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Oni Hot Take

NovaKane Member Posts: 96

When Oni swings at me during his power and I pallet stun him…the pallet won't break, but I'll still go down. Every Oni main knows that this is something that consistently occurs. I feel that a pallet stun should make him lose his power.

This change will still keep Oni as a top 5 or so killer given how fast Oni gets his power back once he's injured his 1st survivor.

I know killer mains will hate this, but I think it's reasonable


  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 508

    this will do nothing but gut the already rare killer in Oni himself learn how to loop him, fake going to the pallet, don’t camp the pallet…

  • JustAShadow
    JustAShadow Member Posts: 165

    Have you ever played Oni? Because if you ever did, you would know that this is a horrible change which will force the Oni player to stop in front of every pallet and either give survivor free distance or risk losing the power and become an m1 killer for an indefinite amount of time.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Play bunch of oni matches yourself, he don't gain power fast at all

    I'm pretty sure any good survivor mains would also hate this, because they often loves going against CURRENT oni

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    Oni would be a D tier killer if a pallet stun removed his power that relies on survivors to already misplay by giving him hits

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,881

    Thats just normal DBD things… The pallet when thrown doesn't instantly have a "stun box" it takes a few frames of start up. Meaning you can get hit when dropping a pallet. Also if an oni is going for you just stick around lockers and enter it whenever you're about to go down to force him out of power.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 282

    I don't think stun losing power is a good idea, given the condition to achieve the power, this would make gameplay involving pallets a bit too tilted in the survivor's favor. It works on plague because despite the limited power usages, plague has a benefit if she never uses her power (permanent injury + loud noises) while Oni is M1, plus Plague's power is ranged to play around undropped pallets while Oni has less counterplay.

    I think what Oni needs is his exploit flick that you can't do on console (>90 degrees) removed and also adjusting the hitbox, as is when you flick the hitbox transfers through the entire flick instead of just landing where Oni is actually slamming his club, Coconut made a video on this I think

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,014

    That applies to a lot of killers' powers as much as it applies to M1s.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,469

    This applies almost universally, his just happens to be an instant down

    Other kills who this happens to and instant down




    Its just timing of the interaction