for Blindness to be altered in any way.
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I think flashbang and blast mine should not blind you or team mates.
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blindness is already the weakest status effect, if you cant remember where the hook was, thats your issue.