Which killer would you personally put up for changes next?

Riski Member Posts: 208

As title, to make it more interesting lets give 3:

  1. A killer you would buff,
  2. A killer you would nerf,
  3. And killer you would rework.

These can be big or small, anywhere from a full power rework to just a couple of addons. I'm just curious where people stand on different killers and the game as a whole atm. Currently I wouldn't say they're any killers which are desperate for changes, with the current killer count if there is a killer who does something you want to like but has an ick which keeps you away there is usually an alternative which is quite similar so killers being more niche isn't as much as an issue as before.

Personally I would like to see a buff the Nightmare, a killer a personally enjoy playing but with a slightly underwhelming power and an overwhelming amount of useless addons not just in what they do but in redunancy, we don't need 3 dream pallet addons they don't stack and all do the same thing in practice. I'd like to nerf Weskers infection off hook, maybe a slightly out dated topic but I don't like how surviving longer in chase causes me to come off the hook with more infection which in turn makes me easier to tunnel compared to if I went down sooner, I'd rather you come off the hook with the base infection you get from an attack. Finally I think a Myers rework is needed as often times stalking feels like a waste of time compared to just going for a hit and not giving up distance and some of his addons are pretty miserable to play against (tombstone) and lead to counterplay which requires you to guess if it's there and throw the game if it is not. Stalking needs to feel better to both use and play against.


  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I admit I'm not so good at these, but heck here's something:

    Buff: The Executioner. Not in terms of his power, but his add-ons are underwhelming. Some of them need buffed reinventions and more varying effects. The Executioner has the ability to have a very diverse playstyle if the add-ons were more inventive.

    Nerf: I am not sure. Perhaps The Plague because of how long games can stretch out. No idea how to do this though. Even with a nerf, I'd just want sonething to make the games last a little less.

    Rework: The Nightmare. He has such potential, yet is relegated to a few dull ideas. He can control dreams, for goodness sake! The invention for his power should be almost unlimited!

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,436

    Here we go.


    The Ghost Face: Some of his add-ons could use a touch up and his stealth is alright but could be a bit better.

    The Singularity: He just needs a few QoL changes, like a slightly faster wake-up time after teleport and add-on changes.


    The Nightmare: Just mix the old Freddy with the current one, pull Survivors into a dream otherwise you cannot damage them, rework pallets and snares into something else, one is just Clown but bad, other is a noobstomper, keep gen teleport.

    The Skull Merchant: Nobody wants to play against her, she is hard to understand from the Survivor PoV due to all the ######### she can have and apply to you, yet she is still bad, her counter isn't fun or engaging, wow how fun to just stand still or crouch walk and still get hit. Focusing drones for a chase with her rework was a mistake, she has a sickass robo claw yet devs did nothing with it. Just make her a stealth-information Killer with a sprinkled in chase power that is related to her claw, like a longer lunge or a jump attack I don't really care to be honest.

  • D0NN1ED4RK0
    D0NN1ED4RK0 Member Posts: 822
    edited March 2024

    The executioner

    This is what I’d do

    Buff: increase his range to an extra 1 meter (wax doll basekit)

    Buff: increase the duration of trails left on the ground for an extra 10 seconds base ( lead ring basekit)

    An entire Addon pass

    Nerf: no killer rlly I have no problem with any of the rooster

    Rework: the shape + addon pass

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960


    They should return back to the roots with his design and go from there. Also, why exactly are scratch marks desaturated when you play as Freddy? Is he so strong, that we need to make it harder for him to keep track of survivors? I think not.

    Also, I'm not sure failing a skill check should wake you up. It just sounds wrong that a survivor can mess up to counter a killer's power.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,961

    Freddy or Myers have to be my front runners.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited March 2024

    Buff: Ghostface and Myers

    Nerf: Wesker and Huntress

    Rework: Skull Merchant and Singularity

    Both Ghostface and Myers need to be penalised less in their stealth. Pig just got a increase to crouched movement speed, GF needs the same and Myers shouldn't be slower in tier 1, he already has no lunge. Myers also needs a way to regain stalk on 'depleted' survivors somehow so that he doesn't effectively run out of power.

