De-Hex a hex perk

While still keeping it balanced.

See if you can change a hex perk enough for it to longer need to be stuck to a totem to be fair.


Ruin: Maintain current ruin effect until the first generator of a trial is completed.

Third Seal: When a survivor is hooked they are blinded for the remainder of the trial.

Thrill of the Hunt: Keep it exactly as it is, just make it a passive effect instead of a totem.


  • Free_Hugs
    Free_Hugs Member Posts: 304

    I have had one game in 20 in which ruin did not pop in the first 30 seconds of the trial.

    The very beginning is when ruin has the most impact, figured it would still be effective while being less punishing on newbies who can't hit skill checks or don't find totems all game

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    The first generator lul, I challenge you to try how fast you can do a gen with 4 survivors ONLY with gentapping (everyone can do that)

  • Free_Hugs
    Free_Hugs Member Posts: 304

    About 40 seconds, but that's wasting about 120 seconds of survivors doing optimal repairs during that time.

  • Free_Hugs
    Free_Hugs Member Posts: 304
    edited March 2019

    Hmm. People didn't jump on the creativity train, so I'll do a couple more.

    Devour Hope: keep current bonuses, increase token counts for each bonus from 2/3/5 to 3/5/8 and remove a token each time a survivor is unhooked within 24 meters

    No One Escapes Death: Survivors inside of exit gates suffer from the exposed effect and while there killer is inside an exit gate that gate is blocked. The killer may Mori downed survivors.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    40 seconds?

    SHow me the footage of that, I doubt that =)

  • Free_Hugs
    Free_Hugs Member Posts: 304

    Get tapping a gen from 0 to 100% takes about 160 seconds. Divide that by 4 and you have 40. Maybe 50 if repair diminishing returns overlap poorly.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    The fact that they last only 30s is a problem, not the standard that we need to aim for or something just slightly better.

    The strength in Ruin isnt just the skillchecks, but also forcing Survivors to waste time looking for and cleansing the totem. By removing the Hex status, you have to make up for that time sink as well. No generators being done because Survivors are looking for the totem is still better than Survivors rushing a generator tuat takes slightly longer than a regular one.

    Look at Corrupt Intervention, for instance. Lasts for 2 minutes and completely prevents Survivors from doing certain generators (pushing them closer to the Killer). Then we have this new Ruin, that slightly increases generator time ONCE, heavily dependent on RNG. With this change, yoy are making it worse than Corrupt Intervention.

    If you want to still make it appealing for Killers to use up one of their 4 limited slots for this perk, increase it to 3 generators (or 2 at the very least).

  • Stompa
    Stompa Member Posts: 154

    totems would be fair if devs would actually hide them, i find em most of the time next to a generator or hook, shining at me from far away. its just pathetic and risking a perk slot for it isnt worth in most cases. same for the jigsaw boxes and upcoming fountains. would be way more interessting if nobody could see the auras; so much potential wasted in cookie cutter mechanics

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Third Seal: Hitting a survivor reduces their aura reading by 8/16/24 meters per hit.

    It would require a rework to Knockout and Empathy, but god damn I really want to see Third Seal become a thing.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    NOED: will only activate if there is a dull totem left on the map once the last gen has been repaired. will not spawn a hex totem to be cleansed away. (totems that are currently being cleansed while the last gen poped will not count as a possible totem for noed to activate.)

    that way it has counterplay, while also not ending up getting taken down after one hit with it.

    the perk needs some love...

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Hex Haunted ground. So i guess its just 2 random dull totems instead.

  • Free_Hugs
    Free_Hugs Member Posts: 304

    I could see haunted ground being something like

    "When a survivor cleanses any totem they become exposed for 60 seconds"

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    Ruin is not even that powerful.

  • killakestrel
    killakestrel Member Posts: 17

    I understand where your coming from.

    Couple of things though. 1 if you take away the need for the totems then the survivors loose points.

    and 2 if you take away totems then NOED becomes so over powered that you will loose survivor mains witch in turn will break the game cause there would be no balance to it. IMO