Question for Solo Q Survivors about Kindred


Hi all!

I've been playing DBD as a survivor for some time now, purely in solo Q as none of my friends play. Quite early on I discovered the magic of Kindred, and since my first use of it, I have almost never gone into a match without it. But when I see the perks that other survivors are using, most of the time I'm the only one running it.

On the rare occasion that I've tried running a build without it, I find it actually impossible to play.

By the way, I'm focusing on the teammate's aura side of the perk.

For the more experienced solo Q survivor players, how do you actually know when to go and unhook someone when you don't have kindred? I try to look at the survivor icons to see who is doing what, but this doesn't actually work so well. I end up leaving my gen and running across the map to unhook someone only to find that someone else has just got there ahead of me. With kindred, this almost never happens.

I'm just looking for tips on how to play without having kindred as my perma perk, leaving me only 3 other perks to experiment with different builds.


  • ImWinston
    ImWinston Member Posts: 171
    •  I try to look at the survivor icons to see who is doing what

    I do this, and in addition I check the injuried/healthy survivors and the number of hooks of each player. Then I check the attitude of the killer... if always proxycamping, the right thing is to go healthy/without hooks to make the save.

    If the killer doesn't camp hooks, paradoxically the safest thing to do is to go for unhook. In general I try to understand the killer's attitude and play according to his "rules". Obviously there are times you are forced to take risks, such as going for an unhook even if you are injured or in death hook. in short, with experience you develop a certain "game sense"

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,784

    I used Kindred for so long when I started playing, and I always said I'd never remove it. I think it's been a couple years now since I last used it. For me it was simply trying out new builds. I just started using other perks and eventually stopped equipping Kindred. I think it's an amazing perk for solo queue, but if you want to play without it I think just stop equipping it. You'll naturally adapt to the game without it. And game sense kicks in too. For example, if another team mate is on a gen and on death hook, and you have a hook state to spare, then it's probably best for you to go for the unhook. I still run into other survivors at times at hook, or the survivor gets unhook when I'm halfway there but that's just how the game goes sometimes lol

  • LegacySmikey
    LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 533

    I have 14,000 hours 60 / 40 survivor probably maybe 70 / 30 last few years.

    Only play solo.

    I play kindred in my main build but I also play all survivors in rotation using only adept perks so I play without kindred a lot!

    My general rules is if they're hooked across the map don't go for the save until you absolutely have to especially if your on a gen!

    If Killer is camping you wasted your time, if the killer isn't camping you've just run across the map throwing scratch marks out everywhere & odds are the killer knows where you are!

    & its just as likely you'll get meters away & they'll get saved anyway!

    Of course these days the hub helps a little if everyone is on gens the lowest progress should really be going for the save (unless their injured, on death hook or all the way across the map)

    Ultimately i'd still advocate the use of kindred but experimentation is fine hopefully you'll find something that works for you!

  • StereoGang
    StereoGang Member Posts: 75

    Depend what I'm doing, what the others are doing and how far I'm from the hook.

    If I see my to others teamates occupated (gen, chase), that's when I know they expect me to make the save.

    If one of them is doing nothing, you can suppose that he is going to the save, but its not always true. Usually, when I'm not sure, I try to see if the hooked survivor isn't getting too close to an other hook stage. If so, I'll go for the save just to make sure he is unhooked before that happen. Sometime, it's a missplay since someone else is coming, but it's still better than giving a free hookstage to the killer.

  • ExcelSword
    ExcelSword Member Posts: 451

    I like to do is take notice of gen progress. If I can pop my generator in less than 30 seconds, then I will prioritise that over going for the unhook. If I notice someone else has a gen about ready to go, but my gen is not nearly as far along, then I will go for the save.

    It usually is not a good idea to go for the unhook immediately. If you immediately run to the hook you run the risk of the killer interrupting you and then someone else has to unhook. Putting pressure on the killer and giving them reason to leave the hook is most important for survivors.

    As a note, I would rather 2 survivors come to unhook me at once then for nobody to come save me because they think someone is else is doing it. unless I am clearly getting camped.

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 420

    And if the hooked survivor raise arms quickly, it should mean 2 different things:

    • 'don't come for the safe unhook now, I'm camped !'

    OR (and it is very sensitive):

    • 'please, someone, come to unhook me, hurry up ! the killer is busy far away !'

    So, it is sometimes complicate to perfectly know when you have or you shouldn't try to unhook…

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,157

    as a killer main id say kindred is a good perk for solo and swf but much more so for solo and if you ever want any tips from a friendly killer main just type @09SHARKBOSS and ask away

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,072

    My big thing is trying to mentally keep track of my teammates and what they're doing. I usually won't go for a save unless I'm the best person to do it based on hook states, positioning, gen progress, etc. I don't have any hard rules about it, it's more of a feel thing.

    For instance, if I'm all the way across the map from the hook, there's almost no scenario where I'm the best candidate to make that save. If I'm close-ish, not about to pop a gen, and I see the chase indicator start on someone else, I go immediately. I'll be more aggressive with saves if everyone on my team has been hooked and I haven't been. Conversely, I'm not going to go for it unless I absolutely have to when I'm on death hook.

    There are dozens of permutations or scenarios about optimal hook saves. Experience is the best teacher on that type of thing. Don't be afraid to experiment a bit with different timings. But the big thing is paying attention to teammate health states, positioning (from what you can tell), and chase indicators+killer position. There are a lot of times when you can get the save, but fewer times where you should be the one doing it.