    Wesker and Huntress are the killers I personally find to be problematic to face. The ones that can be on top of you quicker than they have any right to be, and can effectively camp/proxy from a much greater distance than many others. I'm not sure what they need to be nerfed, but my initial thoughts are something to reduce their effective distance a little. A small reduction to Weskers base dash distance maybe. Huntress is tricky because she's kinda built around sniping, and to take that away entirely wouldn't be right. I would maybe like to see something like: hatchets thrown from greater than 32 meters can't down, only inflict deep wound, except for Iri head which reverses it a little; hatchets thrown from greater than 12 meters can instadown, but not if less than 12 meters.

    Skull Merchant and Singularity need to swap some aspects of their powers. Why tf does SM have camera drones that injure people, while the rogue AI that wants to assimilate humans merely 'watches you'?

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449


    Nemesis- Zombies are now equipped a Rocket Launcher that can obliterate map structures and put survivors in the dying state. Also, Zombies get a new cosmetic feature and can now be zombified survivors.

    Trapper- Either he starts with all of his traps and has faster trap setting speed or he gets one of his Iridescent add-ons as base-kit.

    SM Myers - He gets faster movement speed and game will also select a random indoor map.


    Tombstone Myers- Tombstone becomes basekit but only allows Myers to kill the Survivor when they are on Death Hook. Tombstone piece is replaced with a new add-on that allows Myers to do something new that I can think of.


    Pig. Pigs can’t have nice things.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,922

    Freddy and Myers.

    Don't care whether it is buffs or reworks I just hope either one of them is next.

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 405

    Nerf/Rework: Nurse, Blight, and to a lesser degree Wesker.

    Hyper mobility is unhealthy for a game. These killers make balance a nightmare as if you do something to harm them it harms all the lower tier killers more. In the opposite if you do something to help the lower tier it just makes them even stronger.

    Buff: Freddy

    His powers should be both available at the very least. Having to choose between two powers that do not sway the game in your favor a ton is odd. I agree with what was said about they had unlimited potential for him and went with crap trap and make you look silly pallet. Keep the basis of bring them to dream world but give him a reason to be called the nightmare.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082

    The Executioner - Addon Update + QoL Changes

    The Nightmare - Re- Rework

    The Shape - Tweaks/Changes + Add-on Update

    The Skull Merchant - Rework

    Those are probably my most wanted, even SM.. even though I could not care less about what happens with her. Her power is just flawed and needs to be reworked to something entirely different.

  • Riski
    Riski Member Posts: 208

    I feel like ghostface isn't that weak, or at least if he is improving his mobility while crounched wouldn't make a significant improvement. Those Myer suggestions are nice however.

  • Riski
    Riski Member Posts: 208

    I'll agree on the nemesis change on one condition, the zombies are too dumb to use them properly. Instead of aiming and shooting if the zombies evers attack or get stunned the rockets in their arms will explode killing them, the survivors nearby and permanently breaking the gens. To balance this we'll nerf the zombie speed addons /s.

    Jokes aside the idea of having the zombies spawn in as zombie survivors is very cool and now I want it a lot.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    I agree I rather be in the dream state anyways it makes it easier to loop him.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 1,006

    Buff: Knight. If the Twins rework is good, Knight will be our next Twins because he feels so awful to play in many ways: He is addon dependent, some addons are useless, and he has many awful bugs. It feels sometimes so painful to play him. He needs some buffs and tweaks.

    Nerf: Nurse because she is still too oppressive and powerful in this game and we cannot have a balanced game when she is in her current stage around. Nearly every perk that makes average killer good make her even stronger.

    Rework: Myers because he has an extremely awful early game and his power feels so dumb. There is nothing special like Ghostface has by hiding to not get reveal. Also all of his addons are either boring, useless, or overpowered and need a hole rework.

  • Depressedlegion
    Depressedlegion Member Posts: 338
    edited March 2024


    Dredge: haddies calendar base kit, more lockers spawn when he is killer, faster teleport while not in night fall.

