Rant: People take this game too seriously

I'm actually kind of bored of being the gen jockey so I figured let me shake things up and run a Head On build in my SoloQ games.

In one match I managed to Head On the killer 2 times. Next thing I know the killer is smacking me on hook and nodding at me on hook.

My teammates are angry at me in end game chat for not doing anything productive (even though they got 4 gens done without me) and got mad at me for not saving them on hook when I knew the killer was proxy camping them on hook. Both the killer and survivors called me trash at the game.

What's this game without the killer taking Head Ons personally or teammates realizing different playstyles. I did rescue a teammate with a Head On and denied a hook.


  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited March 29

    yep, taking this game too seriously is an all too common problem.
    Frankly I’m happy to tip my hat to a well executed dead hard or head on.
    And so what if a killer smacks you on hook at nods at you. It’s not like the hook timer takes longer when that happens.

    Online games people need to relax. Hoping the removal of de-pipping finally pulls the bug out of a lot player’s butts.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited March 29

    Theres no such thing as a well executed dead hard or head on its all on if the killer has good ping or not dh is like 99% rng and head on is a lot better rng at 50%

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252

    I dunno, you should look at being hit on hook as a moment of pride. You did nothing toxic, and that person took that personally to the point of wasting a swing and hit CD multiple times on you. By complaining about it, I'd almost say you too took the game too seriously instead of thinking "lol I got that loser!".

    Keep enjoying yourself, even if others aren't enjoying themselves. If they say "this locker is better to Head-On the Killer from" they say something of potential merit. If they say "don't have fun the way you want to have fun", they didn't say anything of merit and you are legally permitted to ignore them. (I mean you always are legally permitted to ignore random people on the internet, but its funnier to put it that way.)

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    So you can still be productive even though running a head-on build. Killers are a different matter, they cry about everything. I had a wesker some days ago, not doing well by loosing three gens without many hooks. Getting one head-on from behind while not in a chase, running after me for like 5s than going afk. In endgame he complained about how toxic I am and that I make the game terrible for him and wishes me dull merchants. While i played head-on, bond, quick n quiet and lucky star. And to be honest in all those years i repreatedly saw killer complaining about head-ons (no bully squads). that already comical.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    Oh believe me I did my share of gloating in chat that I got them twice with the Head On and it definitely got them mad.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    If you bought the killer's hate and significantly increased the gen completion time of other survivors, you are good enough. I would probably feel bad if you were there to provoke the killer and just hasten his own death. Playing is fine, but a minimum amount of work is required. Otherwise, everyone will be easily killed.

    I wasn't actually there, so I'll trust your report about what happened.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Imagining people playing DBD together at a table with headphones on in a live streamed competition gaming venue event with spectators present.

    Would keyboards get smashed and fights break out?

    or would we maybe at least get to witness angry players verbally flipping out and talking salty toxic trash to each other?

    Actually watching something like that could be a wake up call to people who BM and toxicify post game chat after showing them how silly and immaturely they misbehave everytime they play DBD.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 418
    edited March 29

    When I play killer I'm happy to get people who play for fun or go for some shenanigans, like Head On duos or No Mither/Sabo/Breakout squads. However, I only play for fun as well when I'm playing killer, and I'll also make sure that if there are others in the match who want to play seriously they're not disadvantaged because others are not even trying to do gens.

    When I'm playing as survivor and get such teammates though, it's sadly a different story. I'd love to play for fun but the MMR system forces me to go for the win and nothing else because I've already gone down to low MMR and I finally want to play again with people who have about the same experience that I have, and surviving is the only way to get back to there. I played quite a lot yesterday, basically from lunchtime to midnight, with three hours break for watching Twitch. In all that time I had one "real" escape, the other escapes were killers farming from start or who started farming when I was giving up (e.g. three gens left to go and two dead already then I typically just want to go next).

    In short, as survivor I think until there's an alternative way to gain MMR that's more in my own control, teammates who don't want to play seriously should play in 4SWF, the only other option to make solo queue bearable would be to start banning survivors for not playing seriously for the win and that's obviously ridiculous. However, I'm mostly angry at the devs that they tuned the game so it's impossible to play for fun and occasionally win matches or separating survivors playing not seriously from those who want to have a balanced win/loss ratio, I'd never be angry at my teammates.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    I didn't antagonize. As soon as I got into the results screen my teammates were already firing off at me and then of course the killer wants to join in. Sure, I could say nothing and go next but I'm also no pushover.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 836

    So basically you memed around and you tell people they have to chill even tho you just lost a game for your team because you didn't do a single gen?

    That's not how this works: most survivors have a playstyle where they like to escape sometimes, and you denied their playstyle with doing absolutely nothing besides annoying the killer (btw you can't take head-ons objectively, the hitbox is bs on it's own it always hits you) xD

    Well in the end I'm someone that's playing more seriously and don't meme around too much, so my opinion is probably at the wrong place here ^^