Controversial Opinions

kosaba11 Member Posts: 119

We all have an opinion or two that would get us stoned by the community, so what's yours?

I'll start with a few:

Contrary to popular belief, the game feels more balanced towards the killers than the survivors. Like, in my experience, it's super easy to be a killer, but being the survivor takes way more effort.

Many of the maps are frankly either boring aesthetically, or just not fun to play on. Especially the maps that put the exit doors right next to each, making it way too easy for the killer.

Hag only has two good skins.

There are far too many useless mechanics in the game - from wiggling to the Knight's flag. Sure, they can help or work as intended in niche situations, but overall, pointless.

Slugging, tunneling, and camping, while they may not be bannable offenses, are clear signs of bad players. If you have to resort to any of those strategies, you don't get to act like you accomplished anything.

I have a few more, but that's it. So, what your controversial or unpopular opinion? Oh, and please don't argue too much - that's not the point of the thread.

EDIT: I have a few more to share, since I just thought of them.

Not only is Michael not a weak killer, he's extremely unfun to play against.

Chucky shouldn't be in third person, it makes it far too easy for him. I don't care how small he is.

Michael's Tombstone add-on should be removed from the game - it's unfair and unfun to play against.



  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243
    edited April 28

    I’ll die on the hill that The Huntress should’ve kept her hatchet holding speed buff and they could’ve just reworked shiny pin. People blew it out of the water like it made her above Nurse or something when it really didn’t. It definitely made her stronger but not unbeatable. It honestly felt nice being able to use my power at small rock loops and not be forced to M1 nearly as often. Still the killer who is punished the most for using their power and even more so when missing.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 894
    edited April 28

    Agree on the Hag skins, they look terrible.

    Also on the campin and tunneling. I do it only when I'm heavily losing and want to keep atleast some dignity with a kill or two.

  • D0NN1ED4RK0
    D0NN1ED4RK0 Member Posts: 803

    Firstly it’s that pyramid head’s cages and torment mechanic are fine as they are and they are easily avoided by not stepping on his trails and second is that release pyramid head was also fine outside of the fact that you could see cage auras

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    i agree on all your points except the first one.

    i think we have a bunch of killers that are to strong and that the ones you mainly see but there is big part of killers that are not strong and they get even weaker when you dont want or dont can play the meta perks.

    my take would be that the hatch is a old stupid mechanik that for no reason gives one survivor a way to escape even when there team failed to do there job. killers dont get something like that. just immagine if the killer could have a luck mechanic that if he stumble over a random spawn first one surv just gets sacreficed

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 844
    edited April 28

    They're not all that controversial tbh, but here are mine:

    Self-care with botany is a top tier perk combo.

    I may be biased (since they're my main), but facing The Legion really isn't that annoying. The most annoying Killer in my book is Ghost Face, yet he seems to be almost universally loved.

    Looping isn't the be all and end all. Stealthy play like walking around the map and keeping a low profile is an underrated and disrespected strategy (though of course, it's not always the right play).

    Noed can often feel unfair at times but that's OK. Doesn't mean it needs to be nerfed.

    Made For This wasn't so strong that it deserved what BHVR did to it. I can't remember the last time I saw anyone use this perk outside of a dedicated anti-tunnelling build.

    The DC penalty should be capped or removed.

  • powerpuffCheryl
    powerpuffCheryl Member Posts: 40

    Perks like Background Player and For the People are as uncounterable as Proxy Camping and Tunneling, while requiring more skill. If camping and tunneling are fine, then these "uncounterable" perks are also fine and don't need to be nerfed.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,169

    Mori Offerings should be removed from the game. The Killers will literally face camp so that you unhook yourself just so they can tunnel you for their stupid mori.

    A Mori could still be obtained through perks like Rancor and Devour Hope, but no more Offerings.

    I personally close out the game immidetley when I see the last Offering is a "secret"

    I've had enough Ghostface and Chuckys hit me on hook, intentionally activating face camp ,just to get their Mori.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,828

    Huntress isn't fun to play against.

    Ghostface isn't as weak as people say he is. He's no amazing but I think a lot of people underestimate him and only play him as stealth killer and avoid using his stalks.

    And my most controversial one - I don't think solo queue is as bad as people say. It's the weakest role for sure, but it's not anywhere near as impossible as people make it out to be. The biggest issue with solo queue is that so many people suck and have zero awareness and no matter how much you buff survivor they will still act this way.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    The game is a great game; it's the vocal minority which creates the illusion it's bad.