    Knight: call of arms basekit, bugfix


    Huntress: rework some addon's, iri head further than 16 meters insta-downs, infantry belt makes hatchets ricochet, but cannot down with ricochet, instead applying deep wound, give wooden fox affects to leather loop, now make hatchets pierce, doesn't down injured, applies deep wound, rusty head now gives deep wound instead of mangled.


    Freddy: keep snares, put pallets in basekit, bring back old dream world, but keep hitting survivors to bring them into dream world instead of other thing, addon rework.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Buff: Knight. It doesn't have to be a big change, just a few improvements. And Map of the Realm basekit, so we can at least use something else with him.

    Nerf: Wesker. He isn't overpowered, but his horribly designed kit has a bit too much in it.

    Rework: Freddy, of course. The very reason why I joined the Forums was to get my favorite killer back. And I'll never give up.

    I have a full concept for him, if I may share it:

    Power: Dream Demon

    Pull survivors into the Dream World

    -Survivors who are awake do not see The Nightmare.

    -Once targeted by The Nightmare’s power, survivors enter the Dream Transition for 7 seconds.

    -During the Dream Transition Survivors can see The Nightmare intermittently and they suffer from the Incapacitated status effect.

    -When the Dream Transition Lapse, the Survivor is pulled into the Dream World.

    Once in the Dream World:

    -Survivor’s auras are revealed to The Nightmare when they are outside of his terror radius.

    -Survivors suffer an action speed penalty of 40%.

    -To exit the Dream World, Survivors can find non-sleeping Survivors to perform a wake up action.

    -Failed Skill Checks can also wake up.

    -Hooked Survivors wake up.

    Special Ability: Dream Projection

    -Teleport to a Generator in view. Releasing the button early will cancel the action.

    -Survivors cannot interact with the targeted Generator.

    You have nothing to worry about. This won’t hurt one… little… bit.” -Freddy Krueger

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 969

    I think bhvr should stop buffing/changing already good things like Blight, DS, adrenaline, and focus more on the bad ones, when i say bad ones i mean the really bad ones, like, who tf would use poisoned or TWHACK instead of distortion and UW (or something like that)

    I would buff:

    Nemesis, i constantly talk about him so i don´t wanna to deep into him

    Trapper, his gameplay is fun (to play as at least) but he´s weak, i think literally every single one of his addons should be basekit (not the meme and the iri coil one) no joke, literally almost all of them

    Doctor and demogorgon too, bhvr buffed them but literally nothing changed at all, i hate when they partially buff something and leave it like that, they´re still addon dependant

    i would buff a lot of killers but the ones above are my priorities

    I would nerf:

    Nurse (because yes)

    Blight (his iri addons are terrible for the game, besides that he´s not that strong)

    Wesker (infection)

    huntress (she´s imo the most boring killer in the entire game, the counterplay is hope for the player (irl) play the gamer using his feet)

    I would rework:

    Spirit (aka the one who have the most expensive earphone wins the game)

    Myers, Freddy (We all know why)

    Sadako (pls stop gutting her power bhvr)

    I would killswitch:

    The knight for 30 days just to bring him back with more bugs (again)

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 976
    edited March 2024

    Singularity: few buffs so EMPs don't shut him down so hard. Hard limit of only 4 at a time. Printers stop at about 75% forcing survivors to waste time finishing it to get one. Using EMPs during a chase be much more punishing for survivors other than a small hindered. Overclock gives haste by default.

    Knight: QoL improvements, bug fixing and few add-ons base kit. Relies way to much on Map of the Realm, Call to Arms and maybe Dried Horse Meat.

    Pyramid Head and Nemesis both need add-on adjustments since the majority of their add-ons are just trash.

    Nemesis: Would buff tier 3 power in some way. Injures the target regardless if their infected or not. Zombies can be more aggressive towards infected survivors. Power could insta down on a healthy/infected survivor.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,337
    edited March 2024

    With Twins getting changes I'd like to see Freddy revisited for some power reworks on both snares and dream pallets in some way - Honestly dream pallets are so weak that I feel Freddy should be able to use both Snares and Dream Pallets at once. It would make Freddy more diverse with their power and again waking up is already easy so I feel it's fair.

