DS is back to 5 Sec Stun

yeah thats it ^^
While this is nice, it will not help. Killers know by now that tunneling one Survivor out is the best way to do it. They will just eat the 5 second Stun and thats it.
The only hope that comes with this change is that the less experienced Killers will respect DS. If the Killer is somewhat decent and wants to tunnel, they push through DS.
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I'm disappointed honestly because it's just going backwards. We are back to DS being a must have most likely and it being a paywall.
I would rather they give more basekit options to deal with tunnelling.
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Ah, that is a relief. A decent stun is better than nothing.
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DS was never weak to begin with, it was just massively outclassed by Off the Record which did everything DS did but better. I don't expect to see more of DS because Off the Record is still the better anti tunnel perk.
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The old, new Meta:
Deadhard, Off the Record (instead of BT, cause this is basekit), Deceisive Strike, Unbreakable
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Adrenaline finally do no longer wake people up. Thats the biggest buff ever for FREDDY.
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Where did you find this?
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I mean, Off the Record and DS work together so you can always run both. One of the big strengths of DS is that it removes Deep Wounds which allows you to add Dead Hard or Styptics to an anti-tunneling build.
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It is the only thing we'll be getting for Freddy in this update, but I'm glad this effect is gone.
It was never meant to be here in the first place. Another terrible mistake from patch 1.8.1, finally fixed.
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The problem with OTR is that it resolves around Endurance. So if the Killer wants to tunnel, they hit the Survivor off hook and all Endurance-effects are gone. The Stealth is also not helpful, because the Killer does not need grunts of Pain or Aura Read when they are right behind the Survivor.
OTR is really overrated.
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Still useless for me. I would only play it if it doesn‘t deactivate through conspicuous actions.
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I love waiting years for a number change.
They've got to address tunneling and DS being five seconds isn't gonna do it.
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So back to the old meta but BT received a small buff of going from 12 seconds to 80 with IW and Distortion added to it. That seems really fun to deal with on all 4 survivors. Gunna just play survivor and run DH, DS, OTR, and UB.
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I wanna see that animation.
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love how some killer players already complain that we are going back to the same old meta? like pop-pain res grim embrace and corrupt every game isn't really dreadful like the old survivor meta build? guess you can't please everyone
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I'll try it to see the animation but I think I will stay with Off the Record as my anti-tunneling perk.
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That's all it needed. Good change.
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Well it is still a free health state once you get out of hook. Against killer who chews through health states like Bubba ou Trickster, it helps as long as you can get yourself to a strong position. But against M1 killer with no STBFL it really hurts as it forces then to take the endurance hit, which kinda defeats the purpose of tunneling in the first place.
Killers tunnel because getting a survivor killed reduces the teams overall efficient and survivors who are getting tunneled generally are more vulnerable since they are always injured. If you need to always go through 2 health states to down a survivor you want to get out of the game quickly, it massively kills your efficiency with the tunnel, which the other survivors can take advantage to work on gens.
Particularly, when I feel like I need to tunnel, I never go for the survivor with OTR, as it is just too much of a hassle.
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While this does sound promising, I'm still not sure if they won't take it back when Killer mains start crying rivers upon rivers that the game became slightly more mentally taxing than just tunneling the first survivor out at 5 gens remaining.
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Plot twist might actually work better than Unbreakable with DS but im not sure
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Now I need the FREDDY-REWORK!!!
Easy-Mode: Give him Snares and Pallets, increase channeling-speed and give him an addon-pass.
Hard-Mode: Entire Rework
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I think it's fair. They acknowledge the drop time taking away from the duration, which is true. That's now accounted for.
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That was a thing before ds got changed before when it deactivated to further the objective. I ate ds all the time back then. I did that just to get rid of it before the change.
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Off the Record has less counterplay for sure, but DS is the stronger anti-tunnel now. Pick-up animation and stun added together will just net you and your team a good chunk of extra time, not to mention that DS can be paired with flashlight saves.
OTR will be easier to use and perhaps a bit more consistent, but DS will be much stronger. Plus, DS works with basekit BT.
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It will make me tunnel even more, because if I eat a DS, then I know that survivor doesn’t have it anymore, but if I try to chase someone else, then I might eat their DS later in the game.
DS never actually discouraged me from tunneling. That was just a streamer meme, where some of them would tell chat they needed to slug a survivor until the DS timer ran out…… and they would sometimes do this twice for the same survivor. I have absolutely no idea why those streamers didn’t notice how much time that wasted, and that eating a DS is way more efficient.
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This is fine and all but if we go back to a DS/DH/Unbreakable/Windows meta that would be the funniest gd thing in the world.
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Thats the thing, the "free" health state is the same you get by Basekit Endurance. So a tunneling Killer will just hit you and it is gone and OTR did exactly nothing.
You will never encounter it that you have 10 seconds of OTR left and then get to use it. This was never a thing and will not be a thing.
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good, anyone that was saying 3 second stun was was still good was just lying to themselves
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Maybe now yeah, but I still think that OTR can be more consistent for the fact that it can be used twice, has less counterplay, stays active for more time and gives you stealth. I just feel like OTR is a really overturned perk, as it gives you basically everything. Yesterday I used OTR and it also washed my dishes and watered the plants. Truly a perk of all time.
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what an unnecessary buff. good survivors were already running DS combined with DH often. now you can expect to see 4 DH every match. but still no nerfs to gen speeds or insane amount of pallet spawns on some maps.
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I hope we can get some news about it after the anniversary event, my friend.