    Solo Q is nowhere near as bad as it's made out to be, and the people whining about their team mates are probably the actual weak link in the groups, not all other players as claimed.

    Perks should be nerfed and buffed as much on usage as their actual effectiveness, allowing for a greater switching of the meta. It's surprising how often it's said the meta needs shaking up, so long as they don't have their meta perks affected.

    Midwich is a good map. As a less controversial take, it's probably the one with the most love put into it.

    The Hillbilly in the Hawaiian top and beach shorts that seems to be every other Hillbilly trial has become a tedious cosmetic.

    Killers should never be entirely balanced to be similar strengths. I like the idea a killer like Trapper or Myers is effectively a "harder difficulty level" in terms of success and makes players work hatder to earn it.

    Tunnelling and slugging, whilst a fair part of the game, are not necessary to win at pubs level. The only time it's needed is maybe at competitive level.

    The idea that you need x perk or perks to win is rubbish. Too much weight is put on perks, when it's knowledge, experience, creativity and skill which are by far the 4 most important tools to have in your build.

    And finally, the most controversial one: Pyramid Head doesn't need a big booty - he's perfectly fine without it. :D

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited April 28

    All the exhaustion perks should be usable only once after a hook state (like dead hard) + one more time before being hooked at the start of the match.


  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    I agree with the Ghostface thing, one of the most annoying killers to play against.

    You have to be turning the camera all the time to avoid being marked and a lot of times when you spot him is too late and you are marked anyway. In closed maps he is directly unbearable.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,236
    edited April 28

    Gen speed perks shouldn't exist and the game should be balanced around 80 second gens.

    The blind window needs to be reverted. It punishes players with good ping

  • CarlAlc7
    CarlAlc7 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 90

    You'll learn to deal with them just like killers deal with Eyrie/Badham/Garden of Joy/etc. offerings.

  • BubMickey07
    BubMickey07 Member Posts: 312


    Old ruin was so much better and I don't think it was broken it was very balanced


    Noed isn't op at all especially rn where you see the totems aura once it's been revealed


    Bloodpoints are extremely easy to obtain and people that complain about then are just finding something to complain about


    Micheal Myers is fun to play against but not fun to play as (don't know if that's controversial) and he doesn't get nearly as much love as he should


    Resident evil doesn't get as much love as it should

    That's all I got for now

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478
    edited April 28

    The community really isnt that toxic

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    But if they just hooked you again itd have the same outcome?

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,169

    Rephrase the question please. I'm lost as to what you're asking.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    I’ve never found hillbilly fun to play against really

  • Depressedlegion
    Depressedlegion Member Posts: 326
    1. eyrie of crows isn't that bad
    2. Dredge is a good killer
    3. Deliverance isn't as good as people make it to be

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,014

    i will never understand why survivors would send themselves to a farm map knowing u can get rancid abattoir. Haddonfield is still a deadzone in the street but they move the building closer so u can enter them easier. Most of the pallets that got added was fluff. The two terribly weak edge map pallets by the hedges, the horrible meme pallet inside one of the houses, and ok pallet in kitchen of one of the houses. Overall the map is nightmare now when going against an high mobility killer. With that being said the map way better compare to the former. The infinite double windows houses was just free

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Old Tinkerer was a unique perk that could have worked if the numbers were tuned down again and worked differently for each killer.

    I had a different take on this in the past, but Blight's J-flick was healthy for the game and was great form of skill expression.

    This one is extremely personal: balancing DBD to the brim took away a lot of fun in this game.


  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    So a mori can only be used on second hook, meaning at that point why care about the mori? Even without a mori they can still do the exact same thing but hook you instead.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,169
    edited April 28

    Ah, I see your point now, thank you.

    The playstyle you are talking about I do not mind (hooking) because it is a valid, although slightly annoying way to win the match.

    The Mori offering players that I used to go against, just wanted the thrill of watching the stupid animation and after a while I said enough was enough.

    If you are literally queuing up just to throw a game to watch a mori, I'm not interested in playing.

    The mori offerings are essentially a red flag that the Killer will tunnel but my experience became much worse after AFC was introduced as they could camp you without having to rely on another Survivor unhooking you.

    At first, I would just hang there and let my teammates do gens and let go right after they finished but it just started happening so much that I decided to close and restart the game to avoid it.