    Outside of that - for some quality of life buffs Michael. Mostly just stalk distance, more control over EW3, less of a cap on stalking per survivor and a rework on tombstones + the achievements. For example I feel making tombstone easier to get but instead of an instant kill it takes a hook state instead would be more fair - something along those lines.

    There are a lot of killers that I view as problematic like Skull Merchant and Nurse (Maybe not Blight after update) but Myers and Freddy are the only ones that are really just neglected atm.

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    Buff: Dredge, literally does not have a power on some maps and is horribly inconsistent overall. Buff their teleport speed and make Haddie's Calendar basekit.

    Nerf: Nurse, I would say rework but that's never happening. Make her power cool down longer and more punishing to miss with. She's too forgiving for being the strongest character in the game.

    Rework: Freddy, idk how all you can come up with is a slowdown puddle at loops and a teleport that gets disabled in end game. Go back to the drawing board with this one. You can literally do anything you want with a character that can infiltrate people's dreams.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,165
    edited March 2024

    Buff: Mikey Myers. My boy doesn't need a rework. The core premise of Mikey's power in Dbd is perfect and captures the essence of his character. It just needs some buffs, and of course some of his add ons need changing or complete removal (tombstone piece).

    Rework: Freddy. What more needs to be said. He is in a sorry state. A complete rework is what Mr Krueger needs.

  • M1_gamer
    M1_gamer Member Posts: 367

    rework freddy
    buff myers
    nerf knight. (i hate him lol)

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    I would love to, but I need a more hands on approach with him.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    I’ve been wanting Zombie Survivors from the moment it was revealed that Nemo had AI zombies. It was a missed opportunity and I hope they can do it in the future. I do understand that it may not happen due to the license holder.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820

    Buff PH's add-ons (and his cake), Nerf Nurse or Blight, Rework Freddy.

  • meowzilla69
    meowzilla69 Member Posts: 408

    Freddy, it’s long overdue. Since the unknown has a horror element. Freddy would be a good candidate with horror. As I said before, I would love to see a Freddy rework with a combination of his old & new powers.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Nerf: there is not really a killer I would go for straight nerf…

    Buff: Deathslinger and many others, but it's personal here

    Rework: Myers, Freddy

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,017

    Michael Myers and Nemesis need reworks.

    Nemesis and Pyramid Head need hardcore add-on passes, and I'm talking HARDCORE.

    Dredge, Knight, and Ghost Face need buffs. Knight especially needs his dependent add-ons made basekit. Dredge needs his powers to actually function. Ghost Face is the M1est killer to ever M1 and needs some help.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,068

    Buff: Trapper - I'd give him a really nice party hat.

    Nerf: Nurse - No more recharging blink tokens during fatigue.

    Rework: Pinhead - Chain Hunt is just too annoying for a passive ability.

  • TrickstersFanatic
    TrickstersFanatic Member Posts: 10

    I think before they work on gameplay changes and stuff they need to do a massive anti cheat and anti hack overhaul


  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 433

    Any answer that isn't Myers is wrong

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Nerf: Any/All of the top 5, but lets just use Nurse as a placeholder.

    Buff: Any/All of the bottom 5, but lets just use Myers as a placeholder. A couple Myers buffs could be starting the match in T2 (with an add-on to start in T1), T1 being buffed to 110 from 105 and/or middle lunge between current T1 and normal M1 Killers, or both of the previous ideas.

    Rework: Plague - She currently deletes Altruism. Killer mechanics should add to the base, not subtract. Re-enable Altruism, even if you have to take the infection for others or always take double time. Also to help prevent boring gen defense playstyles, allow for pre-cleansing while uninfected (that still unlocks the red pool for Plague) to gain a limited item that can cleanse/cure everything and everyone within 4-8m when used (takes 4-8s adjusted by altruistic heal speeds), and prevents object (not person) re-infection for 30s.

  • Riski
    Riski Member Posts: 208

    Although I wouldn't mind a plague adjustment this is sounding a bit like singularity, even ignoring infection you also run into the issue where altruism isn't possible with corrupt purge either due to its very short cooldown, range and piercing properties. I personally like plague and I don't entirely disagree with your opinion but I'm not sold on the end product here.

