What killer should i buy first?


Im playing my first games and im really enjoying this so far. Both sides, but specially killer, so im going to buy one or two.

Im thinking about something simple and enjoyable, but with perks i can potentially use in other killers, and im seriously considering clown and/or trickster. They seem simple, fun, and have good perks.

Should i go clown, should i get trickster? Or would you recommend me a different killer?


  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 743

    I like Trickster because throwing a bunch of knives is fun. Clown arguably has better perks as Pop is a staple of most killer builds and bamboozle is really a must run on chainsaw killers. The Most fun killers for me are Huntress, Trickster, Blight and Wesker. Although Hunty has some of the worst perks in the game she is free lol. Trickster is pretty simple and has some fun add ons like Trickblades which can be very fun to use. Wesker has pretty bad pros too but using the virulent bounds to pick up and throw survivors is always fun. You could always use real money to buy the licensed characters because that’s the only way you can get them and just grind up for IRI shards to get the original killers for free.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,394

    if you’re on console I would definitely recommend going Clown before Trickster. Better perks and way easier to use on controller. But ultimately you should pick whoever you want the most and think you’ll enjoy more.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,114

    Pig. She is so OP that bhvr has to keep nerfing her.

    Really though, watch so videos on each killer and choose the one that interest you the most.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 684

    Nemesis is a great purchase specifically for Lethal Pursuer. It has great snowball energy and synergizes with several perks and add ons.

    PerPersonally, I love Sadako. She has good perks that while not S Tier are useful in most games, and I rnjoy her playstyle. Just dont focus on condemns and instead try and use her teleports strategically.

    Clown do have that belly doh

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 638

    in terms of Fun: Trickster for knife spam. Clown for slows and funny laughs. Hillybilly for SPEED. Blight to be a pinball. Leatherface for instant downs and pallet eating very good perks too. Chucky for small but deadly also to ######### talk.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,924

    I would recommend Artist. She has a perk called "Scourge hook: Pain resonance and another perk called "Grim embrace". these two perk are usable on every single killer in the game.

    Gameplay wise, Choose whatever killer you like playing. I'd choose Chucky or Wesker.

  • Tzimiscelord
    Tzimiscelord Member Posts: 103

    Thanks for all the answers!