Make game easier for weaker killers and harder for tunneling ones

vBlossom_ Member Posts: 411

So after I've talked with my SWF we figured out it may be good idea to give some buffs to each side in match after some time.

Tunneling isn't fun, it should be penalized, strategy "let's reward killers that don't tunnel" isn't working.
Right now if strong killer brings strong perks and decides to tunnel, it's game over for survivors.

Give buffs for survivors if their teammate is tunneled on 3/4 gens left.
Faster gen speeds, faster healing, faster unhook speeds, etc. to punish killers that tunnel.

But, on the other hand, there are also some bully SWFs with toolboxes.

So, if killer don't have a single hook after 1 gen is done, give him temporary haste effect, make his vault speeds faster, if killer don't have a single hook after 2 gens are done, give him temporary aura readings and some stronger temporary buffs. Maybe even give survivors debuffs to gen speeds or healing at some point.

What do you think about that?


  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 541

    punishing killers for tunneling in the way you mentioned rather than giving them incentive not to tunnel is a very, very bad idea

  • NephewsGonnaNeph
    NephewsGonnaNeph Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6
    edited April 13

    The killer’s objective is to kill survivors. They are doing that objective.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,482

    This is so exploitable by killer and survivors its unreal. Legit a killer can give you the worst match ever by using knockout and just slugging or survivors can just use a teamate as a martyr and force the killer into a lose-lose situation.