    I like your Myer's changes as a start but more would be needed, make tire 1 less of a hiderence and tier 3 more rewarding is mystance and making tier 1 start in 110% with normal lunge sounds like a good idea.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 2,022

    Buff: Trapper, he's too weak.

    Nerf: Nurse, give her back Lighburn.

    Rework: Myers and/or Freddy. They are so outdated it hurts.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,369
    edited March 2024

    Buff- Give freddy a sharp increase in everything. Faster projection when teleporting, less cool down on the teleport, faster snares placement, Slight increase in the snare hinder ( just 2%).

    nerf- Gut TS peice already

    rework trickster & clown- add actual counterplay to these guy powers. Not situational High walls and pre-dropping.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    What I mean by delete altruism is the entire healing aspect. Singularity doesn't prevent healing if you have a biopod on you, but Plague does prevent healing when infected (since technically you can heal if injured and partially infected, but it heals you when cleansed, so there is no point). Since there is no mechanic to still utilize healing against her. I tried to add additional methods that use the healing modifier, so that way your build isn't dumpstered from a Killer pick alone. I just seem to have the worst luck whenever I get a healing tome and run into some Plague main 3 matches in a row. Another possible alternative is to have max infection Plague make you Exposed instead of Broken and Injured, and you only puke while injured. That way it sill allows for healing (and still provide some value), but also allows for 1 hit downing fully infected Survs.

    Also some Plagues play that gen defense 3-gen playstyle, but they don't stall the game as much as the worst offenders do. I wanted to address that negative style of play the kept floating under the radar for too long. Plague is made aware whenever a pool is utilized, so there is a reasonable back and forth for both sides.

    As far as Myers, I think people sleep on him tbh. The strength of a 16m TR with an exposed on demand is super powerful, but people spend too much time going for big T3s with multiple downs and don't take advantage of the stealth his kit affords. The other problem is Macmillan and Autohaven are impossibly bad maps for stealth Killers. Sweatlords love to map offer those maps, so you get a 'fair' map (when it actually is a significant disadvantage since you are a stealth Killer), and those people trying their hardest. The biggest issue is taking advantage of people not healing, such as by using Thana, or Monitor and Abuse with an 8m TR. If the map isn't designed for stealth and you brought Monitor, you lose. But Thana still gives you a chance (at the cost of being a bit more boring for both sides).

    People also sleep on the raw strength of T3's window vaulting+lunge, and to a lesser extent T2's vaulting. T2 gives Bamboozle speed basekit (roughly), and T3 gives Superior Anatomy speed basekit (roughly). Also the extra Lunge distance is minor, but vaulting a window, you save ~.29m (of catch up, ~.69m of raw distance) on the lunge, and ~.26m (of catch up, ~2m of raw distance) from the vault, so that gives you (roughly) an extra half meter in-chase. The higher skill the matchup, the more these tiny numbers add up and surprise Survivors who otherwise would make the right micro decisions. For reference, some people say 100ms or Resilience makes the difference in their chases. Well moving at 4m/s, 100ms puts you .4m behind on the server, and Resilience shaves ~.04s or ~.08s of vault time, or .16/.32m, for a combined ~.56m/~0.72m. Those numbers are right there in the same ballpark. A Myers Lunge+Vault is (roughly) equal to Survivor on 100ms and forgoing Resilience on a fast vault. (I used raw distance for Survivor, because M1 hits are based on the Killer sending to server, and you usually hit people as Myers when the Surv would think they make the window/pallet vault.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845
    1. Buff Nightmare. Poor guy needs it.
    2. Nerf Huntress. Just a tad. The recent changes may be a bit much.
    3. Rework Skull Merchant. I will say I may be one of the rare ones that enjoys current SM, but personally speaking I think it'd be cool to have a system similar to Twins where drones can be remotely piloted to deal damage/deep wounds with claw traps and have SM herself deal the downs. Just have her deploy a drone at first and when it isn't used, it goes into the defensive mode and can be disabled so she's forced to send out a new drone.