    I despise the Mori offering so much that I have never used one ever as Killer in 4 years.

    And during the anniversary events?! When I saw a secret Killer offering, I would always DC at offering screen! Even before AFC Mori issue.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    its sad that you have this expirience with moris. as a killer main i love them they just hit diffrent then just hooking a survivor the third time. and i personally think the two perks that allow me to mori are just not good. moris should just be a basekit thing the killer can do if they want to

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,169

    Wasn't that something they were going to test in a PTB? I wouldn't mind that as much if certain criteria had to be met. But the offerings are gone once the game is over which puts pressure on the Killer not to waste it.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 282

    Here's a few unique ones:

    1 - Billy's roar when chainsaw sprinting is a good thing and indicative of good game design as it adds a sound cue to telegraph the attack, allowing better counterplay.

    2 - On a similar note to 1, not necessarily unpopular but I've never heard someone else talk about it, Blight makes noises passively, one of them is the same sound he makes when rushing, this should be changed/removed as the sounds he makes when starting a rush should be exclusive to that and not play randomly while blight is walking or standing still

    3 - Especially after huntress was buffed, none of her add-ons should decrease hatchet wind-up time or hatchet throw cooldown.

    Here are a few less unique ones but still somewhat controversial:

    1 - Basekit blight is balanced and a great staple for what a strong killer should be

    2 - Wesker's infection needs some sort of change regarding tunneling off hook

    3 - Basekit BT should apply to saves from Pyramid Head's cages

  • Unusedkillername
    Unusedkillername Member Posts: 215

    I have so many but I'm cutting it down to a sample

    -The devs deserve no criticism for bad changes on PTBs that don't make it through. We all react to stupid changes when we hear them but just by using the PTB properly they are better than a lot of other game devs and I think I and a lot of people here probably should acknowledge that.

    -The average killer player is significantly better at the game than the average survivor party because they are not spending 75% of their games doing gens partly just because suv attracts worse players because they don't shoulder all the responsibility for their team while for bad killers its sink or swim get better or get bullied.

    -If you are consistently playing weak easy killers with bad builds and then complaining about SWFs stomping you get over it and play something better you knew you were queuing up for a chance this may happen.

    -Solo Q is not as bad as most of the community makes it out to be, yea its better to be stacked but I've seen players say that nerfing some broken perks would be the death of Solo Q and I don't think we can just pander to all the solo q only suvs and have a healthy game at the same time

    -also, most people who cry about their solo q teammates need to get over themselves and accept that they are going to play with both better and worse players than themselves when they Q up.

    -This game has always been survivor sided and anyone who says otherwise is just wrong. But this is ok because survivors need to play with each other in mind killers just need to lean forward and lock it in to compete.

    -Sending the killer to maps that are broken as a survivor and then abusing it with broken builds so the killer can do very little is the equivalent of the killer running a broken killer with a full meta build and making it so the survivors have no agency.

    -The existence of the hook system and basement shows that camping is inherently part of DBD so deal with it

    -however I would be fine if the basement did not exist.

    -Most players that cry about techs just do it because they can't perform them, nobody wants to see things like window techs/CJ techs or most of Wesker's techs removed from the game so outside of the egregious stuff where you have to mess with your DPI or framerate none should be touched and some players should bet told git gud.

    -Pretty much no killers need any base kit balancing most of the issues with some killers come from individual add-ons.

    -Pop and Pain res are way too strong and should be massively nerfed. We cannot expect to see any form of perk variety when every killer is running one of them I don't care if it hurts for a while the game has been balanced on the assumption they are being run and it sucks.

    -Also even then regression perks should have a system like exhaustion to prevent them from being stacked forever.

    -DS never needed its recent buff. It was hard meta for years and DS being a shadow of its former self after all of its nerfs was still way better than 90% of the perks available the people complaining about it being useless were just bad.

    -Exhaustion perks are OP, there is a reason every good build has one forced in.

    -I don't care about other players using filters to get an edge and people complaining about them should just get over it. They still got to chase and down me or run me for x amount of time. Good luck with that :)

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,574

    Red Forest and Haddonfield are a touch too small now. Temple of Purgation certainly didn’t need a size reduction.

    Many people have gotten used to perks being blatantly overpowered.

    Lights Out was the most fun I had in DbD in years. Perkless vs Perkless is great, actually. But boy did it demonstrate how stupidly effective tunnelling is.

