Just Learned This Redundant Detail About Knight

kosaba11 Member Posts: 119

Now, forgive me, I didn't play when the Knight came out - and I know this makes me late to the party. I stopped playing around the time Ghostface was being advertised, and only came back, very briefly, to buy Ash (Cause he's one of my favorite characters). I only recently came back because the Unknown chapter interested me. So, of course, for most of the original killers after Ghostface, I had no idea they existed.

Anyway, me and friend just realized, thanks to a YouTube video (cause I never saw anyone do this when I was facing the Knight), that you can grab the flag that the Knight's patrolmen put down to end the chase. Now, I know, this is common knowledge, but for me this was mind blowing. However, upon testing it… Boy is it redundant. Like, it's so much quicker and easier to either just loop the patrol dude if they spot you, or just take the hit. Like, it feels like they only added it to excuse how unfair the patrol ability can be. Granted, I've never personally struggled with the patrol - their A.I. is a little stupid. But still, the time it takes to become available, the fact you need to know exactly where the patrol guy was when he spotted you, and the fact you have to avoid getting hit while doing steps 1 and 2 just make the flag kind of redundant.

Really, I'm just curious how people feel about it, cause I personally see no point in the flag - unless another survivor can pick it up or something, it just seems pointless.


  • tenoresax
    tenoresax Member Posts: 796

    I wouldn't call 3 seconds of endurance and 50% extra speed pointless. It only takes 5 seconds for the standard to materialize with jailer and assassin and 10 seconds for carnifex. It is not that hard to loop the guards for that long to circle around for the flag. It'll make the guard hunt shorter and give you free speed towards whatever objective you choose to go after if it's just the guard chasing you. If Knight himself is also chasing then he's not pressuring anyone or anything else, and you can still get the flag in a good situation. Worst case scenario should be Knight hitting you himself since he can't body block the flag in a guard hunt.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Oh boy, you really missed it then how Killers complaint about it how strong it would be to grab the Flag. And as you have figured out yourself - it really isnt. The Flag does not have any point and I dont even know why the Devs implemented it. Probably some form of Counterplay, but it is so niche that it is really not worth it to even think about grabbing the flag.

    Not that I think it is a big issue or that the Flag should do more. But you are right when you call it pointless.

  • kosaba11
    kosaba11 Member Posts: 119

    Sure, but it's still redundant. Sure, if you know where the flag is, and can get to it, then by all means. But you can lose the patrolmen pretty easily without it, making it just… there. Hell, I didn't even know that flag existed till today. It's really only useful if you can find it before the hunt is over. And if you don't get it, then it's not that big a deal. Hence why I called it redundant. Escaping the patrol isn't hard, and in my experience, the Knight is usually nowhere around when I do oopsy into the patrol's sight.

  • kosaba11
    kosaba11 Member Posts: 119

    People really complained about it? Did I miss the golden age of the flag or something? Cause I can't imagine how such a niche thing would ever be a problem. I only discovered it today, and I've been back a month.

  • StereoGang
    StereoGang Member Posts: 93

    I don't think I have ever bothered going for the banner. When chased by jailer and assassin, I usually just hold W, even assassin won't catch up most of the time. Carniflex is more annoying as he chase you for 24 seconds, but the same "strategy work".

    It's probably less fun than going for the banner, but it's less risky. Considering the Knight himself is usually close by, you are also at risk of getting two tap if you mess up.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,227
    edited April 23

    My favorite thing is when my survivor model passes through the banner and nothing happens. Knight still needs some love. I'd play him if Map of the Realm wasn't mandatory for his power to function. But survivors can just outrun the detection zone with the base radius even if you're pinpoint accurate. Why not just play Spirit at that point?

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 829

    It's there to reward people who don't just excessively hold W.

    Will this make you stop holding W? No, but it's an option available to you.