The Removal of All Techs?

Now that we've seen Blights hug tech has been removed, do you think are we going to see the removal of all techs from both sides? What about the dumb tech or the window tech where you clip through the killer's model? What about Wesker's hug tech or Billy's Lo Pro Flicks? Or being able to use background player to drop a flashbang inside of the killers model when they pick up to guarantee a save?
Are we just removing killer techs or techs in general? I would sob uncontrollably if they removed orbitals from the game again.
They already have???
Locker saves and canceling fall stagger with vaults both got removed before Blight's.
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I mean all of them lol. Like every single one. I just edited the post to specify all.
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A ton of survivor techs have been nerfed in the past the ones that are left are kind of an intelligence test, the survivor in front of you just stunned you with a pallet and you saw them with a flashlight and you know another survivor is down under your feet, are you really gonna fall for the CJ? Is it really broken when you had all that information? , window techs were good in 2017 but now? I know without a doubt it's a new killer if they get window teched in 2024, I personally don't think either side should be getting anymore techs removed it's a slippery slope because if you nerf Blight for the hug tech you almost have to look at oni and billy for the same thing and I personally hope they don't take anymore from either side i
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Survivors being able to clip through killer models needs to be removed entirely tbh. Except for cases like when knights guard is chasing you and right after injuring a survivor. Although it doesn't happen that often, its omega wack when they get a flashbang save even when looking at a wall lol.
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I mean removing problematic techs is one thing, but removing things that don't work if you have over a few hundred hours is another. Hug tech drastically increased blights power in the game. Nobody who is decent at the game at all is getting window teched lol.
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Yes Techs need to be removed these "Techs" are Exploits that are not intended design dont care if its fun or has a skill element your not supposed to be able to do that. For example Oni 180 flicks your only supposed turn 90 degrees during demon dash
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But people with 12,000 hours get flashbang saved even when facing a wall because they can go into your model when picking up.
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I mean if that didnt exist they can still just drop it on either side of the killer against the wall and it results in the same thing. I think your complaint is more with flashbangs than a "tech.
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That's not from clipping through the model that's because the devs have flashbang as a radius based blind, if you're in the radius you're blind even if you're kissing the wall , that's how flashbang has always been but people are just now figuring it out, even if they removed the flashbang entirely firecrackers do the same thing, the problem with that is that background player came out and it created the problem where if you're faced against the combo you have to be good enough to slug or pressure people away
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Nah, you can literally go into the killer model and drop the flash bang right when they go to pick up. It’s crazy tbh.
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Either way with that combo I could drop it behind you and still get you with it. I get that it's radius based but there has to be a way for them to make it to where it actually has to be in front of your physical model and still have somewhat of the radius effect
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Yeah you're right I guess. I’m not a big fan of an uncounterable free save that doesn't require any skill but just being nearby lol. I’m mainly concerned with flicks/ hug techs/ orbitals being removed.
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I didn’t even know it worked behind the killer. There are tutorials of how to clip into the killer when they pick up so I thought you had to do that.
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If can hug right up to the body and time it right it will work everytime, I knew there was a glitch with keys and maps with breaking collision but I didn't realize there was a different bug
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Including the removal of holding W tech
now survivors cant only run in a straight line for a few meters
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window techs are still uncounterable btw
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Blight is still strong, you can see that by Japan's comp player scene that uses Bump Logic instead of Hug Techs.
About removing techs though, the community refers to everything as tech so you need to be more specific. In this case, I honestly support the change.
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That’s definitely not a tech lol, not even close. Annoying tho for sure.
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360 is a tech exploiting an issue with the camera.
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They're countered by a pair of headphones there's no way you can't hear the survivor doing it and not only that but it's obvious when it happens, it's only a tech that a brand new player will fall for, if you even want to call it a tech for sacrificing all that distance to attempt to make the killer look dumb
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do you know what window tech is?
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But it is literally named "hold w tech"
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most of these "tech removals" here are trolls
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It should depend on the tech. Some should stay but the uncounterable/problematic ones should go.
Techs like window stagger, Oni’s old flick, locker saves, or Blight’s Z flick should absolutely not exist. These techs were more than just “skill expression”, they were problematic. Stagger tech was out of the survivors control and relied on RNG, but if you got it you were nearly invincible in certain areas, no skill involved just straight up luck. Z Flick required you to modify your DPI mid game, that is clearly not intended and can’t even be used on controller or even certain mouses that don’t have a DPI button. Locker saves were again uncounterable and just made survivors near impossible to hook in certain situations and potentially hold the game hostage.
However techs like CJ and current Oni flick I think are okay to keep. They have a fair amount of counter play, they are predictable, and they require some skill to even pull off. They aren’t problematic and give some variety so they are better keep.
Flash bangs I don’t think are an exploit and more just how they work. I agree they need more counter play but I don’t think the ‘tech’ is the issue with them
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It being called a tech is irrelevant lol. “I call this the kill survivors tech.” Or maybe we can use the “repairing generators tech.”
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Yep, when the killer vaults the window you can time it right and run back through them the other way or use a map/key to do it and break collision ive been at this game since day once , when they run through you if you have a decent set of headphone on you'll absolutely hear it, if you're talking about the sliding window vault I really wouldn't call that a tech
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the point is: you shouldn´t just go to the other side, if you lost collision with him you have a lot of mind games to do, but just holding W will mostly be better anyways (mostly, not always)
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Literally just turn around for half a second after vaulting. I still have this habit from way back when it was more prevalent.