    Not everything is to be balanced. Some balance takes lose sight of the fact that games are boring as hell when you get rid of everything that makes it unique. Getting rid of hooks? Kills a major part of DbD’s identity.

    The fun has already been optimised out of the game for a rather large amount of players. Many players have left outright, and many others are still playing while clearly not enjoying it.

    Many crow charms are not strictly anatomically correct. But creative license ‘n all.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    No Mither could be removed from the game. It's done mostly for challenges (which isn't fun for the person doing the challenge or their teammates), sometimes to troll the Killer and exploit bad hook placement with SWFs, Exponentially, etc or a very few times done for an extra difficulty setting or as a meme with Resilience, etc. Alternatively, replace all Tome Challenges involving No Mither with something else and let No Mither users pick themselves up once.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,527

    Aesthetically the Withered Isles are the best maps. Then Yamaoka.

  • JeanGreyarea
    JeanGreyarea Member Posts: 498

    ada and Rebecca should not have been their own survivors. They should have been legendary skins

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,527

    horrible meme pallet inside one of the houses

    Really? I thought you knew that it was actually the most powerful pallet in the game. Just like the other two you told me about.

  • SolidRazo
    SolidRazo Member Posts: 106

    shouldn’t be controversial but

    Flashlight and Flashbang aren’t overpowered their literally part of the game and it’s on you to be mindful of these tools and their effective-ness I Guarantee the people who say “flashlight/flashbang need nerfs, and the blind window should be reverted” don’t play survivor and aren’t really good killer players either. If you get caught out and blinded that’s on you, wanting the window to be after the killer animation is over is dumb since it doesn’t solve anything you would still get blind saved anyway lol it just makes the mechanic needlessly harder. it’s easy for me to do but I myself was once a new player and flashlight blinds were very tricky at first, the extended blind window gives wiggle room and leeway to newer players and players who just ever so slightly miss the timing which felt bad it’s like killers and hooks where when a survivor wiggle meter is basically finished but the hook prompt popped up for killer so you dont escape it’s whatever because he made it and earned the hook same way with flashlight and flash bang blinds if they pulled it off then the survivor earned it

  • caligraph
    caligraph Member Posts: 359

    nurse DOES have effective counterplay and has mediocre map traversal unless its an indoor/double floored map. they should bring back stun-fatigue and lightburn though, she could def use more…

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,014

    hahaha. it definitely on the power level of that one rpd pallet across from locker room and the upstair Hawkins pallet. You're right though I truly forgotten my ways...It undeed a god pallet if u know how to time it!!

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    yeah they tested it but it wasnt good since they wanted it to be a finisher kinda deal where it auto playd the second every living surv was down and without a way to get up again so it turned into a how fast can i slug game cause that naturally was the best and fastest way to win.

    they should just make it basekit that you can mori a survivor when he is on death hook. the surv would die anyway so nothing changes exept the killer can get the animation and technically they could avoid a safe with it but they also loose out on any perks that realte to hooking wich should be fair

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,169

    I really prefer the sacrifice. Even as Killer, I have no desire to mori and have only done it for daily rituals using Rancor.

    There should be more criteria than just 2 hooks. Every Killer should be different.

    I'm cool with getting killed by hand by Pyramid Head and Onyro.

    I think every Killer needs to earn it though, in my opinion.

    NODD3RS Member Posts: 150
    edited April 29
    • Pls stop tilt queueing and just play a different game instead of bming/ dcing

    • if comp dbd actually had incentives like sponsored events by behaviour (actual money not shards and happening more than once a year) some of the best teams would be dethroned because (new) players would actually have a reason to improve at comp. Seeing the same 3 teams win over and over again is not that interesting

    • old macmillan/ coldwin maps were the best visually. I liked how atmospheric they were, and how they fit the horror theme of dbd. Although a lot of the new maps are beautiful, they feel too polished and manufactured, not really that scary.

    • New maps feel terribly balanced and it feels like the map creators have no idea what theyre doing

    • Removing skill from the dbd( ill use flashlights as an example) is terrible. For instance, flashlights had specific timing, and if you were too early or late, you could not blind someone off the killer’s shoulder. Bhvr removed the timing, now you can blind whenever and still get the flashlight save. They also removed positioning for flashlights with the introduction of background player.

  • JustAShadow
    JustAShadow Member Posts: 170

    Distortion is unhealthy for the game and is one of the main reasons why we are in a quad slowdown meta currently.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 829

    Old pain res was better.