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There is not a single soul on this planet that calls holding W a "tech".
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Wesker 'Hug Tech' needs to removed as well and with it also the Oni's 180 flick.
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They set the precedent for removing techs for the sake of removing techs, so now I expect them to follow through. This means, that every tech no matter how much counterplay it might have has to be removed. Otherwise I can only call that a double standard.
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like pretty much everything else here
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Lol I agree ,I would say it always is better personally, holding w after a vault even if it's just to loop where you are already is always gonna be better than trying to window tech an experienced killer , that's a death sentence in this game, not only that but I imagine the killer would troll me for insulting their intelligence
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but I imagine the killer would troll me for insulting their intelligence
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Stop calling things like this techs and call them what they really are: using glitches that with any amount of scrutiny would show it was not what the developers intended.
I'm sure I'm not the first person to think this, but I've come up with a phrase every time I see a glitch-based tech: "It's a tech if it benefits the user, it's an exploit if it's used against them." Case and point: hug techs, oni flicks, Billy lopro techs. They're all exploiting bugged mechanics, but calling them techs "justifies" their use. It doesn't matter if there are counters to them or if it takes "skill" to perform them, abusing bugs is abusing bugs. Just because your car is physically allowed to go 120 mph doesn't mean it's legally allowed to do so, no matter how much you try to justify it.
I'm glad the devs are working to fix bugs like these, and they should continue to do so.
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If we remove all the techs, Dbd won't be Dbd. No one will want these gone if we had like a week of playing without them, I guarantee it.
So far none of these techs are game breaking or even remotely important compared to other aspects, imo. But please continue! Interesting to see what people think needs to be 'fixed.' I feel OP has been back and forth on the topic so maybe I'm misunderstanding.
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In my opinion, Wesker's hugtech and Billy's LoPro 180s should stay in the game because they have very high skill floors to get value out of. The way I see it, they're mostly for the style points, and going against killers that try to go for those rather than focusing on winning are a blast to go against and you gotta respect the gigabrain play they pulled off.
The thing with Blight's hugtech is that while it may have a high skill ceiling, it has a low skill floor to get value out of, and it's extremely straightforward compared to the ones mentioned while simultaneously having less counterplay than them.
I do think Blight's flicks are fine for the game though and is a good form of skill expression for both sides regarding counterplay and pulling them off.
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Just because they take "skill" to perform doesn't justify the fact that they are bugs and glitches. Wesker hug techs are not just for "style points." They allow you to get m2s in places where if they didn't exist, it would be impossible to do so based on the design of the power.
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have you ever heard of bhopping and surfing in CS games maybe?
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As long as they remove the CJ Tech/ Window crouch Tech and window tech from the survivors I’ll be fine removing them from the killers too. Also the dumb tech has to go.
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Yes I have. If Valve has said they don't mind them, then it's fine. Those aren't really comparable to wesker hug techs or oni flicks though.
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Window techs I agree with, CJ tech I disagree with because you're not exploiting any glitches or bugs. Knowing that vaulting a pallet prevents the killer from kicking it isn't a bug nor a glitch.
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You are actively abusing the fact that you can clip through the killer model to vault a pallet and force a pick up. Glitching through a model is in fact an exploit and needs to be removed. It should auto force the killer to grab/hit the survivor off the pallet mid vault instead of forcing the pick up. Just like the dumb tech abusing the same ability to glitch through the killer model to go behind them after vaulting a pallet. Literal text book definition of an exploit.
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If you read my post, you'd see that I agreed with you about the window tech.
I 100% disagree about CJ tech. The game shouldn't force a killer to do something they didn't intend to do because they can't stop spamming spacebar when they get pallet stunned. That is not an exploit.
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So even if it's not ruining the game, you want it gone? You're sounding like a grumpy old man fr
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If the devs want to fully adjust how animations work, sure. But how would you prevent a survivor from vaulting a pallet? If a killer is right next to it? Or would they just get stuck in front of the killer?
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Right, but nurse is still allowed to exist in her current state. Why is that? When only top tier blights were using hug tech, it isn't affecting the "average" survivor player. So why remove it?
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I think the solution there would be to either:
- Make it so there are different buttons to pick up and break a pallet
- Make it so a killer can break a pallet that a survivor is vaulting.
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I like the different keybinds option. It reminds me of how console survivors can't heal when someone is downed on a pallet because the game prioritizes the pallet throw, unless they rebind the button. I have no idea why they aren't separate by default.
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The fact dumb tech is on your list really tells me you haven't grown past that. Dumb tech is absolutely nothing but a risk for survivors. There is only benifit for the killer, or absolutely nothing happens. But the survivor gets nothing in return, except for maybe a laugh. Come on…
If you get CJ'd, learn. CJ isn't going anywhere, as its simply just the killer not paying attention. Learn and grow. As killer, you're the only one on your team. A solo'Q has to deal with the randoms, so learning and growing is a lot more arduous and time consuming for a survivor imo. So you got this! I have faith in you, Thighs! <333
Also…. 1v1 sometime? If you play huntress that is. She's easily the best to go against in a chase imo. :)